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Ancient UFOs, Bodies And Signals

For many years a story has circulated about extraterrestrial artifacts turning up in Egypt. They were said to have been found in the home of a famous Egyptologist named Sir William Petrie. It has been claimed these artifacts could change the entire history of Egypt if they were made known to the world. They were originally found in the complex at Giza. Most of us know this area as the place where the great pyramid and Sphinx exist. The artifacts completely disappeared after they were removed, so what happened to them? It is said they were removed by the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum almost immediately after they were found. There has long been talk that certain people know far more about UFOs than the rest of us and one family name keeps repeating and that is the name Rockefeller. It is said the objects had been hidden behind a bookcase in a secret room. Apparently Petrie must have thought he would be laughed out of the profession if he presented them to his peers and yet he knew the importance of these objects and this is why he kept them. There has been a claim that a few of the objects have turned up in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in London, but according to one article this is unconfirmed. Two of the artifacts are said to be mummified Grey aliens. Some of the other objects are said to show alien spacecraft.

It is hard to explain how ancient races of people have created so many drawings and carvings of what we now know as disk shaped UFOs. There are those who claim we only think that is what we are seeing and yet if we take several of these depictions we will almost have a movie. In case you are wondering what I mean by this I will tell you. There are depictions of UFOs flying through the sky, space and even shooting out rays. Taken as a whole it certainly is hard to deny what they are and one could easily see how they tell a story just like a movie might. Think about this for a second, it is much more unlikely for the ancients, who had no knowledge of flight or even machines, to have drawn or carved these things from their imagination and even if one or two did how do we explain the fact that these things have appeared so many times in history? It seems to me the only explanation is people were copying what they saw in the sky.

There is another story making the rounds and this time it is about the KGB. It is said during the Cold War the Soviets and the Americans were desperate for new technology. This makes sense since both were trying to outdo each other in the field of technology and weapons development. In 1961 the KGB launched Project ISIS. Supposedly this led to the recovery of an alien mummy which was found in a tomb in the Giza Plateau in Egypt. We know the Soviets had friendly relations with the Egyptians at the time, so this may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. I can’t vouch for how accurate the next statement is, but I want to tell you about it so you can form your own opinion. It is said the Soviets were very upset about the UFO crash at Roswell, because they felt we would back engineer the UFO technology and use it against them, so that was the impetus for their search for alien technology and where better to start than Egypt, because of all the stories about ancient astronauts and the Egyptian people. There is a video which exists which shows the Soviets opening the tomb. It is black-and-white, not very clear at times and there is no way to authenticate it, but it could be the real thing. On top of all this many claim what was found in the sarcophagus was the body of one of the Egyptian gods.

There is another story which is similar and it has to do with a French archaeologist. It states in 1988 a French Egyptologist found a secret chamber within the great pyramid at Giza. The secret chamber had never been opened before. In the chamber was said to be documents written on papyrus which talked about a messenger who had arrived from the stars. It went on to state the messenger was here to announce the arrival of his brother. It is said there was something else in the pyramid of even more importance and it was a transparent coffin and in that coffin was the body of an alien. Supposedly the Egyptologist upon finding this immediately called his friend who was a biologist. When the biologist landed at the airport in Egypt the Egyptian authorities stopped him and put him on the next plane which would take him home. The Egyptian government seized the coffin and sent it to a secret location and since that time they have never spoken about this again.

When we talk about things like this it is very hard to know what is true and what is not. Sometimes when a story comes out which is true many stories are released which are false in order to destroy our belief in the original story. This is the way disinformation works. When one only has a story it isn’t worth much unless documents are found from reliable sources which can back it up and possibly witnesses are found who are reliable. Still just because we cannot find supporting documentation it doesn’t mean a story is false, it just means we can’t prove it is true. One famous UFO investigator once told me everything goes back to reliable witnesses and documents. It does make us wonder how many true stories were made to look foolish to cover them up.

SETI is the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence and recently they have been investigating a new signal which they came across. It came from a star in the constellation Hercules which is 95 light years distance from earth. There have been quite a few people who have suspected SETI has received intelligent signals before and hid this fact from the public. The signal is one which was said to have been detected by the Russian Academy of Science using their radio telescope in Zelenchukskaya, Russia. Only one planet has been found orbiting the star so far. Scientists are so intrigued by the signal they want permanent monitoring of the star. The Russians think the civilization putting out such a signal would be able to harness the entire power of their sun. I can’t help but wonder about this, since it seems to me they certainly wouldn’t be using radio signals anymore and would have found something much more efficient than a signal which only travels at the speed of light. Anyway it will be interesting to see what they find in the future.