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Extraterrestrials And Mythical Planets

There is some exciting things going on in the UFO community. TimeGreen has reported that Prime Minister Medvedev will tell the World Economic Forum it is warning the United States the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens and if the United States won’t participate in a coming announcement the Kremlin will make the announcement on its own. The meeting is to be held in Geneva and the World Economic Forum is an organization which brings world leaders together to try and improve things on earth. It seems Medvedev is very interested in extraterrestrial contact and one has to assume if this is true, Putin is probably just as interested. In the past Medvedev has answered reporter’s questions on the subject and it is claimed he has stated when the president gets the nuclear codes he also gets a folder on extraterrestrial activity. When Medvedev referred to the movie Men In Black people laughed thinking he was making a joke, what they didn’t realize was there was a Russian documentary with the same name which he was referring to. It is being said the release statement is driving US government officials crazy, because they have been involved in the UFO cover-up since President Eisenhower’s term when a pact was signed to keep these things secret.

Apparently this is not the only news out of Russia. According to Reflection Of Mind, an alternate news website, Putin had something to say about our election, which if true is also quite interesting. For many thousands of years it has been suspected there is another planet in our solar system. The planet had been named Nibiru. The news article states Putin has said if Hillary Clinton wins the election he is going to release the information about this planet. The reason he said he wouldn’t do if Trump wins is that the article states Trump has promised him if he was elected President he would dismantle the Nibiru conspiracy. The article goes on to say Putin is afraid Clinton will do anything to stop him from releasing this information including perhaps a drone strike against him. Nibiru is said to be so big it tilts the entire solar system. There are a lot of disaster stories attached to this planet and one of them states the planet will make a close appearance to earth and it could be a doomsday event. Many people have predicted the appearance of Nibiru in the past and yet it has never happened. Nibiru was thought to be a mythical planet, but some now believe it may be responsible for the UFO phenomena.

Astronomers have claimed they have discovered 234 mysterious signals coming from stars and there is a lot of speculation these signals may be coming from alien species trying to make contact with us. The Apache Point Observatory in the United States was used to analyze signals from over two and half million stars and this is how the 234 mysterious signals were found. The reason some astronomers thought these could be attempts at contact was all of these signals were relatively comparable to our sun. I have said before I don’t believe an advanced alien race would be using any type of radio signal, because obviously it travels too slowly. If an alien race was at the same technological level as us they wouldn’t have discovered our signals yet, because they are too far away. There is always the chance however an advanced alien race was able to use some other method to propel a radio signal here much faster, perhaps through a wormhole. We are really ignorant when it comes to the workings of the universe and perhaps we have missed something about how these signals come to us, because of an unknown phenomena.

There has been an inordinate amount of predictions stating we have been making contact with alien races and that this information will be made public this year, but this year only has a little over two months left and we still haven’t seen any proof of contact yet. This doesn’t mean we won’t however and anything is possible. There are a lot of people in government who are interested in UFOs and extraterrestrials and they seem to be gaining in power. Whether it is enough power is yet to be seen. Years ago you wouldn’t have seen or heard government officials making public references to UFO information and yet today there are quite a few of these types of politicians. There is no doubt curiosity about UFOs is certainly building and just too many of them are being sighted to ignore them.

Scientists have come out and stated there is no doubt somebody attacked Mars in the ancient past. It makes you wonder when you hear this kind of thing if what was left of the Martian race traveled to earth and became us. It’s been speculated by some people that this is one of the reasons the government is not telling us what is really going on when it comes to extraterrestrials. They think we were originally destroyed by advanced extraterrestrials when we were a lot more advanced than we are today and this knowledge is being kept from us, because we might worry too much they would come back and repeat what they did. For all we know, if we are having contact with extraterrestrials, perhaps one of these races is the one that did it. There is no explaining the incredible amount of UFOs in the sky that date back thousands of years before we even had the ability to fly, except by the fact they are not ours.

SETI or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has been searching the skies for many years for messages. There are quite a few people who suspect they have already made contact and are not telling us about it. Others say the contact is right in front of us and it is in the form of crop circles. Governments around the world have done their best to disparage these things, but when one sees a true crop circle which could not have been made by human hands they realize these circles are very different. Not only do they have an effect on human beings who go into their centers, but they seem to contain complicated messages which we claim we have yet to figure out. Is that really the truth, are we unable to figure out any messages at all?

Let’s hope if the United States does not release any UFO data this year some other country will. If it turns out to be Putin or Medvedev it will be interesting to see what the reaction of the United States will be. Will we deny it and say the Russians are telling tall tales, will we try and beat them to the punch or will we make a joint statement? Perhaps the entire thing is just a hoax? I guess we’ll know the answer to this by the end of the year.