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The Great UFO Cover-up

The government wants us to believe UFOs don’t exist and they’re all in our imagination or misidentified aircraft and natural phenomenon. There’s been a sort of progression in excuses the government uses to explain away what people have seen when it comes to reported UFO sightings. I think if we study this progression it shows the government believes people are getting more sophisticated and maybe even a little smarter so they changed their excuses over time for what we are seeing. In the beginning we were told many of the sightings were merely swamp gas. It is just so hard to believe they would even say this. The first thing one would need would be a swamp and the second thing would be gas, yet they were telling us some of the UFOs people were seeing in the sky which were not near a swamp were caused by swamp gas. Quite frankly I’ve never heard this excuse about anything else before or since. As time went by the government began to tell us we were all looking at the planet Venus and thinking it was a UFO. This didn’t cut it either, because the planet Venus does not move around and perform maneuvers. Somewhere along the line we started to get told we were looking at secret government projects, but that didn’t hold water because some of the UFOs were doing things that were so far ahead of our technology and it would have been impossible for them to have been created by us.

Yes there is no doubt in my mind many sightings have been caused by mistaken identification, but certainly not all of them. When pilots, scientists and engineers come forward who have seen these things one has to sit up and listen and no matter how much denial is out there, we have to give these people some attention, because more so than not they know what they saw. There is a campaign out there and it’s only purpose is to try and make us think everybody who sees a UFO and states it is doing things we are not capable of, is either a nut job or has mistaken what they have seen. The time has come for us to realize something is going on and it has been going on for a very long time. All day long we listen to politicians lying to us about all different subjects, so why should they suddenly tell the truth about UFOs?

Let’s assume the government is telling the truth and there are no such things as UFOs and they know this for a fact. This begs the question, why have we found FBI and CIA documents showing these agencies wanted to examine crashed UFOs? Recently a CIA document was released which shows the CIA hired a physicist named John Wheeler to study the UFO phenomena. Why would a government agency want to study something which they say does not exist? This flies in the face of all the excuses we have been given over all the years which we were supposed to believe that supposedly prove nobody was seeing what they thought they were. How does one deny the existence of something when hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have seen it? They do it by governments colluding with other governments and making deals to hide the true facts for reasons which I have to say are really unknown to us even though there have been many theories over the years for this behavior. By the way Wheeler declined to investigate UFOs. The pressure of being connected with UFOs in any way in those days on any scientist was so intensive it certainly could have been a career breaker.

I am not a scientist, but I have read where some scientists, presumably working on secret projects, have said they don’t have much of a life. Some claim they are kept away from people most of the time behind closed doors when they work. I can almost bet that some of the so-called secret projects are not of much value as we seem to over classify everything. We can’t expect people like this to suddenly come out and tell us the truth, because they are so worried about themselves and their families. I think if they did have permission to tell the truth we would be shocked at what is really going on in our skies and this wouldn’t be the only shock to us, because we would probably find out many inventions could have been used to our benefit and have been so heavily classified we will never get the use of them.

Several times the United Nations has had meetings about UFOs. If UFOs don’t exist or they are just advanced planes why would the United Nations have these meetings? Clearly the organization felt this topic was important enough to involve many of the countries of the world. It has been reported the United Nations had a secret meeting on February 12, 2008 which was dedicated to the UFO question. There was even talk stating there was a plan to release the truth about UFOs in 2013. As we know this never happened. The tiny country of Granada wanted to make a presentation about UFOs to the United Nations. The famous astronaut Gordon Cooper wrote a letter to their ambassador and here is a small excerpt from it. “..Wanted to convey to you my views on our extra-terrestrial visitors popularly referred to as "UFO's", and suggest what might be done to properly deal with them. I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on earth. I feel that we need to have a top level, coordinated program to scientifically collect and analyze data from all over earth concerning any type of encounter, and to determine how best to interface with these visitors in a friendly fashion. Maybe we must first show them that we have learned to resolve our problems by peaceful means, rather than warfare, before we are accepted as fully qualified universal team members. This acceptance would have tremendous possibilities of advancing our world in all areas. Certainly then it would seem that the UN has a vested interest in handling this subject properly and expeditiously.”

One has to wonder how long this cover-up can keep going. There are several reasons why it might come to an end in the foreseeable future. The first reason is more people care about UFO sightings than ever before since we are being told by scientists every day there has to be more life in the universe than just us. The second reason is many people in the government are getting disgusted with this cover-up and think it’s time for us to know the truth. The third reason might be aliens themselves might get disgusted and just decide to reveal themselves worldwide. However things go in the future it is probably only a matter of time before the truth is told to us. Will it happen in the next five years or so or will it take another fifty years before the government admits what is going on? Your guess is as good as mine.