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More About the Black Knight Satellite

There has been a lot of talk about the Black Knight satellite again. The Black Knight satellite is like Xanadu to many people. What I mean is it is just fiction. Others swear it has been around for over 10,000 years orbiting the earth and at times sneaking off to orbit the moon. They claim ancient aliens put it into orbit. Every once in a while, someone states they have a picture of it or a video. Here is the address of one of the videos which could be the satellite.
You can copy and paste this address into your web browser. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live links.

I have talked about the Black Knight before and there are many different photos and videos of this satellite which seems to appear and then disappear and this is not to say they all show the same object. The Black Knight has been the object of intensive study by the UFO community for years and it is a mystery. The satellite has been classified by some as a conspiracy theory, but there are objects which have been seen which cannot be explained and they are orbiting our planet. Some say they are nothing more than secret satellites from earth, but so far none look anything like the satellites we normally launch. People started wondering about this satellite in the 1950s long before we had the ability to launch large satellites and it has been sending out a radio signal for over 50 years.

I have to wonder about that. This is one of the things which really puzzles me. Why would an advanced race which seems to be as much as 20,000 years to millions of years more advanced than us send a satellite here which uses radio signals? Some say it was done to see how long it would take us to discover it and figure out its secret message if it has one. Governments from the East and West have been very interested in this satellite. One of the problems with something like this is people make all sorts of assumptions and none of them have any proof behind them. Anyone can say anything, but this isn’t proof of anything. Stories are made up all the time about the Black Knight, but so far nobody really knows much about it. Maybe the best thing we could do is try and capture it, but it seems to be far too large and at times far too distant. As I said it also disappears and moves. Here is another address for a picture of the Black Knight.
Again you can copy and paste this address into your browser.

When Nikola Tesla the famous engineer intercepted what he believed was an alien signal in 1899, many today think it was the signal from the Black Knight satellite. It is true there wasn’t anything in the sky at that time and hardly any radio signals except for a few experiments going on. Some people believe Tesla picked up Marconi’s wireless demonstrations going on in Europe. Somehow thinking about this, one would believe Tesla, the greatest electrical genius ever to live would have know if this happened, because he would have investigated. He was a very precise person.

How does one explain how Dr. Luis Corralos in Venezuela could have been photographing Sputnik II in 1957 and also snapped a photograph of the Black Knight? We all know the size of Sputnik, it was the size of a basketball while the Black Knight is alleged to be huge and far beyond the technology of the time to get it into orbit. The Black Knight seems to be mostly in polar orbit. It is believed it must weigh over ten tons. No other satellite at the time was in a polar orbit. The satellite was investigated by a committee from the Grumman Corporation, but like so many other times, the results were kept secret.

The radio signals from the satellite were said to have been decrypted by a ham radio operator who said they represented a star map which was centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star System. NASA has released photos which many believe shows the Black Knight orbiting the moon. They are Apollo 16 photographs. Here is the address.
By now you know what to do to see the photo.

The Black Knight satellite will continue to fascinate until the riddle is solved. It could be the key to making contact with aliens. Maybe they are just waiting for us to call them, which would mean we have to discover superior technology to make the call travel fast enough to be meaningful and not have to wait hundreds of years for a reply. The Epsilon Bootes Star System is 202 light years away. Maybe if we could radio the satellite it might be able to transmit a signal back to it home fast enough to make the distance unimportant.