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Were We Dumb Enough To Shoot Down UFOs?

Do UFOs exist? When we are saying UFOs we are usually just talking about what the letters stand for which is unidentified flying objects. Most of us have identified these letters with alien craft. Every once in a while we hear a story about one of these craft attacking us, but if you really think about it is there any wonder why? We have been shooting at these craft since the first time we were able. We have been told many stories of how these vehicles were protected from anything we could do. We have also been told there are different types of vehicles coming to this earth, so it stands to reason some would be more advanced than others. The question is are some of these vehicles vulnerable to our attacks? Taking everything into consideration and investigating some of the attacks we have initiated against these vehicles, there seems to be a case for being able to shoot down some of them and it seems we have.

Some countries and even the US have shot at things they believed were alien UFOs. The governments would never admit to this fact, especially when the objects are something much more mundane. Let’s take the action by the Indian government in February 2016 as an example. A slow moving large round object sailed over the border into India. It was believed by many to be an alien UFO. The Indians sent up a SU-30 MK fighter jet which easily shot it down. It turned out to be a rather large balloon which was said to be about 9 feet in diameter. This must’ve been embarrassing for them so they let it be known since it seemed to come from Pakistan they thought it might have been an object which contained a bomb. As I said it turned out to be just an ordinary large balloon, probably a weather balloon which drifted into their country.

It is being said the United States may have shot down a UFO on February 1, 2017. Two people watching from their backyard saw an object which seemed to be falling towards the ground. The object came down so slowly the witness said it didn’t seem to be controlled by gravity pulling it down. As the object was descending the witnesses saw two jets traveling very fast from west to east in the same area. As the witnesses watched, the UFO broke into four pieces and each piece still descended very slowly to the ground. One UFO investigator said the disc shaped UFO was clearly a vehicle and not a meteor. He went on to say the perfectly shaped disc rules out it being a jet, rocket or even a satellite. He went on to say it certainly seems like we shot down this craft. Investigators postulate there could be weapons we have put in space which were suggested by the Reagan Star Wars program. These weapons were proposed originally to shoot down a nuclear tipped missile. Of course there are always those skeptics who propose ridiculous reasons for what people say. In this case one has said he could explain this very easily, because it was an optical illusion. Did the United States shoot down an alien UFO? It certainly is a possibility.

There is an old story, but it is so amazing I have to repeat it. I think everybody knows who the Red Barron was in World War I. In case you don’t he was Germany’s leading fighter pilot ace. The Red Baron was almost unstoppable in his time. One day he and his wingmen took to the skies and something strange was seen. It was a saucer shaped flying machine. We are talking about the year 1917 folks. One of the wingmen was mesmerized by the object and then couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The Red Brron decided to attack the alien craft. The alien craft and its occupants probably never anticipated what was going to happen, because they didn’t believe they would be vulnerable to such an early aircraft. The UFO was said to have undulating orange lights and the red Baron took careful aim and was said to have shot it out of the sky. It was said the attack occurred over Belgium. This was not the end of the story however. The witness says he couldn’t believe his eyes as two bruised and battered occupants of the downed craft climbed from their spaceship and ran into the woods and were never seen again. He said he and the Baron gave a full report of the incident to headquarters but they were told never to mention this again. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? It just so happened the US had just entered the war in 1917 and the Baron and the wingman thought the object might have been some sort of American craft. The wingman described the occupants of the craft as small and baldheaded.

Paul Hellyer was a former Canadian Minister of Defense. He spent the last years of his life telling us UFOs were spaceships from other worlds and he knew it due to his former position in the government. He stated there were at least four different races who have been coming to this planet for many thousands of years and at least eighty other races who know about us. He went on to say an event in 1961 scared the US military and they decided they had to develop weapons to protect themselves from these alien ships. The event he was talking about was a sighting of over fifty UFOs flying towards the North Pole. It seems this might have been the tipping point for trying to develop weapons which could shoot UFOs out of the air. He stated something which was very true and it was ever since we have been able, we have tried to shoot these things down without first trying to find out if they were friendly or hostile.

UFOs have not always been the target and some investigators claim they got their revenge between 1951 and 1956 when 192 aircraft vanished or were destroyed. These were the years when the Air Force had ordered its people to kill UFOs by any means. The San Francisco Examiner ran a story on July 29, 1952 and here is a quote from it. "The Air Force revealed today that jet pilots have been placed on twenty-four-hour nationwide 'alert' against 'flying saucers' with orders to 'shoot them down' if they refuse to land." Essentially we declared war on UFOs and we are lucky they didn’t decide to take out some of our population centers. It seems they may have just been defending themselves when they either shot down our planes or made them disappear somehow.

There is so much secrecy in this area we have no way of knowing how many UFOs have been shot down, but I imagine once we started doing this, it became a lot harder to do since there is no doubt these machines are hundreds and maybe thousands of years ahead of us in technology and probably very capable of protecting themselves with some sort of shielding.