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Proof Of Alien Existence

The question has been asked thousands of times and it is, do extraterrestrials exist and are they or were they on earth? I have talked about this a few times, recently there seems to be a lot of evidence leaning toward the conclusion they do exist, so I would like to go over some evidence which I haven’t mentioned before. One piece of evidence is the Fish star map. It’s an old story, but still a fascinating one. Betty and Barney Hill were driving at night on a deserted road and noticed a strange light in the sky. It was September 19, 1961 at about 10:30 p.m. He was driving on the New Hampshire seacoast. The light they saw was moving, but it got bigger and brighter and Betty asked Barney to stop the car so she could get a closer look. Little did she know she about to get the closest look possible. The car was stopped and Barney got his gun out, because he was worried about bears. Barney and Betty Hill then decided toΒ  drive away and that was when the light descended toward the car and Barney had to stop, because a huge craft was just ahead of him hovering. Humanoid creatures could be seen. The Hills were paralyzed and brought into the craft and were unable to resist.

Betty was actually allowed to talk to the being who seemed to be in charge and asked him where they came from. He pointed out a star map to her and said they were form a planet in that system. They were examined and released and woke in their car without any memory of the incident at that time, but soon realized they had lost a lot of time which they could not account for. They began to remember the UFO, but nothing else. Betty was having dreams of walking up a ramp into a disc-shaped metallic craft. There was also something else she remembered and that was the star map. For years people tried to find an area in space which matched it, but to no avail. Then a school teacher and amateur astronomer named Marjorie Fish began to work on it and found where it was. If one used the map from the viewpoint of Zeta Reticuli it matched the map perfectly. This was the smoking gun which proved the abduction claim. The entire event was remembered using hypnosis.

People are seeing a lot of UFOs in the skies over Nome Alaska and there is a problem in that city and it is far more people are disappearing from there than any other place in the United States. So many in fact that the FBI has investigated this. When people are spoken to in the area quite a few have a fuzzy memory of being abducted. One said it was like another compartment was created in their brain. So many disappearances have taken place in Nome that news services have sent reporters and camera teams there. The Anchorage Daily News reported most of the victims were native men, but also women and their children. There are always those who will say this is all baloney and the harsh climate and rugged territory has more to do with the disappearances, but let me ask you this, what are the odds most of the native men who know this place like the back of their hand would get lost and disappear?

There have been several whistleblowers who cite the fact they have seen aliens, mostly Greys, working for the government at places like Area 51. These are people who were government employees, contractors or subcontractors. They have no reason to lie and everything to lose by coming forward. We have been told many times we were given spacecraft by aliens to defend ourselves, because some alien races are hostile. If this is true it would not be much of a stretch to have aliens here showing us how to use these ships. When we want to help a country at war we may send advisors to teach that country’s troops how to fight efficiently and use the new weapons we sent them, this is only natural so why wouldn’t aliens do the same thing?

Sometimes people feel guilty about their lives and they decide to make a deathbed confession or sometimes they just do it because no one can hurt them anymore and there is something they want us to know. This is what happened with Robert E. Cotner who said he was a member of the CIA and made a deathbed confession. He said he had been framed and sent to prison by corrupt politicians. He claimed he saw three different types of UFOs which involved three different races who built them. He claimed he had been part of MKULTRA and saw his first UFO at Edwards Air Force Base in 1964 which was the saucer recovered from Roswell and that its controls were highlighted with a 4,000 year old language. He went on to say Nikola Tesla had been murdered and a lot of his devices were the basis for the “Star Wars” project. He said he found out some extraterrestrials had interbred with humans and the children are different from us in that they have the special capability of being multidimensional and that the U.S. government employs them. There is a lot more to what he said but I won’t bore you with the details.

Mark McCandlish worked as a conceptual artist for defense contractors connected with different aerospace firms and he went before the Disclosure Project and stated he had personally seen flying saucers and spoke to others who saw UFOs at a secret show and they were hovering above the ground and the his friend said he had been told they were copies of alien ships. Captain Bill Uhouse was a whistleblower and a retired Marine. He testified before the Disclosure Project. He worked for the Air Force at Wright Patterson Air Base when he retired. He had been asked if he wanted to work on new creative things and when he got to that department it had a flying saucer simulator. He said he worked on it and it became operational in 1958. Kingman Arizona had a UFO crash and they captured the craft he said. Aliens were in the craft and scientists were sent to question them. He said the craft had its own gravitational field and no matter how you maneuvered it, you always felt right side up even if the craft was upside down.

This has just been too many reputable people who have come forward at their own risk to let us know what they saw. They range from contractors and government workers to scientists and ordinary people who made some sort of discovery which can only be accounted for by the presence of alien life. This is why I pay no attention to those rants about how crazy these people are and how alone we are in the universe and I hope you all feel the same way.


