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When UFOs Attack

UFOs seem to be everywhere but most of the time they are just either putting on a show or don’t care who sees them and why not, they have the technological edge on us so there is really not much we can do to them. We might feel the same way some day as we send out our ships in the future to observe lesser developed races. Generally, UFOs are no really perceived as a threat but more of a curiosity but that is not always true and there are exceptions. There are UFOs which have said to have retaliated against us when we tried to shoot them down by taking down civilian airliners. This has been the word whispered around government circles and by UFO investigators. For years there were shoot orders issued against UFOs but the story goes after we stopped trying to shoot them down the downing of civilian airliners stopped.

I would like to retell the story of an event in the Vietnam War which was very bizarre to say the least. It involved patrol boats from the US which were on one of the rivers at the time. One was following the other. As the first patrol boat was cruising along it spotted a UFO ahead of it. The story I heard was the patrol boat opened fire on the UFO and somehow the UFO caught the munitions and fired them back at the patrol boat destroying it. The US would routinely fire at lights in the sky since the North Vietnamese had helicopters. The next thing that happened was said to have been covered up and called a friendly fire incident. It involved the Hobart, an Australian warship. It is said it was hit by a missile which had been captured by a UFO when it was shot at it and then reshot at the Hobart by the UFO which damaged the ship.

It is said there is a declassified CIA report which proves the Russians were able to shoot down a UFO but then the aliens were able to kill the Russians. It is said the aliens had some sort of weapon which allowed them to turn the Russians into stone. It is also said the weapons which were used shot a ball of light and the stone was the end result. The report is said to have been created on March 27, 1993. Many KGB files were gathered by the CIA after Gorbachev lost power in 1991. Supposedly the UFO was brought down by a surface to air missile. When it landed five aliens got out. They were described as being humanoids with large heads and large black eyes. Sound familiar? The five aliens then somehow merged into a bright ball of light which exploded killing the soldiers. There were two survivors who were in a shaded area.

In 1977 Operation Saucer was an investigation formed to look into reports that UFO were shooting beams of light at people in Colares, a city in Brazil. The beams were said to be harming people. Most of the beams caused punctures, burns and lesions. It is said the white beams would hit people who then tried to scream but were incapable of making a sound. The beams also caused reddening of the skin which resembled exposure to radiation. Their skin would blacken over time and hair would fall out. The locals called the saucers “chupa-chupa.” Some of the people saw the occupants of the UFOs and described them as being about 3-4 feet tall. A 2,000-page report was created and it is said there was film documenting the events and also over 500 photographs. The investigation had been kept secret until some pages were released in 2004.

There are plenty of videos showing UFOs attacking but that is just what they are videos. It is hard to accept any of them as being genuine as it has become so easy to fake this stuff. One story which also shows a video claims UFOs have attacked a Taliban camp in Afghanistan and it was reported in the New York Daily News. When one analyzes the pictures, the attack looks a lot like a conventional bombing run except for the UFO in the sky and seems to show the lower part of a video with a UFO added in the top to make it look like the UFO was responsible for the explosions.

It an old story but it has to do with UFO attacks in 1561 in the skies above Nuremberg, Germany. This time it was two opposing forces attacking each other. A famous woodcut was made of the battle. It was described as an aerial battle between large cylindrical shapes. Supposedly these shapes shot out black, red, orange and blue-white spheres. The woodcut was made by Hans Glaser and the event had been reported in the news at the time.

I would be remiss if I didn’t retell the story about Operation Highjump. Right after World War II a naval force was put together under the control of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd. There were 4,700 troops from several countries including the U.S., Britain and Australia. There were also 13 ships and 33 aircraft. They were all heading to the Antarctic. Supposedly they were going to test equipment, see if bases were feasible and do several other things but many say their real purpose was to look for Nazi bases. It is said when the convoy got there a couple of UFOs flew up from a hole and did a lot of damage to the fleet. They were so fast all the fleet weapons including the planes were helpless against them. There were some deaths and it is said the fleet left for home since there was nothing they could do to combat the UFOs. Byrd’s diary had not been allowed to be seen by the public and of course everything I told you has been denied.

It is true for the amount of times UFOs have been reported in the skies verses the amount of times they have been said to have attacked, we would have to consider them mostly peaceful. If we hadn’t fired on them there may not have been any attacks at all, who knows. There are those who say we still fire on them in exceptional cases, but I don’t know if this is true. I would hope it is not.

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