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Cosmic Messages Asking for Help

I read something the other day which I thought was very interesting. Supposedly a high ranking Russian military person stated we had received a message from space in 1998 and that fact was kept secret, because the message was from an alien race. It took 11 years to decode, because that is how long it took us to figure out the mathematical language the message was in. It was said to be a very sad message which had been sent thousands of years ago, before there was a civilization on earth and the people were living in caves. The reason the message was said to be sad was the fact it was a plea for help. The beings who sent it were a dying race and they needed help desperately. They may have already been dead by the time the message reached us. Even if we could have deciphered the message immediately, we were in no way ready technologically to offer help having barely gotten off this planet ourselves. There have been theories given in the past which stated civilizations reach a certain point and then they die out. If we look at some civilizations on the earth which disappeared we get the idea.

There are so many reasons a race could die out. If we are talking about aliens, the cause could be on a planetary scale. There could have been a large meteor or asteroid strike which not only killed a lot of beings with the initial strike, but then cut off all sunlight killing the plants and animals the beings might use for food. The atmosphere on a planet could begin to get stripped away for various reasons and as oxygen leaked away the fate of the population could become inevitable. Scientists worry about this type of thing happening on earth. Another global catastrophe could be runaway global warming where a planet just kept getting hotter for various reasons until it is too late to do anything about it. We should really take note of this. Disease is another way a population of a planet could be wiped out. If a new strand of disease was discovered without a cure being found it might be able to wipe out a planet. Then there is the possibility that eventually the beings become infertile and no more children are born. Maybe they developed artificial intelligence and it decided to wipe them out ala Terminator. There are just so many ways a race can be wiped out and I didn’t even consider war.

We have no way of knowing if the race which sent the message is still around or some benevolent and advanced race came to their rescue. Could benevolent races exist in space? If we consider some of the things we have been told then perhaps we have to believe they do. There are indications President Eisenhower met with aliens, because we have been told this by many different people who should know including relatives. It was said a race of aliens which looked like us and were tall with blond hair and light skin offered to help us if we would just give up nuclear weapons, but Eisenhower declined. It is also said he met with other races and the Grays, a race of short slim aliens with spindly arms and legs, a big head and very large black eyes decided to help us with technology. This is the same race which it is said wouldn’t allow humans to carry weapons when they worked with them and who once opened fire on our military killing many of them, because one unsuspecting soldier walked into an area where there were aliens while carrying his weapon and the aliens retaliated against all the humans in the underground base and killed them all.

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what was really going on? We are being kept entirely in the dark about everything. Are we going to find out one day we are really hundreds of years more advanced, but it is being kept from us? There are those in the know who have said we are that advanced and we have the ability to travel in space to any star we want. They have said we have the ability to take ET home. Does this mean we can travel faster than light? It would have to and it would mean much faster. The only other options would be bending space with a warp engine or using a series of worm holes to travel. Scientists think worm holes connect one part of space to another much as a tunnel might connect two islands, but in a much grander way. If we were aliens and saw the people of the earth being kept in the dark about their advanced technology which might include cures for diseases and such, we would probably think how stupid these people were for letting their governments convince there were no aliens or alien UFOs.

What would one of the signs be that a government was keeping technology from the masses? That is actually an easy one to answer. If a government spends billions and trillions of dollars on Black Budget programs it might indicate this and we are the biggest perpetrators of this. The funds are so vast and the government supervision of these programs almost nonexistent it either means we are being robbed blind, we have made many secret advances in technology or both. A NASA scientist named Boyd Bushman who worked for Lockheed Martin stated there were aliens on earth and they made contact with us. He knew he was dying when he said this and did die a short time later. He claimed several patents which were attributed to him were alien. He said one was for a magnetic drive, another used a light beam to find objects along with others. You can see the video by copying the address below and pasting it into you web browser’s address area:

Are there other races out in space who need help to survive? The planets in just our solar system are estimated to be about 100 billion. If we consider this staggering number of planets it does seem there would be some with life and if we consider further we might have to think some life would be just starting and other life might be ending. In other words, there could be quite a lot of worlds where civilizations are dying out, but they are not advanced enough to do anything about it but may be advanced enough to send out a message for help. Unfortunately, this could be us someday if we don’t get our act together.