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UFO News

UFO sightings seem to occur sometimes at large events and the latest is said to have happened over the 2018 Super Bowl. I am surprised I didn’t read some tweet or such stating aliens helped the Eagles to win, but be that as it may, last year’s Super Bowl was also said to be the target of UFOs. Last year there were dozens of witnesses who said they saw them. Parades seem to also be a favorite venue for UFO sightings as witnessed by military parades in Mexico. They are often above the parades. One has to wonder why UFOs are so interested in Mexican parades, but there we go trying to figure out alien intelligence. A football match in Chile in 2015 also gave the audience something specials to look at besides the game. It was a UFO flying over the stadium during a fireworks display. They have even shown up at golf tournaments hovering over the players.

 We heard last year certain isotopes were found on Mars which are the same as those produced by a hydrogen bomb. At the time some scientists were saying it seemed a nuclear war may have taken place on Mars and destroyed the planet. Now there is a new twist with some people claiming the bible is telling the story of the destruction of Mars and we just misunderstood it. The bible describes a war in heaven. They base this on Revelation 12:7 which reads, “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought.” And they go on to quote Revelation 12:8-9, “But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.” This leads them to believe there was another planet between Mars and Jupiter and the Martians went to war with them and they were reptilian. The humans are said to have beat them, but the cost was a destroyed Mars so the survivors left Mars and came to earth. This is quite a story with a lot of supposition, but interesting never the less. Whether it really happened or not is another question. I guess the fact that a dragon was referred to in the bible led to the idea some aliens are lizard like.

The statement the pentagon was conducting UFO investigations has been all over the internet. It might be a little misleading since UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Objects not necessarily alien craft. Those who have cited this would have us believe the pentagon was only looking for aliens, but that is probably far from the truth. They were looking for any kind of unidentified craft and if alien craft were spotted, that was even better. Luis Elizondo was in charge of the US Department of Defense Advance Aerial Threat Identification Program known as AATIP. He is claiming there are more videos which were captured of alien craft than what has been shown to us. Some have said the videos which were released were only misidentified planes, but he says there will be others coming out which will show "unknown technology that is far more advanced than anything in the US military." That should be interesting.

A man claims he set up a radio receiver and transmitter near Area 51 and what he recorded scared the heck out of him. He stated something flew over him and created a sonic boom and he ran to his radio to see if he captured anything. He got some sort of scrambled signal and some very strange noises and then the radio cut out. Below is the address of the video on YouTube,
You can copy and paste the video into your browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live links.

One thing about UFOs, some are a lot brighter than others. The one I saw was so bright it was many miles away in the sky and yet it was still blinding to look at it. Is the light a UFO is putting out directly related to its systems and are there differences in UFOs, because they come from different places? I think the variance in brightness and light color is yet to be figured out, but some think it may have something to do with the propulsion system. As for the question do UFOs come from different places, many people say yes and there are at least eight different races visiting the earth and maybe even more. With these many different types of UFOs, it is certainly possible there are many different types of aliens.

One thing which is hard to understand is if NASA tells us they have not seen aliens, why did they list a position for a planetary protection officer which they recently filled? Lisa Pratt has been appointed to the position. She is a professor in the department of earth and atmospheric sciences in the IU Bloomington College of arts and sciences. NASA says her job will be to protect the earth from contamination by extraterrestrial life forms. It seems they are talking about microbes not the type of alien life which could be piloting a UFO. Maybe I could be wrong about this, perhaps there is microbial life somewhere which is more advanced than we are. Wouldn’t that be unexpected? It does seem to me we have been very lax in this area. Remember when the Apollo capsules came back from the moon and the astronauts got out releasing moon dust as the capsule door open? Then they were put into a rubber raft with other sailors, brought on deck of a carrier and put into isolation after they walked past hundreds of people. What was the sense of the isolation? It was already too late for us if they would have been contaminated. If there ever was an example of what not to do that was it.

UFOs still continue to be seen in the skies over major cities. They seem to like crowds, but they also appear in very remote areas. Perhaps if they do come from different planets they have different areas of interest. I have to wonder if certain types of UFOs appear more at the same events. This might give us a clue as to what a type of UFO or even better the aliens piloting it are interested in.