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Are Extraterrestrials Here?

A lot of strange UFOs have been seen in our skies lately. One strange event which stands out in my mind has to do with what looks like two UFOs creating a circle in the sky. Why would two UFOs do this? Some are saying what seems like a circle to us is really a portal and what they have created is probably a wormhole to allow other UFOs to reach our planet much faster by using this shortcut. Of course I have no way of knowing if any of this is true, all I can do is refer to what others have seen and that is the circle being created. A circle seem to be some sort of favorite shape for aliens to create. I say this because of the abundance of crop circles which have been created all over the earth. Even if we eliminate the counterfeit ones there are still plenty that we cannot explain, after all how do you explain something which has an effect on you when you walk into the center of it? Crop circles have been known to affect humans who have entered them in many bizarre ways.

One of the problems we have is there are plenty of stories on the Internet which we can’t verify which have to do with UFOs and aliens. It is said Putin made a statement this year in which he said ninety-five percent of the ruling class of this planet are not even human. If this is true what did he mean by this? Some people have taken this to mean aliens are running our planet, others have even taken it a step farther and claimed these aliens are reptilians. If Putin did say this he might not have meant what people are saying at all, he could have meant they have no feeling for the human race and think they are above us. One of the problems we have is people are constantly looking for clues to prove aliens are controlling us and in so doing they not only grasp at straws, but they supply their own meanings to the words people are using. The story goes on to say that Putin believes the masses are being dumbed down and the media is playing a large part in this and the world ruling class is taking control of our food, water and air supply. I think he has a point here, but he should’ve added energy supply to that list. None of this however proves aliens are in charge.

Lately some photos have appeared which seem to indicate our planet is being protected from deadly meteor strikes. Almost instantly people who saw these photos began to say friendly aliens were protecting us. It seems people just can’t wait to play that alien card. Hardly anyone even mentions the fact if we are being protected from meteor strikes, it could be we are doing this ourselves using secret devices or using our secret space fleet. I have to ask the question, if we are given the choice of believing aliens are helping us or we have advanced technology and are protecting ourselves, which is more likely? To me the answer is obvious, we are doing it. If there are aliens out there protecting us, we still don’t have enough proof they are there and until this proof is found I think the more prudent way of figuring these things out is we are responsible. Some people might say I have a closed mind, but the truth is I believe there are probably extraterrestrials out there, I just don’t believe we have enough proof yet to say they have come to earth.

There are plenty of sightings of UFOs which cannot be explained, I will be the first to admit this. I will even go as far as to say if we examine the historical record we have to come to the conclusion they are not from earth. Having said this one cannot dismiss this possibility entirely, even when we see depictions of UFOs on cave walls which have been dated as far back as twenty-five thousand years ago. Perhaps there was an advanced race on the earth of which we have no knowledge of anymore. Is this any more of a wild theory than believing extraterrestrials have come here? I don’t think so. If there was an advanced race it could explain a lot of things which seems to make no sense to us today. One of those things is how did the ancients move huge blocks of stone weighing up to hundreds of tons, when we can’t even do it today with modern equipment? This advanced race could have taught them how to do it. It does seem like there are only two available possibilities to explain ancient UFOs and they are either these were extraterrestrials or advanced humans. Some say if advanced humans did exist why are they not here today? One of the theories is they went out into space and left this planet behind. Maybe they were tired of the constant wars. On the other hand maybe they are still here and we don’t know it. If they look just like us they could even be sitting next to us on a bus and we would never know it. They could park all their advanced vehicles in places we could never see, such as on other moons and just use a few of them to go back and forth.

One of the problems with deciding if extraterrestrials exist on our planet or in our skies is the fact all of the evidence we know about is circumstantial. We have all seen pictures of so-called dead aliens, but we have also heard the government call these photos a hoax. We know what the government tells us is unreliable in many cases, but we just can’t be sure if those alien photos are real or not. Seeing a UFO in the sky doesn’t mean it is loaded with alien life and even though it may perform far beyond what we would expect a craft from earth to be able to do, doesn’t necessarily mean it is alien. It could be we are looking at very advanced technology which is being kept from us. I have often heard the state of our technology is not what we think it is and we are really hundreds of years more advanced than we think we are. This has been verified by several whistleblowers during their death bed confessions and these were people who had been in a position to know.

This reminds me of a story I once saw on television where a human volunteered to let government doctors turn him into what looked like an alien. The idea was to have him crash an advanced looking ship into an area where there were lots of people. This was done so word would get around that what people are seeing in the skies were alien ships. The government was using this hoax to protect the fact we had very advanced technology and we didn’t want our enemies to know about it. Yes this was only a story, but it does make one wonder doesn’t it? How far would a government go to try and convince people their advanced technology didn’t exist? Would they try and convince their citizens the technology they possessed was extraterrestrial? While a lot of people might not agree with this theory I think it is worth considering.
I am only throwing all of this out for consideration and I am not saying aliens don’t exist. I’m not even saying they couldn’t possibly be here, all I am saying is we just don’t seem to have enough evidence yet and if it does exist is being hidden from us.