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More About UFOs

For years we have been hearing the amount of UFO sightings has been increasing. Indeed I have mentioned this myself many times but now there is a report which states UFO sightings are decreasing. What are we to think? Is the report just another piece of disinformation? Are reports of UFOs tapering off but people are still seeing them or are there really less UFOs in the sky? I look at things this way; most of the things people reported as being UFOs were not. The percentage of UFOs seen seems to be around 8 percent and the rest of the sightings are attributed to many other things such as advanced aircraft, cloud formations and such. Maybe the amount of UFOs seen is still the same and maybe what isn’t are the other things which used to get reported because witnesses are getting more sophisticated.  We have been hearing of late some new U.S. military planes may have the ability to become invisible so these could account for the lower numbers.

Over the years there have been quite a few reports of a type of UFO which reminds me of a flying cruise ship. I say this because it has been described by several different witnesses as looking like a cylinder with large windows all along the side. There have even been some reports which state when this ship was seen there were beings looking out the windows like tourists. Could our planet have become a tourist attraction for advanced aliens? A ship like this was seen in the late 1940s by a member of the ground crew on a military base and not long after two pilots in fighter planes had to get out of the way of this craft. I seem to recall this type of craft being reported during the time of the great airship sightings just before the invention of the airplane and zeppelin. The military of course gave the old weather balloon excuse.

Remember the famous Rendlesham Forest case where a UFO landed in front of a group of U.S. Air Force personnel? It was also known as the Bentwaters case. After all these years there is a new wrinkle in the case. A retired Air Force Colonel said two of the airmen who were involved were Staff Sargent Jim Penniston and Airman John Burroughs. It is said there is a secret video tape which the Deputy base commander Charles Halt can be heard saying he thought that Burroughs may have been abducted because he couldn’t account for lost time. This is quite usual for alien abduction cases. Is there more to this case than first realized which was crazy enough with Penniston touching the exterior of the UFO and having a flood of data go into his brain which he later recalled completely even though it was pages of numbers. The Sun newspaper claims to have a copy of the video. The following is a copy of the address of the video. It shows Halt years later walking through the area talking about lost time.
You can copy and paste the address into your web browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live outside links.

A video appeared which pertains to a comet 67P. An email stated it was from an ESA employee who stayed anonymous. It continues by saying this comet is not a comet and was giving out radio bursts. It was noticed the so called comet was able to change course at will. Rosetta took photos of the object and it can easily be seen to contain mechanical parts on the outside. A round object can easily be seen on the surface when the photo is enlarged and the area can be seen where it was airbrushed out. There is also what looks like a building complex which was later airbrushed. Below is the address of the video.
You can copy and paste this address into your browsers address area.

The telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawaii recorded a cylindrical object entering the Earth’s atmosphere in 2014. It is truly a cigar shaped object. I thought it could have been a streak from a meteorite heading our way but the claim is it is actually a solid object and if we look at the trail behind it that does seem to be vaporous which makes the object look solid. The video also talks about the fact a plane was flying high above the island and at a certain angle it might have looked like a cigar shaped craft. You can decide for yourself the address of the video is below.

A lady kept a secret from her family and when she reached the age of 73 years she decided to tell her daughter the secret. I guess she thought telling the secret to them would make her look stupid but at 73 years old she didn’t care anymore. She had seen a UFO in 1939 when she was a young girl living in the Midwest. She had gotten up early in the morning and when she looked out her window she noticed something large and black but she couldn’t make the shape out. It made no sound. You have to wonder how many people see UFOs and keep it to themselves for fear of ridicule.

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