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Are the Anunnaki Coming Back?

I don’t know how many of you out there watch Ancient Aliens, but if you do you know who the Anunnaki are. If you don’t I’ll tell you, they were the ancient Sumerian gods. According to the ancient alien theory they were really aliens who basically ruled the earth. As most of you know by now I like unusual stuff and what I am about to tell you is certainly unusual and one has to wonder if the person telling us this story, not me, was somehow influenced by the show to think what he was saying was true. Anyway, let me tell you about the story which is making its way around the internet. I say story because I have seen absolutely no proof what it states is true. A man who is supposed to have connections with the Pentagon was interviewed and he said these ancient aliens are coming back to earth and the word is getting all around the Pentagon. He said they will be going back to the area around Syria. This is getting hard for me to type because it sounds so ridiculous but I will proceed.

There is one Anunnaki who was named Ea and supposedly that is where the name of our planet earth comes from. There is speculation some of the UFO sightings are a sort of an advanced wave of Anunnaki ships which are harbingers of what is to come. Here is one of the best parts to this. Supposedly a non-existent star was placed on star charts to hide the fact it is some sort of stationary spaceship. I guess the astronomers of the world were never curious about a new star appearing because we have heard nothing about this. The old saw is being cited in this tale which is the government is hiding these facts because it is afraid if we learn they are coming society might collapse. I personally am getting very tired of hearing this.

There are all sorts of things cited to try and get us to believe in this stuff and not the least of it is the pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye on the back of our dollar. It is being cited as a symbol of the fact the Anunnaki are either watching us or controlling our economy for some reason. It is said they created us to mine their gold but we revolted. The reality of all this is so far it is only a story without proof and yet it is a fascinating one which interests some people. Many of the world’s religions have become okay with the fact aliens may exist and claim it doesn’t change any of their beliefs and yet supposedly the Anunnaki created us according to what is being said. I would think that would change everything if it were true.

One of my favorite types of UFO sightings happens when somehow a UFO is caught on video while an event or show is being filmed. This seems to happen more than one would think. On June 14, 2018 a newscast was being filmed in Buffalo, N.Y. While the newscast was going on a UFO can be seen in the background racing across the sky to the shock of the newscasters. A meteorologist named Andy Parker was showing people the night sky on SkyWatch7 at the time. I can’t see the UFO in the video but the people giving the broadcast clearly saw it because they talked about it. Below is the address of the video. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links.

A video was made by a man in Manitoba, Canada. The video was so convincing it made it onto News Winnipeg which showed it. The newscasters stated sightings there are on the rise which is contrary to what we have been led to believe by statements saying UFO sightings are declining. The video is interesting so I have included the address below. You can copy and paste it into your browser’s address area.
An astronomer stated that most of these sightings can be explained but he believes some of them might actually be UFOs. He also says UFO sightings have increased in Canada over the years and about 15% can’t be explained.

I have to ask a question which hasn’t been answered by anyone in a position of authority. We are told UFOs pose no danger and also told they can be explained and are not alien ships and we shouldn’t worry about them, yet many planes have had close calls with UFOs getting too near or almost flying into them. Isn’t this a danger to aviation? If we have a danger to aviation shouldn’t we be doing something about it to make the skies safer for air travel? It seems we are not, which indicates to me we really don’t want to take on UFOs. I am not saying we should since they clearly would be far ahead of us in technology and we probably wouldn’t have a chance against them, I am just saying doesn’t this seem like an admission they exist? In the early years of UFO sightings, it seems we did try and shoot them down and paid dearly for this attempt, so did we learn our lesson and is that why we now leave them alone?

One of the most mysterious cases in Canadian UFO history is the Falcon Lake event of 1967. A man named Stefan Michalak was prospecting near the lake when he saw two glowing objects hovering ahead of him. One took off and the other landed near him. Michalak said the craft had a diameter of about 35 feet and had a very bright glow. Suddenly the craft took off and the force of this knocked the man off his feet. The poor guy became very sick and went to several doctors but they couldn’t find anything wrong with him even though he had headaches, was losing weight, blackouts, diarrhea and other symptoms. Many months passed and he noticed a series of dots appearing on his chest. He was told to go to the Mayo Clinic in hopes they could solve his problem. When his doctor contacts the Mayo Clinic he was told they know nothing about Mr. Michalak and never saw him. Michalak had been examined by many scientists, doctors for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, doctors for the Royal Canadian Air Force, doctors for the Federal Department of Health and Welfare and yet no one was able to find out what was causing his medical problems. Michalak died in 1999 at the age of 83 years so I guess the event didn’t affect his life expectancy.

The police went to the area where Michalak said he saw the craft which took off and here is what they found. A semicircle was visible on the rock face when Michalak stated the craft landed and took off. Traces of radiation were found in the area. It only existed in the center of the circle and didn’t spread to the outer areas. The radiation came from radium 226 a naturally occurring isotope which is in wide use. The case was classified as unsolved.

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