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UFO Sightings Old and New

One thing which I find extremely interesting is the UFO phenomenon. One of the reasons for this are the many sightings with several or more witnesses have been involved. There have been sightings with a have been hundreds and sometimes even a thousand or more witnesses and yet we are still at the point we have been at for the last seventy years or so. Everything is denied, photos are altered, tons of disinformation are being put on the Internet and printed in papers and it just doesn’t seem to matter what happens, nothing will ever be admitted. It’s a sad state of affairs really. Aliens could land on the lawn of the White House and somehow this would be covered up. There wasn’t enough in the early nineteen fifties that UFOs went over the White House often on the two weeks and fighters were scrambled because that doesn’t seem to have accomplished anything except for the fact most people alive today know nothing about these events. But we people who are interested in UFOs don’t give up and I’m about to report some more sightings.

Five witnesses in Nevada published a video on YouTube showing what they saw her in the night sky. There was an incredible light show going on. Lights were blinking on and off at a rapid pace in all the lights were flying across the sky at incredible speeds. This took place on March 26, 2017. The light show was not far from Nellis Air Force Base. I have never seen anything like it myself and it certainly wasn’t the usual small dots flashing across the sky. Some of the lights were larger than others and most of them were round. The witnesses claim it was not happening when they got to the spot they were going to observe from, but that started sometime later. Immediately when this was posted people were saying things like it was the lights from cars etc. but it certainly doesn’t look that way. First of all the car lights would have had to been high in the sky or reflected some way into the sky and this doesn’t seem to be the case. The people who took the video are claiming others were making threats against them.

We tend to think of UFO sightings is being more or less recent in other words most people think they started in the mid-nineteen fifties. The truth is sightings have been going on a lot longer. A man named Udo Wartena is said to have had a UFO encounter in 1940. The man had been a gold miner in Montana. He had just discovered a new vein of gold while he was working his claim. One day while he was clearing debris he heard a humming sound, it was getting louder and moving nearer to him. He climbed out of his mine to the top of the plateau and saw a flying saucer hovering above him. He said it was about 100 feet across and about 30 feet high. He was very curious and walked toward the ship, and was startled as a hatch opened and a ladder descended. A very pale being climbed down the ladder and walked toward him. Wartena said the being then stretched out his hand to shake hands with him. The humanoid told him in clear English with carefully pronounced words that he was not used to being seen. He was very polite and asked if he could take water from a lake nearby. Wartena said course and the humanoid been asked him if he would like to see the inside of the ship. He was asked what he was doing there and told the visitor about his gold mine. Wartena was taken inside the ship and later reported it had indirect lighting and a pulse the benches going around them was approximately 12 X 16 feet. There was a sliding door at one end and at the other there were controls with a white haired humanoid sitting at them. He noticed both beings had translucent skin. He asked them their ages and the younger one said he was 609 years old and the older one said he was 900 years old. They explained to him the ship produced its own gravity and stated the ship produced an electromagnetic field which they could aim at a star which would then drawer it to it. They said they looked similar enough to humans where they could mingle with us without being detected and they tried to help whenever they could by leaving different instructions along the way. Before the aliens left they told Wartena because he would not be believed but eventually he could release the information. It’s a shame there weren’t more witnesses to this event to back up this story.

Evidence has come out pointing to the fact our military disturbed by the appearance of UFOs during the Vietnam War. All four branches of the service had similar records. Statements about UFOs were found in records which included histories, chronologies, mission reports, patrol logs, daily staff journals and something called lessons learned. The people who discovered this claim when the military was talking about being bothered by UFOs it was clear they were not talking about planes or helicopters because in some of those reports they distinctly mentioned airplanes and helicopters separately UFOs. A US Army Specialist reported he had seen UFOs in the sky.“…I observed five large, illuminated oval-shaped objects, traveling in close formation and at a very high rate of speed across the sky. At that time, I was on the roof of the Saigon Field Office of the 524th MI Detachment… …I first saw these objects near the horizon to my left and watched them cover the entire field of my vision in what I believe to be less than five seconds. During that period of time, the objects travelled from where I first saw them, near the horizon to my left, passed almost directly over me at what seemed to be a very great height, and then moved out of sight behind a cloud formation at the horizon to my right. The sky was partly cloudy but, at the time of the sighting, the area of the sky over which they travelled was very clear, with the exception of a few small patches of scattered clouds, which they seemed to be above. As the objects passed over these clouds, they were obscured from my vision until they emerged on the other side. I also observed that, as they passed between my line of sight and a star, they covered the star and blocked out its light until they had passed. This indicated to me that the objects were not transparent.”

Seeing UFOs at war time is a lot more common than people realize. From the time of Alexander the great to have a great war UFOs have been spotted. They seem to be very interested in our wars and especially interested in our nuclear facilities and weapons facilities. It doesn’t look like this will change anytime soon and there is no reason to think the flood of UFOs which have been seen in our skies will stop.