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UFO Sightings and Attempts at Contact

Talk about an embarrassment for NASA, there is nothing like interviewing someone on the International Space Station who is standing in front of a window as two different UFOs fly by in the distance. UFO investigators are saying the footage proves UFOs exist. The video shows Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian European Space Agency astronaut who was asked to demonstrate how to operate window shutters on the International Space Station. Usually when things like this happen, NASA cameras mysteriously cut out. I say mysteriously, but it’s more like on purpose. NASA had a comment about this and said it has found no evidence yet of alien life during any of its missions. This in itself was unusual since it usually does not respond to questions about UFOs. It went even further and said no unidentified objects in the popular sense have been found from the International Space Station. NASA then went on to talk about reflections from space station windows and other such nonsense which doesn’t fit what happened. It reminded me of the old routine we used to hear all the time in the 1970s and early 1980s when people would say they witnessed a UFO and were told it was probably swamp gas. It is quite obvious to me if an alien UFO approached the space station and docked we would be told it never happened.

On March 21st, 2017 an engineer working on an offshore supply vessels in the Gulf of Mexico claims he saw a UFO which was five times the size of the ship he was on. He was approximately 80 miles southeast of New Orleans. Four other crew members on the vessel saw the UFO and its size has been estimated at 1200 feet in diameter. One crew member said there was an oil rig about a half a mile behind the UFO and he used that to judge its size. The sighting lasted about forty seconds and took place at 7:00 p.m. One witness said the UFO rose out of the water about 40 feet and yet no water was dripping off the craft. At this point it was only visible for a split second as it sped up into the air and disappeared completely. The craft was said to be dark-colored and an oval shape. It made no sound.

David Davies a member of the Kinks British musical group claims to have had a number of extraterrestrial experiences. Now that he has become a seventy year old I think he figures he can come out with them, because he no longer cares about the ridicule factor. He said he saw UFOs in North Devon, England making zigzag patterns in the sky and also believed he was getting psychic impressions from aliens. He said he felt like he was having some sort of a connection to the Dog Star Sirius and it was because somehow the alien sighting of the UFO left an impression on his brain. His brother was just recently knighted by Prince Charles of Buckingham Palace. One has to wonder how he feels about this disclosure.

Some scientists are now saying aliens created our genetic code and when they did they signed it with the number 37. Two scientists claim to have cracked our genetic code and one of them is Maxim Makukov from the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute in Almaty, Kazakhstan. His research mentor is mathematician Vladimir Shcherbak. If these two are right, what would the number 37 signify? Could it mean there are 36 more races out there which have had their DNA modified? Maybe we could be 37 out of a 100 or 10000 or even more? It could mean there were 36 attempts which didn’t work out. It’ll be interesting to see if other scientists can validate what these two say they have found.

In 2016 a young couple were sitting and relaxing in their living room when they looked out their window into the sky outside their home in Enfield, London. Not only did they see a UFO, but they could see an alien inside of it. They had a recording device nearby and filmed what they saw. They also took hundreds of pictures. The film they took somehow got lost, but now it has been found.

A witness has testified an alien being somehow made its way onto McGuire Air Force Base after it had been wounded. There had been reports of UFOs flying near the base and nearby Fort Dix, New Jersey. It is said a military police officer, who was based at Fort Dix, reported seeing a low-flying object pass over his car while he was driving. He stopped his car and when he did he saw a small being with a large head black eyes and a very slender body and told it to lay on the ground after he pulled his gun. When the being did not respond he fired two shots at it. The wounded being jumped the fence onto McGuire Air Force Base and headed down the runway. As the small creature ran down the runway it collapsed and died. Police were called to the scene and it is said they saw the creature laying on the ground dead in the fetal position. They began to rope off the area, but before they could finish a group of military officers arrived. The military then took charge of the situation. The witness said he could see the body being lifted and as the headlights of the vehicle shined on it he noticed it had snake like skin. The body was then hauled away inside of a steel container. This occurred in the early hours of January 18th, 1978.

A Harvard professor has stated we may have received a signal from aliens which we are not investigating. He thinks we could have misunderstood the fact we have proof of alien life. He believes strange radio waves which have been reaching the earth are leaking from a huge light powered ship deep in space. He also thinks FRB or fast radio bursts which were discovered in 2007 could be attempts at communication. Researchers have not been able to establish the source of the signals. When fast radio bursts were discovered in 2007 they were from data which showed a burst occurred in 2001. Could these be communications from alien races and are there other things which have come our way we don’t recognize which might also be an attempt at communication?