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Scientists Who Believe in Aliens and UFOs

When we talk about UFOs and we hear people ridiculing the fact we even mentioned them, we have to put things into perspective. First of all, many more scientists would come out and tell us UFOs are alien vehicles, or they have actually seen UFOs, but they don’t do this, because they have to worry about their jobs. Yet there are some scientists who feel so strongly about this subject and the fact we are being kept in the dark, they are willing to risk their careers by telling us UFOs are truly alien vehicles. Along with these people are others who may not be in the scientific field, but held positions in important companies and in the government. Debunkers who are part of the government disinformation program claim if you are a legitimate scientist you will never touch the subject of UFOs. Even with all this pressure on scientists things are beginning to change.

Several years ago, the Huffington Post ran a story about Eric Davis who is a physicist working on ways to travel faster than light. David said “UFOs are real phenomena. They are artificial objects under intelligent control. They’re definitely the craft of a supremely advanced technology.” Davis is no ordinary person, he’s a physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas. He believes, contrary to what we have been told by some scientists, humans will someday be able to travel faster than light. This statement probably does not make a lot of physicists very happy, since Einstein said this would be impossible. It is time we kept an open mind on the subject. We have to remember as time goes by we find out more about space and discover new advances in science. These two things alone could completely change what passes for the truth today.

What I like about Davis is he speaks his mind and he is not constricted by the ridicule which is heaped on him for saying what he believes. Apparently, the college he works for doesn’t seem to mind what he says either. This is an example of how attitudes have changed. Several years before this he would have been fired for his beliefs. He has even spoken before MUFON, The Mutual UFO Network. He went on to call some of his detractors stubborn, narrow-minded, afraid and fearful. He never mentioned the fact about the disinformation program, but we can forgive him for that, because it could be going a little too far for someone who wants to keep his job. What is amazing is the fact there is probably more information and evidence proving UFOs are real than evidence for almost any other subject and yet we are kept in the dark and given continuous denials about their existence and alien contact.

Stephen Hawking is another famous physicist, perhaps the most famous one alive today. He has shown on several occasions he is very worried about us sending out probes showing our location. He has made many comments referring to this fact and stating we could be digging our own graves, because intelligent aliens might decide to come here and conquer our planet. He never used the word UFO as far as I know, but certainly has referred to aliens many times. I guess I would have to classify Doctor Hawking as a pessimist. The reason I say this is we probably have just as much of a chance of friendly aliens locating the maps on our probes and coming here as we do conquering aliens. Since according to the scientific world nobody has ever seen an alien, which I personally don’t believe is true, why would Hawking suddenly believe aliens exist? One time he even gave an example which stated we might receive a signal from a potentially habitable alien world and mentioned Gliese 832c. Was this just a guess or does he know something we don’t?

If we are talking about scientists or engineers who believe in UFOs and aliens, let’s not forget our astronaut corps is composed of these types of people. Take Edgar Mitchell example, he walked on the moon and was convinced we are being observed by aliens. Gordon Cooper from Project Mercury was said to be the first astronaut to ever sleep in space. He claimed to have seen UFOs flying over Germany in 1951. Deke Slayton another Project Mercury astronaut became NASA’s Director of Flight Crew Operations also claimed to have seen a UFO in 1951. He said he didn’t have any cameras otherwise he would have taken pictures of it.

A physicist named Brian O’Leary started out as an astronaut when NASA was planning for a possible mission to Mars in the 1960s. We all know this never worked out, but O’Leary became a respected physics professor at Princeton University. He said “There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted.” And then went on to say, “Civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time and that their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic Western point of view.”

I would like to change gears and talk about a person who was neither a scientist nor an engineer, but who has directed what I believe to be one of the most realistic science fiction movies ever made and that one was, “Alien.” I mentioned Mr. Scott, because he claims “there are real aliens out there.” He said he was told by an expert at NASA who looked up into the sky and then asked the question if he believed we are alone and was told it was a ridiculous thought. Perhaps it took this thought to make such an incredible movie and no one would ever want to meet the type of alien which was portrayed in the movie.

The idea UFOs are real and are piloted by aliens has been catching on over the years and there have been many reported sightings by trusted observers who claim to have seen aliens outside of their ships. We all know about Roswell by now and many of us know about at least some of the other crashes where bodies were recovered. Are we just to put all this out of our mind and buy the line aliens don’t exist and there are no UFOs in the skies? I don’t think so, do you?