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Strange Space Anomalies

I guess when I talk about strange anomalies in space I have to talk about one which has been puzzling scientists for quite a while now. There is an anomaly which seems to act upon our spacecraft and scientists cannot find an answer for why this is happening. For a while we believed this anomaly made our spacecraft speedup, but now we believe it also has been slowing things down. This is very puzzling, especially because of the fact it is not consistent. This particular thing is said to happen when spacecraft fly past the earth. One engineer said he was feeling both humble and perplexed by this. To make matters even more confusing there was one probe which was not affected to any degree, but in five other probes it was very obvious. Scientists are starting to think the earth’s rotation may have something to do with this anomaly.

The space shuttle flights encountered a lot of anomalies. Anomalies being things that just couldn’t be explained. Space shuttle flights were preceded by the letters STS and the flight number. One very interesting flight was STS-100. What made this flight so interesting was a photo was taken by the crew which showed a formation of objects just above the earth’s atmosphere. It is said the photo was verified by NASA as being a valid photograph and the ID of the photograph is STS-100-708A-48. The photo was said to be taken over the country of Egypt. It is interesting to note there have been many reports of UFOs flying over ancient sites in Egypt, especially the pyramids. The formation in the photo is not easy to find since it is very faint, but it can be seen a lot easier on The Black Vault Website at
You can copy and paste this address into your web browser’s address area. Sorry About Facts doesn’t use outside links.

STS-80 spotted some very interesting anomalies. The flight was conducted by the Columbia the ill-fated space shuttle. In 1996 this shuttle began a seventeen day mission. During that time the crew saw several anomalous events. On December 2nd two saucer like objects were photographed. These objects were near the shuttle. All sorts of explanations were made by NASA as to what these objects were and many feel this was nothing more than a cover-up. NASA called the objects pieces of shuttle debris. Wasn’t it amazing they just happened to be the shape of classical UFOs? A strange light was seen over Puerto Rico, it was a rapidly moving burst of light and appeared near the earth’s surface. It wasn’t near any thunder storm activity and it was before daylight and seemed to be moving at a speed of 500 miles per second. A couple of fast-moving objects which streaked by the camera and out of the video frame were said not to be shuttle debris and not meteors.

STS-48 was flown by the Discovery space shuttle in 1991. A video taken by the shuttle seems to show it is surrounded by UFOs. It is an incredible video which shows objects surrounding the earth and some of them are flying and one object in particular flying along and suddenly making a right turn to avoid what seems to be a missile shot at it from the earth. One enlargement of one of the objects clearly shows a spaceship which seems to have an engine on either side of the back of the vehicle. It sort of looks like the ship in Star Trek, the Enterprise. There are so many objects in this video one has to wonder how NASA could deny that any of them were UFOs and alien. You can see this video by copying the following
address and pasting it into your web browser,

A NASA employee who worked for NASA for thirty-five years up until 1992 made an amazing statement. NASA has told us not to believe the statement, because they claim he must be delusional. So what is all this fuss about? He claims he saw a 9 foot tall alien interacting with shuttle astronauts in the shuttle Bay of the space shuttle while he was monitoring the flight from the Kennedy space center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. He claims he was watching a top-secret mission. He said the alien stood upright on two legs interacting with two tethered US astronauts and he watched the interaction exactly 1 minute and 7 seconds. He has said he knows an ET and alien craft when he sees them and there have been other NASA employees who have claimed to have seen aliens while watching space shuttle missions on monitors.

I have always felt that STS-75 took an incredible video which proves UFOs exist. This is a video of what has become known as the tether incident. On February 25, 1996 space shuttle Columbia was on a mission to deploy a NASA and Italian tethered satellite system. The satellite was deployed with its 12 miles of tether. The tether was capable of conducting electricity. After about five hours as the satellite was still being deployed the tether snapped and the satellite floated away. Many different objects flew towards the tether and one could see pulsating power coming from them, but NASA claimed they were debris. These objects looked exactly the same as other objects which had been seen flying above Earth’s atmosphere and had a distinctive notch in a round shape. Some when compared to the 3 miles of tether which was left, seem to be in excess of a mile in diameter. You can see the video of the broken tether and the ships approaching it by copying and pasting the following address, vid=288a571426c1a88ee6ba8c96939a654a&action=click

We have heard a lot of excuses from NASA as to what we were seeing in these videos. There is so much which is unexplained and so much we are told which seems ridiculous. Let’s say for example space debris was what we were seeing around the tether. You have to ask the question why is the debris just around the tether and not around the shuttle or anywhere else for that matter? You also have to ask why has it been said hundreds of anomalies were seen during the space shuttle program and were also seen during the Apollo missions, Mercury missions and even by the International Space Station. Do we have something to hide and why even bother? It seems secrecy has gotten out of hand in the United States.