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Famous People Who Believed In UFOs and Aliens

One thing I have noticed is there are more people who believe in UFOs than you would ever suspect. An interesting piece was written by the Huffington Post. It talks about an article which was written in 1939 by none other than Winston Churchill. The article was never published and is eleven pages long and publication probably never made it, because of the start of World War II. Winston Churchill said in the article he was impressed with the progress humans have made and believed it was possible we were not the only beings in the universe. He also said since the universe was so big it was hard to believe we were the only life in it. When people think of Churchill they usually think of somebody who is very sensible and a brilliant leader. He certainly was not the kind of person one would think was a nut. Maybe the article wasn’t published, because Churchill thought better about it and didn’t want to put his reputation in jeopardy. It does prove one thing however, there are those who we would never suspect of believing in aliens and UFOs who might.

There have been many different surveys taken in the United States to see how many people actually believe UFOs are alien vehicles. One of the problems with the surveys is many of them are not very scientific and because of this the answers they produce can be drastically different. The consensus seems to be we are divided on the subject pretty evenly. Every time a famous person reports a UFO sighting it increases the number of people who believe in UFOs, because credible witnesses have this effect on the population and who could be more credible in the eyes of the public than a famous person. One of the most credible was astronaut Edgar Mitchell. He believed not only extraterrestrials did exist, but the fact they did was being kept from us. Astronauts had to go through very strict examinations both mentally and physically. If one was to ask the question who are the sanest people on this planet the astronaut corps would have to be right up at the top.

There are probably more people in the United States government who believed aliens existed and UFOs were their vehicles than we suspect. One of these people had to be Harry Truman the former president of the United States. As far as we know he was the only president directly involved in a UFO event in Washington DC while in office. This occurred in the early 1950s when UFOs stationed themselves over the White House a couple of weeks in a row and were chased away by our planes. This in itself is probably one of the strongest cases for the existence of alien UFOs. We know former President Reagan, before he was president, had a couple of incidences with UFOs and we also know he made a famous speech before the United Nations stating if aliens attacked us we would all come together to fight them.

One of the most respected scientists in the world is Stephen Hawking. When Stephen Hawking talks many people listen. Stephen Hawking was quite disturbed by some of the probes we were sending out into space which contain information about the earth including its location. If he didn’t believe in aliens he certainly wouldn’t have cared, because he would’ve felt the information we were sending out would never reach anyone. He went on to say it was possible if UFOs existed they were alien and the government could be keeping things quiet. If one of the greatest scientists in the world feels this way who are we to make fun of others who also feel the same way? Some of the people we have looked upon as the most sensible were also people who believe in an alien presence. Whoever would’ve thought Douglas MacArthur, the great American general, would have believed in aliens? I don’t think anybody thought about this until he said the next war would be an interplanetary one and we would have to fight people from other planets.

We know some of the Russians also believe UFOs are alien vehicles. Mikhail Gorbachev stated this subject must be treated seriously, which indicates to me he believed aliens were involved. Human belief  in extraterrestrials goes back a lot further than many of us know as evidenced by the drawings of UFOs on cave walls from 25,000 years ago. I can’t say whether cavemen even know about the concept of extraterrestrials, but I can say they certainly knew something unusual was going on when they saw those discs flying in the sky.

A famous British Air Marshall who participated in the battle of Britain named Lord Hugh Tremenheere Dowding stated he believed UFOs existed and were not from the earth. This raises the question what did Dowding see? Was it just the belief he had from listening to others or was he personally involved in some way we don’t know about? It has been suggested some of these people could have been abducted by aliens and didn’t want to speak about it. In the early days of television the most famous newscaster by far was a man named Walter Cronkite. Unlike the news casters of today, Mr. Cronkite was a highly respected father figure and just about everyone in the country believed anything he told them. In the 1950s Cronkite was invited to observe an Air Force display on a Pacific island. The Air Force had a new missile it was testing. While the reporters watched a disc-shaped object fired a beam toward the missile which also hit a security officer and his dog. The missile, the officer and the dog were frozen in place. The people who witnessed this were told they were never to speak about it. I am sure this made a believer out of Cronkite. Years later Cronkite hosted UFO segments on television.

While not an astronaut, a government official or a historical figure Elvis was still and is still one of the most famous people in the world and what a lot of people don’t know about him is the fact he was a fervent believer in UFOs. Elvis claimed UFOs were in the sky when he was born and when he was eight years old he was visited by extraterrestrials who showed him what his future was going to be. There is a story which I can’t confirm which states at Elvis’s funeral a UFO hovered in the sky above.

One has to wonder how many other people we don’t know about who also believe UFOs and extraterrestrials. This is not the kind of thing some people want to talk about.