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UFOs Interfering with Nuclear Weapons and Missiles

Recently a man known as a conspiracy theorist stated UFOs had prevented World War III. Sounds pretty stupid on the surface doesn’t it? It is the kind of thing which makes others think you are some kind of kook and the person could be, who knows? He claimed the main reason UFOs and aliens are here is to tamper with nuclear weapons. Wouldn’t it be something if aliens decided to prevent us from destroying our planet or at the very least to prevent any more nuclear attacks? Why would they do something like that? Perhaps some race did the same thing for them if they also had a nuclear age or its equivalent. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying this guy was right, but there is a lot more evidence which proves UFOs are certainly interested in nuclear weapons. There have been some cases where nuclear weapons have been turned off (missiles) by UFOs and as long as they hovered over them they could not be turned back on.

Many experts think this is terrible, but I see something else here. It is technology which perhaps can render all nuclear weapons useless. Could it be the UFOs are trying to show us something? Think about this, we can’t stop the spread of nuclear weapons, that is obvious. If we had the technology to turn off nuclear weapons every country would want that and this could be the answer to preventing nuclear attacks. We have been shown this technology exists. Could we have the technology already from either crashed UFOs recovered or maybe from technology we were given? There are many people out there who claim we have had dealings with aliens and it is being kept secret. They also claim other countries also have had these dealings, so perhaps they might also have the technology. It is an exciting idea which might end the nuclear arms race.

In 1967 an event occurred at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. This base housed our Minuteman nuclear missiles. An officer who was there at the time said a UFO came streaking over the base and stopped. It hovered there for some time and as it did here is what he said happened. "The missiles shut down - 10 Minuteman missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later. There's a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they're not from planet Earth." Security patrols had reported the UFOs, but the missile crew thought it was a joke at first. When the missiles started going offline the crew commander was being briefed by the deputy and the horn went off during the conversation. The deputy thought a maintenance crew was working on a missile and forgot to tell him and was angry. It turned out that was not the case. The maintenance crew had not started their maintenance yet. Security teams were sent to the base and they reported a UFO had been seen hovering on the site. The military stationed at Malmstrom were completely shaken up by the experience and one security guard never went back to the base.

RAF Bentwaters was a joint U.S. and British Air Force Base. It housed the U.S. 81st Tactical Fighter Wing. It was also the location of a famous UFO landing in which several U.S. Air Force personnel were right next to a UFO in the woods. This included the deputy commander of the base. The incident I am talking about occurred when it is said Col. Charles Halt the Deputy Commander saw a UFO and it was firing beams of light into the base. He then heard on his radio aliens had landed inside the nuclear storage area. He supposedly said, "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted - both then and now - to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation." What was going on in the nuclear storage area? We have not been getting the entire story of what is going on. For example, were the nuclear weapons at Bentwaters trifled with in some way? If they were did the governments of the two countries keep quiet about it? Were the aliens showing us they could tamper with our nuclear weapons at will and we couldn’t do anything about it? If that was their goal, they succeeded.

We know there have been UFOs over many military bases. A former Air Force Captain claims he saw a UFO hovering over a nuclear base in Wyoming. He described the UFO as being cigar shaped. This happened in 1976. It isn’t only nuclear bases where UFOs show to stop weapons from performing. Edgar Mitchell was the sixth man to walk on the moon. He says he was told by high ranking military officials our nuclear tests through the 1940s were watched carefully by UFOs He told Mitchell even the very first nuclear test in the world which took place on July 16, 1945 at White Sands in New Mexico had a UFO watching it. Mitchell became a believer in aliens ever since he landed on the moon. This should tell us something about what he must have seen. He said he was told by other officers who were at bases on the Pacific coast many of their test missiles were shot down by UFOs When Mitchell said this, he faced severe criticism. Was this because what he said was true and it had to be covered up?

An author of UFO books organized a news conference. He had about six former U.S. military airmen with him and he along with the airmen asserted the U.S. is lying about UFOs Here is what he said, "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." "I believe — these gentlemen believe — that this planet is being visited by beings from another world, who for whatever reason have taken an interest in the nuclear arms race."

Hundreds of military personnel have testified UFOs have interfered with our nuclear weapons. Why would these people lie? The UFO disinformation machine is running full steam ahead, but it is hard to call this many professional officers and enlisted men crazy. UFOs have been seen over many bases and while this is happening in the United States and Great Britain, it is probably happening in other countries, but we may not be able to get any information about this. I assume China and Russia wouldn’t want this news to get out.