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Witnesses Who Have Seen Aliens

Aliens have been seen by witnesses.  No aliens have ever been seen. These conflicting statements appear all over the Internet. NASA says no aliens have ever been found, investigators claim there is evidence of aliens in places on the moon. Who would you believe? Before you answer this question, I want you to think very carefully about the answer. Remember while some would say people who have said they have seen aliens are kooks and crazies, there are some very respectable people who have claimed to have seen them. Also consider the fact NASA has tried to hide a lot of things from us over the years, things they didn’t want us to know. We can’t say for sure they are hiding the fact aliens exist, but some of the photos they released and some of the things they supposedly lose leads us to the conclusion something is being hidden. Now you can give me the answer.

When it comes to honorable people who state they saw aliens, one of my favorite stories, which I have repeated here a few times, is about a lady who worked at NASA. She told the story while watching monitors which showed a space shuttle which was in orbit, not only did she see an astronaut talking to a very tall alien, but so did everybody else in the room. How does one dispute something like this? We can say the woman is lying, but the odds of that are very low, because she has nothing to gain. She says the monitors were shut off after a while and everybody in the room ran to another area where they could see more monitors through a glass enclosure and those were still on. She went on to describe the alien as being tall, wearing a spacesuit and having no indication of an oxygen tank or any other device which would have been used for breathing.

A story about a NASA astronaut appears on It states former NASA astronaut Clark C. McClelland was told by Colonel Ellison Onizuka he had seen footage of dead aliens from the Roswell crash. I don’t know how many people remember the Colonel, but unfortunately he was one of the people who died in 1986 on the Challenger shuttle disaster. A big question is why did NASA show this footage to the astronauts? Here is the problem, McClelland is not listed as an astronaut on any of the NASA sites. This reminds me of Bob Lazar. He was also a whistleblower, only this was about UFOs and when he was investigated nobody could find anything listed about him working for NASA and he was discredited until an investigative reporter found his name listed in the telephone directory as a NASA employee and then interviewed other people who worked at the facility and they all said they knew him and he had worked there. It is unfortunate, but NASA has a habit of trying to discredit people by erasing the fact they ever employed them when these people make statements they don’t like.

Lonnie Zamora became famous in 1964. He was a policeman who was patrolling on the outskirts of Socorro, New Mexico at the time. He claimed he had seen a UFO land while he was chasing a speeding car. He said he heard a roar and saw a flame in the sky some distance away and thought a dynamite shack might have exploded and decided to check things out. He saw an object on the ground and what he believed to be men walking around it. The object was very shiny and looked a lot like aluminum. The men he described were wearing white coveralls. He drove towards them and then stopped his car and got out. At that moment, he noticed a flame coming out from under the object and it made a noise, not unlike a jet and quickly rose into the sky. Zamora ran behind his car for cover then continued to run away from the object. The aliens he saw looked like us. There have been many theories stating different races of aliens have come to our planet.

One famous case took place on September 16th, 1994. It happened in the town of Ruma, in Zimbabwe. Over sixty school children were playing outside of their school at recess when they noticed a large craft and multiple small crafts land in a nearby field. Then they saw many beings which they described as non-human. Some of the children got so scared they ran crying back into their school. When the children were interviewed they all told the exact same story. They were asked to create drawings of what the aliens looked like and even the drawings are very consistent with each other. A Harvard University psychologist examined the children and said none of them was suffering from any psychosis and he believed there were all telling the truth. One teacher said they were in a complete panic when they ran back to the school and went on to say you just can’t fake something like that. Another teacher said she was very skeptical, but those stories are so consistent she knows there are telling the truth.

On the 10th of December, 2016 a witness stated they met a Gray alien and that they believe they are somehow related to it. The witness filed a report with MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network. The witness said all they remembered was they went to bed, because they were in a lot of pain and they couldn’t sleep. He said the next thing he remembered was being inside of a ship. Four Grays were standing in a circle him and they had big eyes, small mouths and a small nose. One of the Grays stated he was the son of the witness. The witness says this Gray stayed by his side and told the other Grays to stay away. He could hear in his head the Gray told the other Grays he was in a lot of pain. He doesn’t remember what happened next.

Another witness who also filed a report with MUFON stated on November 12, 2016 he woke up, because he heard a noise in his kitchen. When he got there, he saw a small Gray alien with black eyes who had a small head and no nose. The witness said he walked into the kitchen and stared at him. He went on to say he could see the alien was getting angry and it looked into his eyes and the witness felt like he was tasered and collapsed. The next thing the witness remembered was he woke up in his bed feeling groggy. He said he had seen the UFO a few months before.

Sightings of aliens do happen and while they are not as common as sightings of UFOs, there are enough of them to know something is going on. There are several witnesses who claimed they saw alien bodies at Roswell and these bodies were of small child size aliens, but many of them were told never to talk about it and it took years for them to even mention this fact.