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UFOs Shooting At Planes

Some UFOs seem to be hostile and they may be that way from us shooting at them or that could just be their nature. Whatever the reason, we have lost many aircraft to them. Every one of these attacks was kept secret by the military. My guess is if the amount of attacks was made known it could cause riots among the public. The first incident I would like to talk about took place on 7 January, 1948. This is an important case and many believe this case caused the government to classifying all these types of cases which were similar to this one as top secret. A UFO had appeared over Godman Field at Fort Knox. It was said to be about 300 feet in diameter. Several of the military on the base also reported seeing the object. The object had come down very near to the ground for a few seconds and then shot up to 10,000 feet. Captain Thomas F. Martel was part of an F-51D Mustang squadron which was in the sky above the base. Martel had radioed the base that he saw a huge metallic object in the sky. Martel didn’t have any oxygen capability with him. It is said he flew closer to the object to get a better look. Many say the UFO was responsible for killing Martel, but the Air Force said it was his lack of oxygen which caused him to pass out as he climbed higher.

I would be remiss not to tell you about something entirely different it is said aliens shot down. It has been said something very serious took place in 2010. Supposedly a missile was launched and was headed towards Los Angeles. It was said the missile probably contained a nuclear warhead. As the missile got closer to the United States it was hit by a light which made it explode. Many UFO investigators believe the missile was shot down by aliens to prevent a nuclear explosion. We have no idea where the missile came from or who was responsible for the launch. The disinformation machine swung into action immediately and claimed it was nothing more than an airplane, but airplanes don’t travel at the speed of Intercontinental ballistic missiles. The story goes on to say as these craft are visiting areas where nuclear weapons are known to exist, they are rendering them inert.

In the early 1950s the Soviets had given orders to shoot down UFOs. One incident may have changed their mind. In 1953 right after the death of Joseph Stalin a large UFO appeared above the Taiga in Siberia. Three planes were sent up to shoot it down. As the planes got close they could see the object was not a familiar and one was not from the earth. Three planes approached closer to the object, but then began to burn up until nothing was left of any. This probably contributed to a new order which was given in the early 1960s which stated not to shoot at any UFOs. Things had gotten so bad in the Soviet Union between UFOs and planes, sometimes UFOs upon seeing a plane approaching would destroy it, in other words it would react first. Most UFOs seem to be just observing us and not here for a fight, but they made it clear they will defend themselves if attacked. I guess we would’ve done the same thing in their circumstances.

In 2012 Iran scrambled its Air Force. Objects had shown up radar. The objects were said to be glowing and could travel anywhere from a zero speed to Mach 10 which is ten times the speed of sound. The Iranian stated they were going after American drones, but experts claim no drone was ever created that could move like these were said to. It seems what they were really going after were alien UFOs. The planes they used to intercept them were F-14’s. They sent the first F-14 up immediately and it exploded right after takeoff killing both the crewmen in it. Needless to say no more planes were launched. It seems the object had disintegrated the plane.

A lot of times governments do not want to admit they had planes shot down by a mysterious object. They especially don’t want to admit aliens are free to do whatever they want, because they are far more powerful than we are.
In 1977 Yugoslavia lost a plane to a UFO. A large UFO over Yugoslavia appeared near a commercial plane which was carrying fifty passengers. When the military noticed the UFO in the vicinity of the passenger plane they got very worried. The object was fiery and looked like an extremely bright red light. The UFO flew next to the plane for a while. One passenger from the plane said as they approached the airport the plane slowed down for landing and the UFO also slowed down and at about 300 feet altitude it stopped. The passengers were told not to speak about this and big fighter planes were launched presumably to shoot down the UFO. A decision was made sometime later to allow the plane to takeoff and continue its flight. A couple of minutes later the UFO was next to the plane again. One of the Mig-21s had been shot down by the UFO, although later it was claim it was shot down by a Yugoslavian fighter in error. As I said previously no country wants you to know how easy it is for a UFO to shoot down one of our planes, so there will always be an excuse made to hide what really happened.

I can’t recall any case where a UFO came out of nowhere and decided to attack planes for no practical reason. All the cases I have heard about were based on the fact we sent planes up to get near UFO to shoot them down and eventually no UFO wanted to let a plane near it so it would take many different steps so this wouldn’t happen and apparently one of those steps taken by a few UFO pilots was to destroy our planes. Personally I never understood why we would go after UFOs with guns blazing, when we could learn so much from them by making contact with the beings controlling it. Wouldn’t it be better to have these beings as our friends than have them as our enemies? To me this seems like a silly question, because the answer is so obvious.

There is so much secrecy it is hard to know if we still shoot at these things or is there a general order which has been issued by all governments which states do not shoot at UFOs, such as the Russian order which was given years ago?