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Aliens, Spacecraft And Our Defense

When we talk about UFOs we can see how certain venues have been compromised. A very good example of this is YouTube. It is almost impossible for any serious ufologists to take anything serious which appears on there. Much of the videos have no information or have false information. Many of them are obvious fakes having been created with animation programs. If this was an attempt to nullify YouTube videos so we wouldn’t take any of them seriously, even those few which might be genuine videos of UFOs, I think this attempt has succeeded, all the more pity. This has made it much harder to find genuine videos which show UFOs. Disinformation is nothing new in ufology, it has been going on ever since the Roswell crash and maybe even before. It does prove one thing however, no matter what the government says or doesn’t say about UFOs, it takes them very seriously.

Timothy Good is recognized as one of the top ufologists in the world. I interviewed him a few years ago myself and found him to be a font of UFO knowledge. He has been investigating UFOs for over 50 years. In a recent interview he said he knew that Gordon Cooper was the first astronaut to fly an alien flying saucer which he believes was given to us. When he talked about UFOs one of the most interesting things he had to say was we had been given UFO alien craft, but we were not the only country to get them and this has been going on since the mid-1950s. Β It would seem that most if not all major countries have received alien spacecraft. Good mentioned the fact Italy had been given some and said quite a few of the major countries had been given them also, but he didn’t have the exact number. He went on to say the reason for these gifts was there were some malevolent races out there who had a hundred year plan which started in 1940 to take over the earth and other races gave us these ships to protect ourselves. He went on to say these aliens live in underground bases because they can’t exist on the surface of our planet so they are developing hybrids by mixing us with them.

An article recently appeared on the examiner.com which stated the reason for the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission was NASA had them do it and covered it up because we found out Comet 67P which it was sent to ten years ago was actually a spaceship. I mentioned this before and spoke about how radio bursts were coming from it. The article states this was discovered when an email was sent to a UFO site. The website known as UFOSightingsDaily.com published the letter which had been written by an ESA employee. One thing did seem to not make sense and that was the fact billions of dollars would be spent and ten years wasted just to go to an ordinary comet. It does make much more sense if we think there was a special reason for the project. This following was said to have been part of the email, “Do not think for ONE MOMENT that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12-year journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space. … Comet 67P is NOT a comet. Some 20 years ago NASA began detecting radio bursts from an unknown origin out in space. It would later be known that these had likely come from the direction of the now named comet 67P. It does show signs on its outside of machine like parts and unnatural terrain.”

Mars just keeps popping up in the news. Now we are being told a NASA video of the surface of Mars clearly shows a UFO. So much has been recorded on Mars that it is almost impossible not to believe there was life there and may still be. There is an old science fiction movie named Rocketship X-M which is from 1950 which might just turn out to be true. Its premise is we are sending a spaceship to the moon, but it is forced off course and goes to Mars instead. The crew decided to explore the Red Planet and finds the remains of a once progressive race reduced to mutated cave people who want to kill them. Will we find an advanced race one lived on Mars and they are gone or there are remnants of their race left as in the movie? By the way the Martians had destroyed their race by nuclear war. Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

There is one thing we have to admit about UFOs, they seem to be all over the world. If we believe Timothy Good and we have no reason not to, many of them might be flown by humans. This makes me wonder if the aliens who gave us these gifts are so far ahead of us they could give us what would be considered ancient craft by their standards, but very advanced by ours. They may believe we only need technology which is at least as good as or slightly better than the other aliens who are out to get us. You certainly couldn’t blame them if this was the case. Would we give our most top secret planes with all their secret bells and whistles to a country which needed help and was on our list as a friend? I don’t think so. We probably would give them weapons which were sufficient for their defense but not the very best secret weapons we had.

UFOs turn up in the skies over many different events. We know they turned up in Mexico during air shows as they did in the skies over other countries so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised when they showed up in the sky over Hong Kong during the protests. Not only did they show up, but they were caught on a BBC video which showed the protests on a news program. It would be interesting to see all the video by professionals who were recording other events who caught UFOs at the time. Many would not even notice if the UFO was small and in the background. These types of videos when shown on large television sets tend to make the UFOs stand out.

One has to wonder how many alien races are said to be visiting the earth. I have heard many different figures, but the one which seems to stand out the most is twelve. Some are said to look like us and are tall with blond hair while others are said to have large heard, thin bodies, legs and arms with grey colored skin. It is also said there is a race which looks like it has reptilian origins. If all these things are true which I have spoken about, we certainly have a lot to consider.


