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UFO Sightings

There are quite a few things I don’t believe are true. I tell you this, because I’ve been accused in the past of believing too many things were true and I think this stems from the fact I believe UFOs are alien and exist, but if I am crazy so are millions of other people including some of the top scientists in the world. When people keep hammering at other people, because they have an agenda, it makes others doubt what is true and what isn’t true and that is only natural. If a person could organize hundreds of people to get onto the Internet and blast anyone who says UFOs exist, it makes others doubt what they believe if they have never seen a UFO. Those that have seen them will never doubt anymore. I have only seen one, but I have taken photos which show some strange things in the sky which could be UFOs. The UFO I saw was very far away, but was so bright it hurt your eyes to look at it. It looked like it was sending out a beam of light. The fact that amazed me was it seemed extremely distant and yet I have never seen a light as bright as the one it was putting out, it hurt your eyes to stare at it and the object must have been at least more than 5 miles away and probably 10, it is very hard to judge, because we don’t know the size of the object to start with.

UFOs are seen all the time and as I said in other articles there is probably more proof UFOs exist than proof for almost anything else and the only reason we don’t all believe in UFOs is the fact the disinformation machine is in high gear. A passenger jet at a UK airport had a problem, because of a UFO just a couple of months ago this year, 2017. An Airbus A320 was buzzed by a UFO which came within 200 feet of the plane. This is very close for planes. The pilot was getting ready to land his aircraft when he saw an orange light. The plane was coming in at 1:50 a.m. on May 29, 2017. I think the pilot was trying to protect his reputation, because he said the object was probably a drone, but an official report by the UK Airport Board was released on September, 2017 and stated investigators were unable to establish what the object was. The plane was making a final approach into Glasgow Airport in Scotland. Ironically a similar event occurred at the same airport in 2013. A commercial airliner carrying 180 passengers over Scotland had a UFO come within 300 feet of it.

A father and son from Australia happened to see a circular metallic looking object in the sky while they were in their garden in Kilsyth, Melbourne in Australia. They were able to get pictures of the object and decided to send them to a UFO investigator so they might be examined. One of the photos was much darker than the other, because the witnesses were in a hurry to get a picture, but a half-hour later they were able to take another photo after the camera had been fully adjusted and at the same time the weather had improved. After the photos were taken the object was said to dip and then moved to the right. It did it both times. Was this object posing for photos on purpose? Was the dip an acknowledgment of some sort? It is said the pictures were good, but the second picture was great. The photos were examined to see if there was any manipulation or hoax connected with them and nothing could be found. The report said extreme gamma adjustments and edge detection logarithms were used to examine the photos along with other types of examinations.

While not as clear as the case I cited above, some UFO investigators claim to have found proof of a UFO emerging from Hurricane Harvey in a NASA satellite photo. I must say this is one I don’t agree with. Yes, there is a small circular object which could be in the center of the larger dark circular object or we could just be looking at different cloud swirls in the hurricane. I believe sometimes people are too quick to jump to conclusions when it comes to UFOs and I think this is one of those cases, but I’m going to put the address of the photo here so you can go to it and make up your own mind.
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A Louisiana couple were driving home one day and one of them happened to look up at the sky. They couldn’t believe their eyes. They were watching a UFO coming out of a funnel from a round cloud. The pair didn’t give their name but one of them said,” We were driving home when I noticed a white donut shaped cloud formed in the sky.” One of them took a picture of it and they continued on their ride home. When they got into their driveway and out of their vehicle they noticed the sky had gotten dark and noticed a funnel began to form under the darker cloud and an oval shaped object with translucent lights around it came out.

Incredible sightings were reported not only of a UFO, but also of some of its occupants. The sighting took place in Normanton, West Yorkshire. One of a woman’s children ran into her kitchen saying an airplane has just landed in the field outside of their house. I guess you know when somebody tells you something like this you just have to go outside and see for yourself. The woman went outside with all six of her children to see what was going on. She saw an object in the field only a few hundred yards from the home. She described the object as being gray and looking something like a Mexican hat. She said there was three very tall “men” who were dressed in silver colored suits. She went on to say they seemed to be pointing at some sort of a dark instrument which was on the ground. She said as the men moved around the suits creased. When the men went back into the object it took off, but never made a sound landing or leaving. This sighting is not recent it happened in 1979, but didn’t make much of a splash.

As I said before there is plenty of proof out there showing UFOs exist, it is just a question of checking this proof for oneself. When you start reading these accounts and see that they are mostly from reputable people you begin to realize there is something going on. This is exactly what happened to the astrophysicist who was assigned to Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book was an Air Force project which was basically there to disprove UFO sightings. As years went by the astrophysicist, Doctor J. Allen Hynek a skeptic, began to believe UFOs did exist and when the project closed he started the Center for UFO Studies or CUFOS.