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Aliens Could Be All Around Us

Every once in a while, you will see someone being accused of being an alien. I am not talking about being from another country but being an extraterrestrial. I remember a video which purported to be of one of Obama’s Secret Service protectors showing he had changed for a second into a reptilian while Obama was making a public speech in front of a large audience. There are a lot of people who believe there are aliens among us and some of that group openly express their opinions that extraterrestrials are running the government. They even go so far as to claim extraterrestrials helped the Germans in World War II and state this is the reason the Germans got so far ahead of everyone else in technology. It has been estimated the number of the American people who believe these things is about 12 million. We have to remember we have a large population of about 330 million so we are talking about 3.5 percent, however 12 of anything is a lot of something.

If we take the 12 million people figure and compare it to the amount of people who believe extraterrestrials are on earth we would probably get a number of between 25-45 million people. Taking this a step further if we check to see how many people believe intelligent alien life exists, we would get a number somewhere around 54 percent. I am not making this number up, it comes from a survey by Newsday in 2015. We are talking about 178 million Americans. Even NASA scientists think we will find alien life by 2025 but they are hedging their bets by saying it will most likely be microbial. This is their public statement, but it would be interesting to know what they think when they are not in the public eye.

A former Pentagon UFO Investigator being freed from the confining rules that exist there decided to come out and say what he really thought about things. He said something the majority of the rest of us thought and it is only common sense and that is aliens from other planets may exist. He said “My personal belief is that there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone." I have spoken about him before, he name is Luis Elizondo the man who managed the Pentagon Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program. I imagine the same thing happened which has happened to others in the past who have been told to investigate UFOs. They started out being skeptics, but the overwhelming amount of evidence which seems to prove at least some UFOs are not from this planet convinced them to become believers.

My favorite example of this was J Allen Heinich. He was an astronomer and physicist and completely a skeptic of UFOs being from another planet. He was appointed by the US Air Force to debunk UFO sightings under the auspices of Project Blue Book. For years he made up all sorts of excuses for sightings even using the famous “swamp gas” excuse. As years went by he became convinced many of these people did see something out of this world and in the end, he even opened his own group to study the UFOs. I thought it was interesting that he had appeared on television on an old but famous game show called “What’s My Line in 1964.” The following is the address of the show.
You can copy and paste this address into your browser’s area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links. There is a coincidence to his appearance on this program. One regular on What’s My Line was Dorothy Kilgallen. She wasn’t on the show when Heinich was on, but this is not the coincidence. The Coincidence is she was said to die from an apparent alcohol and barbiturate overdose, but many say she was murdered. She was a reporter and investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and many believe she got too close. Notice the method used to take her life. Does it sound familiar? It should if we look into the death of Marilyn Monroe. Some have said she might have also been connected into probing into the UFO situation and this is what really got her killed. The same had been said about President Kennedy by some.

If NASA didn’t think it was possible extraterrestrials existed or they if they did they were only microbial life, why did NASA send Voyager out into space with a golden record showing our location and biology among other things. Who would be there to read it? This was sent out before scientists stated publicly aliens must exist or might exist. The first Voyager space probe, Voyager 1 ironically was launched two weeks after Voyager 2. Both were launched in 1977. NASA must have had a reason to suspect there was alien life and the chances are they just kept it a secret. Perhaps the Apollo astronauts had seen it either on their way to the moon or on the moon as many suspect.

 Are we being watched by extraterrestrials? Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer has been saying it for years to anyone who would listen. He states there are many different races visiting our planet. His story has been backed up by many former government officials and government contractors who have testified before the Discovery Project at the Press Club in Washington, D.C. Why would so many reputable people stick their necks out by saying these things if they weren’t true? Some claim to have even worked with extraterrestrials on projects sponsored by the US Government.

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