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Extraterrestrial Signals

The search for alien signals has been going on for many years. There have been rumors we have actually received signals from an intelligent source and many have also said these were not intelligent signals. It is hard to know what we are receiving, since the universe is full of signals. Recently a New York Post article stated scientists are saying they have received signals which could be from aliens and these signals are from deep space. I always have to wonder about these stories. I can’t help but think if we received radio signals from aliens located in deep space they must have taken so long to reach us the aliens could all be dead by now. It seems to me using radio signals might be something a race would only use for a few hundred years of their existence since something else would be needed for efficient space communications. Until an advanced race can get instant communication with distant spacecraft, radio communication is worthless after a certain distance, because it is not practical to have to wait too long for a message to be received after being sent.

I have to wonder if we ever receive communications from aliens, would we be allowed to know it. Who is to say we haven’t received messages already? You may wonder how I could say this after saying radio communications are too impractical. It is possible aliens could come near our planet, realize we are using radio transmissions and contact us from their ships which could be nearby. Why would they want to do things this way and not land here? They might not want to upset our society and think this is a better method to let their presence be known to us. This allows our leaders to decide if we should know they exist. Unfortunately the answer would probably be our leaders wouldn’t want us to know. The reason for this might be they don’t want us to know there is a power out there much stronger than we are, which could wipe us out if they wanted to.

It is hard to separate the fact sightings have been taking place for over 100 years from the fact there could be intelligent communications picked up from space. Spacecraft communicate with each other and probably their home world. If there are alien craft in space then it is almost certain there are alien communications. There might be more than one type of communications for different reasons. For instance it could take more power to use some sort of long range communication, so if ships are near each other maybe they would use something similar to radio communication. This is just a guess of course. The point I am trying to make is simple. If alien ships are near us or even in our atmosphere, sooner or later they will probably communicate with each other and we might be able to pick up this communication.

When Nikola Tesla the great scientist and engineer began to experiment with electricity he also experimented with radio waves. This is the same person who later got credit for inventing the radio when a court ruled Marconi had used equipment which had first been invented by Tesla when he claimed to have invented the radio. Anyway in 1899 Tesla was using radio waves and pumping them through a 280 foot tower he had built. He had attached instruments to his experiment which would let him know if there were any electromagnetic disturbances within 1,100 miles. When he began the test he started to receive odd signals. He felt they were from an intelligent source due to the way they were spaced and set up. He stated he was familiar with signals which were created by heavenly bodies, such as the sun, the earth and other off world sources and these signals didn’t match any of those. At the time he was absolutely certain the signals didn’t come from anything on earth. As he thought about the signals he began to feel they were some sort of greeting from another planet. One of the problems with Tesla is we may never know the scope of all his inventions since many feel there were a lot more than we know about. We know he created an advanced transmitter sometime later and it was said he could send a signal using it which would not degrade no matter the distance. Not many know this, but it has been said he improved his equipment so much he picked up voice transmissions from other worlds.

Human scientists seem very anxious to receive alien signals and verify the fact we are not alone in the universe and I guess we can’t blame them. Humans have been wondering if they were alone for many thousands of years, but not all scientists think it is a good thing to beam our location out into space or send out probes showing where we are located. One such critic is Dr. Stephen Hawkins. He has expressed this fact many times. Apparently he believes it is just too risky to be doing these things and bases this on our own history. He cites the fact when more advanced humans have encountered lesser advanced humans it was not good for them. The American Indians are such an example, because hundreds of thousands of them died and their culture was almost completely destroyed. Their lands were taken and also any riches they had. The same was true for the indigenous people of Mexico and South America. He likens this to what will happen to us if a superior race finds us. Some feel he is wrong, because they feel a highly advanced race capable of space travel over long distances will be advanced enough to realize this and not interfere with us, but the truth is no one knows what would happen.

Comet 67P is the comet the European Space Agency sent its Rosetta Mission to and landed the Philae probe on. To us it seemed like a very successful mission to a comet for scientific research, but a so called whistleblower said no space agency would spend billions of dollars to send a spacecraft on a 12 year mission just to examine a comet and take close up photos. He claimed NASA had been receiving radio bursts from this object since 20 years ago and Comet 67P was not really a comet, but something else. He went on to say it showed machine like parts and unnatural terrain. Were we picking up signals from this object? It does seem we must have had a strong reason to want to go to this comet and it is said the signals were a greeting being sent to us. Could this object have been an answer to our probe which showed our location and what we looked like?

It seems it is only a matter of time before we develop faster communications and perhaps we will find the universe is full of civilizations communicating with each other.