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UFO News 10 February 2018

About sixty years ago a UFO crash took place in Yorkshire, England. The object had been found intact and it was a circular disk-shaped craft, but it was only a little more than one foot in diameter. It was found in Scarborough Moors. Then the wreckage disappeared and years later quite a few people had searched for it. The crash has become sort of a big deal in England and some had started to call it the British Roswell. It certainly wasn’t that, but it was interesting. Just recently parts of the object have been found, it had crashed only a few weeks after the launch of Sputnik. Pieces from the object were found in the archives of a museum in London. They were not on display. Hieroglyphics were inscribed on the base of the object. There is a lot to this story, which is too long to tell, but I will tell you the important parts. The reason it was compared to Roswell was the fact hieroglyphics were also on that object. One of the men who found the object, there were three, paid ten pounds to keep it. A tiny book was found inside made of thin copper sheets. The sheets had hieroglyphic writing and it is said to have been deciphered. Supposedly it contains a message which is about 2,000 words long that was sent to earth by an alien named Ullo who wanted to warn us about atomic warfare. It was said to contain the warning, “You will improve or disappear.” Some experts said it could not have arrived from space, because there is no evidence it was exposed to heat. This is a poor excuse if we are really talking about advanced alien technology because there are plenty of sightings of UFOs coming to earth and going into space and I have never heard of any exhibiting flames except for those which seem to be only a fireball.

Have alien beings walked on the earth? There are quite a few people who think so. Then there is the find in Peru. Six very strange looking mummies with only three fingers on each hand have been found. They were found in a tomb in Nazca. Nazca is where all the huge drawings of animals and shapes have been created by ancient people and these drawings can only be seen from space because they are so big. A scientist did a CAT scan on them and here is what he said. “Each of three small specimens has been analyzed and bone density belongs to that of a living being. The preservation is amazing, it is really surprising, especially the bone parts of these small creatures. You see that the base of the skull has its own characteristics...Of course they have existed! [This] is not a fake." Another scientist who was part of the team agrees. DNA tests were run and the DNA was said to be human. Are these mummies all three fingered humans or are they aliens with the same DNA as us? The World Congress of Mummy Studies has called for an investigation into the find.

There are bloggers all over the internet claiming Putin is going to announce extraterrestrials are real and have visited the earth. Some have gone as far as claiming it is going to happen this week, February 9 to February 16, 2018. I like to put the date in so people who read these articles in the future know when I am talking about. The only registered lobbyist in the U.S. for UFOs visited Russia. He is Steve Bassett. He spent a week in Russia and his goal was to convince Putin to do it. He claimed there is a world truth embargo when it comes to UFOs and extraterrestrials which was put in place right after the Roswell crash in 1947 and was trying to convince Putin if he released the truth about this subject he and Russia would become famous for his deed and remembered in the history books. Bassett also held meetings in Moscow with various UFO groups. Some had been former Russian and Soviet military officials. For the record I will stick my neck out and say I don’t believe Putin will say anything about aliens, at least not yet.

I think we all know who Elon Musk is by now. He is the head of SpaceX and Tesla along with other companies. He has the burning desire to build a rocket powerful enough to transport people to Mars. Meanwhile he has recently launched the world’s most powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy and launched his Tesla car with a dummy in a space suit tied behind the steering wheel. I know this really sounds creepy. There was even a guy who started a conspiracy theory stating Musk killed someone and that really isn’t a dummy in the space suit, but a body he was trying to get rid of. Believe me this can’t be true, because if Musk wanted to get rid of a body there are probably much easier ways for a man who owns so many companies to do this. The car is in an elongated orbit which will take it near the dwarf planet Ceres. There is more to this however and it is the fact quite a few people are saying they saw a UFO watching the rocket as it launched. Here is the problem, if I can call it that, UFOs have been seen during rocket launches many times and also around the International Space Station, so a UFO sighting near the Falcon launch would be nothing new.

The man who spilled the beans on the government program looking for UFOs said he was going to tell us how UFOs are propelled. There seems to be no propulsion clues when we look at them. He says the government has finally figured this out. He says it is not exotic technologies we are looking for, but one technology. He claims scientists at Bigelow Aerospace came to the conclusion UFOs can create their own time-space bubble which allows them to travel at incredible speeds. He went on to say, "We believe it has to do with a high amount of energy and the ability to warp space-time, not by a lot, but by a little.” The man who revealed the project is Luis Elizondo and he said he resigned over, “excessive secrecy and internal opposition”.

It certainly isn’t only the United States which is experiencing UFOs in its skies. This is something which is happening all over the world. There could be countries which have had even more UFOs fly over them. Take the former Soviet Union and Russia. They are both much bigger than the United States so it stands to reason there could be more sightings. Also, the countries with the biggest navies would see more, since the earth has much more water than land. One has to wonder when some country will finally tell the truth about UFOs?