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Lately Chile has been in the news, because of UFO sightings. The Chilean navy had released some information on UFO sightings which interested many UFO investigators. On January 30, 2017 a man and his family became very excited when they saw something strange in the sky in Chile. They weren’t the only ones to see it, but most of the rest of the crowd wrote it off to being nothing, that is until a second UFO came along. The UFOs seemed to be cylindrical shaped. They moved through the clouds as the amazed witnesses watched. The sighting took place near the ocean and the UFOs were clearly over the water at the time. Is it just a coincidence or is there something special about Chile we don’t realize, which is of an interest to extraterrestrials?

Did you ever wonder why so many strange looking figures appear in some of our ancient art? Over the years some people have come to believe these figures represent aliens. There is no denying that the strange type of figures have appeared for thousands of years in drawings, painting, sculpture and other forms of art, but does this necessarily mean they are alien? Humans had a habit of assigning animal and even insect traits to determine what the gods might look like. What we see could simply be this re-creation of these ideas. I don’t believe just because we see something weird in an ancient drawing it means there were actually creatures living on the earth which look like those which were depicted. It has become popular among some groups to claim these creatures actually lived, but there has never been any evidence found to prove this. I think more to the point are the paintings which show traditionally shaped UFOs in the background and the wall carvings in caves which also show them as being much better proof that UFOs have existed for thousands of years.

One thing we cannot deny is the fact many of the futuristic inventions which were pictured on Star Trek have come to pass. The only reason I mention this is there was a very strange UFO sighting recently. A family was outside and their daughter was taking random photos with her cell phone. They had been returning from a trip. After she finished taking all the pictures the daughter decided to look through them. In one picture she noticed an object in the sky. As she enlarged it she couldn’t believe her eyes, the object looked very much like the Enterprise. I am not talking about the aircraft carrier, I am talking about the spaceship on Star Trek. The family decided to have the picture analyzed and asked Doctor Bruce Maccabee, who was formerly in the employee of the U.S. Navy as an optical physicist, to examine the photo. Doctor Maccabee stated he is not aware of anything that looks like this, however the image is too small for good resolution. It does make one wonder is it truly a UFO or could it be a flying model of the enterprise which would make it small and seem to be very far away when it isn’t? On the other hand could there be a new experimental ship in our arsenal?

One of the most intriguing photos which have anything to do with space is the Solway Firth spaceman photo. This photo has been examined on so many different levels and yet there is no evidence that it has been tampered with or that it might be a double exposure. The photo was taken in 1964 when a family was taking a picture of their child. At the time there was nothing in the frame except the child, but when the photo got developed incredibly there was what looked like someone in a spacesuit standing behind the child. People have been trying to debunk this picture ever since it came out and there have been some pretty incredible excuses for it, but the truth of the matter is there has never been a reasonable explanation given. One explanation I heard states the image is of the little girl’s mother, but unless she is wearing a spacesuit I just can’t buy it. This sort of reminds me of times when suddenly UFOs become visible in the sky. Could it be there are aliens walking around on our planet which have some sort of invisibility shield which sometimes gets breached?

Another thing I have trouble believing are announcements we hear every once in a while from people who are supposedly in the know and claim we are at war with aliens. It just boggles the mind to think that we could ever last more than about thirty seconds against a space faring race, so how could we be at war with extraterrestrials? During an address by an army general one can clearly hear him telling troops about the different things they will have to deal with in our complex world and as incredible as it sounds one of the things he mentioned is little green men. He also talks about hybrid armies, but this doesn’t necessarily mean he is referring to aliens, he could be referring to genetic creations. The general who made these statements is General Mark A. Milley who just happens to be the Army Chief of Staff. The speech is said to have been given before the ROTC when they were celebrating their one hundredth anniversary.

One of the things I do is try and get the take of all different countries about UFOs. The Russian news ran an article stating extraterrestrial civilizations are keeping us isolated. They go on to say these aliens could also be keeping us from detecting extraterrestrial life. The article postulates on why this would be happening and one of the reasons they put forth is there are conflicting clicks in their civilizations that can’t agree on what to do about us. Well since there is no proof any of this is true I would like to say all this is pie-in-the-sky, but I would also like to add a good reason for keeping us away from everybody is we are warlike and have a long history of military struggles. I could understand how a race out there could think we are nothing but trouble.

There always seemed to be interesting things happening in the field of UFO investigation and I am sure that someday we are going to find out something which will really startle everybody.