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Déjà vu

There is a school of thought which believes there is nothing new on the face of the earth and everything we are doing, including technological progress, has been done before. As a matter of fact many of these people believe we were a lot more advanced in the past and met with some disaster which sent us back to the Stone Age. Others argue if this was true there would be remains of prior civilizations. The problem with that theory is if this happened too far back, nothing might exist since we live on a dynamic planet where everything changes over time. If one points to the pyramids as proof ancient civilizations leave evidence then they have to realize scientists state they are only about 4,500 years old. We could be talking about a civilization which existed hundreds of thousands of years ago or more, after all there have even been ancient drawings found showing humans with dinosaurs and the ancients who made the drawings would have known nothing about dinosaurs unless they found something to copy or stories were handed down, but even then how did they get the dinosaurs in the drawings so perfect since they were copies of actual species?

These same people believe we were a space faring race at one time and point to the fact there have been many books which have come out where the authors state there are ruins on the moon and they are very ancient and also say we have found the remains of glass domes over some of the craters, but this is being kept from the public. Here is one for you, it could be humans didn’t come from Mars as some suspect, but went there in very ancient times and colonized it, which would also account for any ruins found there. Some may have been thinking about things incorrectly when they put forth their theory that humans came from Mars. That is the thing about theories, sometimes they can even be backwards. If we did go to Mars what happened to that planet which turned it into a vast wasteland? If you talk to some people, even some scientists they will tell you there are signs of a nuclear war and the soil of Mars has certain elements in it which could only have come from a nuclear explosion. Could it be humans were in some sort of colonization program at the time and ran into a more advanced race which decided to try and destroy us for reasons unknown?

There are places on earth which also bear the ancient markings of a nuclear war. Some places on Earth where we have credited volcanoes for creating glass from the sand when they exploded and yet there could be another cause for the creation of this glass and it is nothing less than a nuclear bomb. One scientists remarked on the high concentration of Xenon 129 in the atmosphere of Mars, because this is produced by nuclear explosions. Could a nuclear bomb of extremely high magnitude have blown away the atmosphere on Mars? According to one scientist Mars was hit with only two nuclear explosions, but they were more massive than anything we have ever seen. You can read his paper about this, it is titled, “Evidence of a Massive Thermonuclear Explosion on Mars in the Past.” There is also some evidence which shows a nuclear reaction could have taken place on the earth about 1.7 billion years ago. The estimate for the age of the earth is about 4.5 billion years. Some may knock this and say the atmosphere couldn’t support human life back then, but do we really know what human life would have been like in those days? Not only that, we could be incorrect about the atmospheric conditions just as we were wrong about other things which have since been corrected.

Why are we sending probes to comets and asteroids? We are told it is to see what they are made of so we know what the early solar system was like and also to see if in some instances we can move some of these bodies and stop them from hitting us. This is not what some think. These people believe ancient humans had set up bases on some of this objects and when the war hit the Earth, Mars and the Moon some of these bases might have been spared and they think we could find ancient advanced technology on one or more of these places. It was reported, but denied by the government, one asteroid had been sending out a signal and when the probe started taking photos a landing strip could be seen along with signs of man made construction. Certain photos released by NASA showed things which could have been proof of this, but there was nothing definitive which was released. This seems to be the way it always goes.

Taking this a step further there are those who believe some of us made it to the stars and avoided the war. They think these humans are what are known as the Nordics. It has been reported time and time again there is a race of people who are tall, light skinned and have blond hair and come from another star system. There are a lot of stories about their visits to the earth and it is said they blend in with us and therefore are undetectable. It is also said they have a special affinity for us and want to help us and they were the same beings who met secretly with President Eisenhower. I spoke to President Eisenhower’s grand-daughter and she told me he did meet with extraterrestrials. The story goes they offered to help humans if we gave up our nuclear weapons, but he declined. As I said these are stories which cannot be proved, but the grand-daughter remembering this means he must have spoken about it in front of her.

Our history could be entirely different than we have been led to believe. Instead of appearing on the earth out of nowhere about 200,000 years ago we may have been here 2 billion years ago or more. It could be we became so advanced we developed space flight capable of reaching other star systems. We put colonies on the Moon, Mars and possibly throughout our solar system. We began to explore other star systems and somewhere along the line a more powerful race decided we were a threat and needed to be eliminated. They nuked our bases off world and even nuked the earth, but somehow a few of us survived and over time developed into what we are today and began to advance in technology. Could it be we are still being watched and if we develop too far we will again be subject to an attack? Could this be the reason UFO information is being kept from us by the government? Could it be we have been down this road even more than twice?