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UFOs In Our Skies

It seems a very strange craft was seen in the skies over Chile in November 2014. The sighting had been kept a secret until recently. At first glance in some instances it looked like a long cigar shaped object, but that impression was incorrect. It was actually a smaller craft trailing a dark exhaust. It was photographed by a Chilean naval helicopter which was doing a routine coastal patrol. The object was only flying at about the same speed as the helicopter, but there was a mysterious aspect to it and that was it didn’t show up on the helicopter’s radar, neither did it show up on ground radar stations or airport radars. The object was only visible to the naked eye. When the authorities investigated they found no aircraft had been in this area at the time. Some thought it might have been some type of space debris which was releasing gas, but the object was clearly under intelligent control and flying horizontally. The head analyst from the Chilean Air Force’s photogrammetric department stated, "It can be concluded that the object has all the characteristics to be classified as an unidentified aerial phenomenon."

On September 24, 2016 at 9:30 pm a police helicopter was flying at about 1,000 feet over the Bristol Channel. Suddenly a thermal camera on the craft caught sight of a UFO. The object was completely invisible. Since they couldn’t figure out what the object was the police Tweeted “any suggestions?” The police helicopter belonged to the South Wales Police Department. Balloons and Chinese lanterns were immediately ruled out, because of the amount of heat coming from the object and because of the way it moved. Even today we are still unaware of what the police saw. Could there be fleets of invisible craft in our skies and we don’t know it? This reminds me of a strange incident which occurred in Mexico one year. An eclipse took place during a military parade and during this eclipse hundreds of UFOs became visible in the sky.

Dr. Jacques Valle is a former NASA scientist. He is credited with helping to develop the first computerized mapping of Mars. He is also one of the developers of ARPANET, the precursor of the Internet. When someone like this talks about UFOs everyone should listen. Dr. Valle believes UFOs are intelligently controlled either by remote means or by actual pilots. In one of his books he analyses 500 ancient UFOs. Did Valle have access to secret information at NASA which made him believe UFOs were controlled?

Paul Hellyer is the former Canadian Minister of National Defense and former Deputy Prime Minister, he is also an engineer. He stated he was called in to listen to a death bed confession. He went on to say he received a call from a man who told him the former head of Emergency Measures in Canada was dying from ALS and he had something he wanted to get off his chest. The man stated he had gone to Langley and the CIA representative asked the man if he would like to see one of the craft in Area 51 and of course he said yes. They flew him out and he was allowed to actually go into one. He was not allowed to take notes, photos or recordings. The man stated he had to sign an oath of secrecy and said he never told anyone, not even his wife. There had been other deathbed confessions made to relatives and such by others in the Canadian government which validated the existence of alien UFOs. Could all these people be making this stuff up? Let’s not forget the deceased head of Lockheed’s Skunk Works where many secret aircraft are made also confessed to the existence of aliens and UFOs. What could all this mean beside aliens exist? If people in the Canadian government are being briefed about UFOs then you can bet high ranking officials in the U.S. government are too. I mention this because many think the president has no knowledge of UFOs.

Some people say UFOs are enemy craft, but if they are this enemy comes from the stars. There doesn’t seem to be very much proof for this. We are in a position where we are not capable of defending ourselves from an attack from space by advanced aliens. The aliens would certainly know this and if they wanted to, they could easily wipe us out.

There is an interesting story which states the real reasons for the end of the Apollo missions to the moon were far different than we have been told. We were told Apollo was discontinued because the public lost interest in it. This never made much sense on several levels. The first is the fact many people were extremely interested in the moon and the missions. The second reason is since when does the government care what we are interested in or not? According to this story the U.S. Navy wanted to send men to the moon and construct bases and envisioned sending about 10,000 people there. This was to be only one stage of a plan which also called for putting bases on Mars and even nearby star systems. But aliens were detected on the moon and their ships were all along a crater as Apollo 11 landed. The aliens warned us against putting bases on the moon and only allowed us to conduct a few more Apollo missions, so the plans for bases were cancelled and the program called NOVA which was the plan for this was also cancelled.

There are a lot of objects flying in our skies. They are mostly commercial aircraft of one type or another, military aircraft and private aviation, or so it seems. I say this because some UFOs have been found changing their shape to look like these craft. Some UFOs seem to have incredible abilities. Not only do they become invisible, but they can materially alter their shapes. One relatively famous event was when a UFO was seen changing into a helicopter. It happened fast, but not fast enough to go unnoticed. They have also been seen altering their size and breaking into many smaller ones. The amount of UFO witnesses worldwide must be in the millions by now.