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UFO Update 12 January 2015

Sometimes things are overlooked and this is quite common when you are viewing tens of thousands of photos or more every year and you are NASA. This is what was said to have happened in 1966 with a photo from the old Gemini Mission. It had to do with the final mission of that project. The question is what was the object which was found in the video and photos, was it a UFO or some sort of defect in the film? It seems like a UFO to me, but here is the address of the video and you can decide for yourself. http://www.inquisitr.com/1745459/ufo-nasa-gemini/ (copy and paste this address into your browser – sorry About Facts does not list live links)

A UFO which was seen over Southern California launched some type of object from it. The question is being asked whether the video is real or not. First of all the fact that the object seems to be launching something is not unusual. There are quite a few cases where UFOs have launched smaller UFOs so this fact should not dissuade one from believing this UFO might have been genuine. Some witnesses have come forward but not from Southern California, they were from Northern California but they claim to have seen the same type of event. It is being said there is a couple of people who claim the video is a hoax, but it seems the majority of investigators believe further analysis is necessary. Here is the address of the video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE1xcYXTZJI. My personal opinion is the video is a fake and I base this opinion on the fact that between 20 to 22 seconds into the video the object is going behind a pole and when it emerges the light makes a slight indentation on the pole for a second or two which makes me agree the mask used to Photoshop this thing slipped.

Sometimes some very weird things are reported in the sky. January 2015 was no exception. A man drove home and was getting out of his car at his driveway when he noticed something strange in the evening sky. He described it as having the shape of an upside down boomerang when he first saw it. He then said he saw the object from the side when it turned and here is what he had to say about that, “It had a wispy tail-like and wispy wings, but not wings – slow moving tentacles/arms – very hard to describe, but it is not like anything I’ve ever seen.” He described the size as of a large plane. This is not the first time creatures have been reported in the sky. The man’s children also witnessed the strange object. Some investigators attribute this to some sort of biological spacecraft which might have an intelligence of its own.

A huge glowing object was seen over Glasgow by Mark Millar who created the Kick Ass comic. Here is what he had to say about the object, I know this sounds mental, but did anybody else see that huge glowing object over Glasgow last night around 1am? Only 1 mention online. “We thought it was a firework at first but it never exploded & and just moved from South to North of city over 60 seconds. The weird thing was it looked like a wingless plane flying sideways, a wide tube. Like a rolling pin. We all watched open-mouthed.” Scotland is a small country which has been experiencing far more than its share of UFO sightings in recent years. It does make one wonder what the reason for so many UFO sightings there is and don’t say it is from drinking the Scotch?

There is a push for the White House to give full disclosure on UFOs by the Paradigm Research Group sometimes known as PRG. The group has been around since 1996. If someone was to ask me what I thought their chances of success were I would have to say zero to none. Pardon me for thinking this way, but I believe even if the White House was to release something it would not be what was wanted and would probably be so heavily redacted as to be useless. I guess one can always hope however.

If one was to ask the question where are the most UFO sightings reported in the U.S., Texas would have to either be at the top or near the top of the list of places. The three top states for UFO reporting in 2014 were Texas, Florida and California. I have to wonder if this is because of their large populations or because there is more UFO activity?Β  I think population plays a big part since there are more eyes aimed at the sky and to illustrate my point California, the biggest population state in the country had the most sightings last year with 1092 being reported. Remember it is believe that only about 10% or less of sightings get reported so there may have been as many as 10920 UFO incidents in California. Texas was number two last year with 473 and Texas is the second most populated. Florida was third with 456 UFO sightings and just happens to be the 3rd most populated state. I think I will rest my case.

I would like to finish this report by telling you about the UFO sighting in Gualeguaych⧠Argentina. Several newspapers reported it and it is being said thousands of people saw it. Here is one witnesses description of the object, he said it was a white light, it was large and green below. The object was then seen again in anther town, Larroque which is about 20 miles away. The witnesses there said on January 3, 2015 they saw a similar object and this was the night before. It is being said thousands of reports were made and people in Pueblo Belgrano also saw the object. The Argentinean Air Force has an official organization for reporting UFO sightings called The Commission for the Investigation of Aerospace Phenomena and is known as the CIFA.


