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Witnesses to UFO Sightings

A pilot from Abilene witnessed a UFO. He was contacted by the control tower who told him an aircraft which was in front of him had seen and reported something and the tower wanted to know if he had seen anything while he was flying. Now get this, they said the first plane saw a UFO flying over of all places Roswell New Mexico. I don’t think I have to explain the significance of this. The pilot was flying a commercial aircraft at the time and the sighting was on February 24, 2018. Is Roswell still a hot spot for UFOs after all these years or are there so many UFOs in the skies they are apt to be seen everywhere? He told the tower he didn’t know what it was but he had seen it about 2,000 to 3,000 feet above them when it passed over the plane he was flying. He described the object as being very bright and not looking anything like an airplane. He stated that no matter what type of airplane one sees, it will have wings. This pilot is a retired US Airforce B-1 pilot.

We found out the Pentagon had a secret program to identify UFOs and enemy aircraft, but I wonder how many know so did Canada? It was called Project Magnet. The Canadians wanted to know what people were seeing in the skies over their country and who could blame them. They had cataloged many sightings but stated there was no solid proof the sightings were of extraterrestrial craft. A suggestion was made in 1950 to have the Department of Transportation study these sightings. The project was the brainchild of Wilbert B. Smith who worked in that department as an engineer. It has been acknowledged he was very interested in UFOs. Smith once said, “It appears then, that we are faced with a substantial probability of the real existence of extra-terrestrial vehicles, regardless of whether or not they fit into our scheme of things.”

Sometimes people who have kept quiet about sightings of UFOs they saw reach the age where they believe it doesn’t matter what others think anymore, or what oaths might bind them. They come clean about what they saw. Sometimes it is on their deathbed and sometimes not. A former Royal Air Force officer who served in World War II has come clean about what he saw. He stated he had seen a triangular UFO hovering over Borehamwood in Great Britain. After he had finished serving in the air force he served in the Ministry of Defense until 1977. Even at this late date for him he still wanted to remain anonymous. He was not flying when he saw the UFO, he was in a friend’s garden at the time. He said there was no aircraft in the world which had a shape of the one he saw.

As a helicopter was flying along it got passed by a strange looking disc shaped object. This is the traditional shape of a UFO. It is said the object was a silver color and flying in a south-western direction over the coast of France. Photos were taken of the object as it flew past the military helicopter. A second UFO then passed the helicopter. The event happened in 2014 but was kept secret. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of sightings which have taken place over the years which have not been reported especially when they were witnessed by commercial pilots and military personal. Not only would it have been and still is a hassle, it puts into doubt the credibility of the witness by the authority he or she works for. No pilot wants to be grounded and no one in the military wants to go to their commanding officer and say they saw a UFO. It could be a career damaging event.

One thing which has been happening a lot is people using Google Earth and claiming they have found proof of either UFOs or mysterious objects. Google Earth uses a series of satellite photos which cover the entire planet and sometimes there are things shown which do look mysterious, but many times these objects turn out to be either a data error of some type or not what they first seemed to be. We know people have reported errors in alignments. There are also probably pixel blanks or problems with pixels once in a while since these photos are sewn together. Then there are objects people created to look like other things such as UFOs and when some people come across them they think they have found the real thing. I am not saying everything found on Google Earth is misinterpreted, I am just saying sometimes it happens.

There are people who study all of the NASA photos which are released. Some specialize in the Moon, some in Mars and others watch the International Space Stations videos. Then there are those like me who like to look at everything. Recently one examiner of photos known as streetcap1 claimed he discovered a wreckage of a UFO on the moon. Since I am talking about the moon, there is something strange sitting on the moon. Some believe there is an alien in the photo and a backpack on the ground. Here is the address of the video which you can copy and paste into your browser’s address area.
Sorry Truth Facts does not use live outside links.

Lastly UFOs crossing over the moon. Several times UFOs were seen flying across the moon. Some could be seen from large telescopes on earth if they were powerful enough, others appeared in NASA videos. Just recently another was spotted. What I don’t like is the fact the story appears on a page which does not tell us how the video was taken or anything about the circumstances. Since I have seen these things before on authorized videos, such as NASA videos, seeing UFOs over the moon is nothing new and this could be a legitimate video.