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Are Aliens Among Us?

Let’s start the new year by deciding if we lowly humans are really alone on this planet. It has been said aliens are among us. I am talking about extraterrestrials. Some investigators claim some of them are different than humans but use a sort of mental block to fool us. A woman claimed she was riding on a subway train and changed cars. When she went into the next car looking for a seat she almost jumped out of her skin. Sitting on a seat reading a newspaper was a slim grey alien. To her one of the most incredible things was no one else in the subway car noticed this. She ran out of the car and was afraid to say anything because she realized people would think she was crazy. She is not the only one to have seen something like this, but this is quite rare. Some investigators explain this by saying the hypnotic event works on 99.99999 percent of the people, but it is not 100 percent effective.

Timothy Good, the famous UFO investigator told me a story during an interview. This guy has written over 30 books on the subject of UFOs and is considered one of the most famous investigators. He said he discovered the aliens could read telepathic signals sent out by us. One day he was in a restaurant and noticed a woman who seemed to him to be a little odd. He sent out a message asking her if she was an alien and she turned around and smiled at him and nodded her head. This gave him an idea. Later on he was staying at a hotel and decided to go down to the lobby and try and send out a telepathic signal. He said he sat in a chair and sent out a message asking any extraterrestrials in the area to come and meet him. In about 30 minutes a well-dressed man came to the lobby and sat next to him. Mr. Good then sent another message and asked him to touch his nose if he was an alien who received his message and the man raised his hand and touched his nose. Mr. Good admits he was so overwhelmed he went no further and the man left.

One man thought he was seeing aliens in his room, but also thought it could be a recurring nightmare. He was lying in bed and woke up one night and was paralyzed. There is a condition named sleep paralysis, but this was different because as he lay there his bedroom window began to light up from the outside. As he stared at it unable to move he saw several small creatures outside his window. He was terrified but there was nothing he could do but watch as the floated toward the window and then right through it into his bedroom. They went over to his bed and lifted him to the window where they all floated through it including the man. A beam of light was outside and it took them into a circular ship where he was examined and had some very unpleasant things done to him. After they were done he was taken back down to his bed and they left. He woke with marks on his body where tests had been made and for some reason remembered his ordeal which is very unusual since hypnosis is usually required to bring back all the memories of an abduction.

A bunch of kids were playing in a forest in Malaysia in 1970. They said a tiny UFO which they described as less than a meter in diameter landed where they were. The hatch opened and five humanoids came out. They were all about 3 inches tall. One was dressed different than the others and had a helmet with a spike on the top. The children thought this must be the leader. They were working on putting up something into a tree when one of the kids ran toward them with the idea of abducting one of the aliens. The aliens were said to have pulled out weapons and shot the boy in the thigh and began shooting at the rest of the children who ran away. Is it possible there are humanoids in this universe who are tiny and others which might be huge? I do not think this is out of the question and perhaps size is tied to the size of the world one comes from.

Two men were driving along a road in Venezuela when they found their path blocked by a large sphere. One of the men got out of the truck to investigate. He didn’t realize what was really going on, he just thought something was in his way and never gave a thought to it being from another world, after all it was back in 1951. A hatch on the ship opened and there very hairy aliens came out of the ship. One alien jumped on the man and he had a hard time getting him off because the alien was very strong even though he was very light. The alien attacked again and was able to toss the man into the air. The man drew a knife and tried to stab the alien but the knife couldn’t penetrate its skin. The aliens ran back to the ship and took off.

A security guard in Italy was making his rounds in 1978 when he saw four lights coming toward him. He headed toward the lights with his gun drawn. As he got closer he encountered three reptilian beings which he said were about 10 feet tall and wearing mouthpieces. He was then shot with some sort of a heat ray but managed to scamper away. He radioed for help and was found later by a security patrol. An investigation was conducted and very large footprints were found on the scene. There were also scorching on a few trees. Unfortunately for the guard the aliens return and this time they got him and abducted him. He recalled the entire event under hypnotic regression. At some point the aliens put a helmet on the guard and he was able to communicate with them and told them he was afraid and then they released him.

There is no doubt stories like this sound absolutely nutsy. That is just what the powers that be are banking on. When people talk about abductions they are painted with the brush of ridicule. It doesn’t matter if they have proof, multiple witnesses or anything else. Sometimes we are all just too closed minded. Sure some of the stores we hear about these things are hoaxes, but not all of them and we should look into these things a little deeper and not dismiss them out of hand, after all the day is coming when we will formally meet other races, it is just a matter of time.

