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UFO Disclosure, Who Knows What?

Lately we have been finding out there is quite a bit of knowledge out there concerning UFOs and ET’s. One of the places which seems to have some of this knowledge might be the last place many of us would suspect and that is the Vatican. Recently Wikileaks has revealed astronaut Edgar Mitchell sent an email to John Podesta which spoke about an impending space war. It also told how the Vatican had knowledge of intelligent advanced alien life. It’s no secret that missiles are being developed by many different countries which are capable of knocking out satellites. This is only the first step in causing problems in space. It has been suspected for quite a while now that the United States has secret craft which can fly into space and return and that they are far more advanced than the rockets NASA and the private space companies are using. Like with many other things it is only a matter of time before other countries develop these kinds of craft.

Wikileaks had released many emails to and from John Podesta and the ones I am referring to took place when Podesta was serving as counsel to President Barack Obama. Terry Mansfield was also mentioned in the emails and she calls herself the Director of the ETI Peace Force. ETI stands for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Supposedly she was involved in meeting with Podesta to bring him up to date about what the Vatican knew. Over the years there has been a lot of talk about Mitchell and he seems to have gone as far afield of the NASA disclosures as one could without giving up secrets which were vital to the defense of this country. It was said Mitchell talked about nonviolent ET’s and said they were sharing what is known as zero point energy with us. Supposedly he went on to say they were very worried about us going into space, because of our violent nature. I don’t think anyone could blame them for that. Zero point energy is said to come from the vacuum of space, but some think it comes from another dimension. Supposedly even empty space has molecules in it and this is where the energy comes from.

Many people who are in positions of power secretly believe in extraterrestrials. Some of these leaders are people we would never suspect such as Iraq’s Transport Minister, Kazem Finjan. He believes ancient aliens built the first airport on earth 7000 years ago in the Middle East and launched planetary missions from it. He was holding a press conference about the construction of a modern-day airport in Dhi Qar, southern Iraq, when he said the ancient airport existed in the same area around 5000 BC. He even suggested that ancient Samarian’s had inhabited Mesopotamia and were helped in building a space station by visiting aliens. This truly baffled his audience. One has to wonder where Mr. Finjan got his information from. It turns out he was an avid reader and here is what he said. “I invite those who doubt, to read the book of the great Sumerian historian Zecharia Sitchin, or the books of Samuel Kramer, including one entitled ‘History begins at Sumer’ which speaks of the first airport constructed on planet earth, and it is there at el Naciria.”

Sometimes things are found on earth which cannot be explained. When a house was being renovated in Egypt some very strange coins were found. The coins are of unknown origin and no one knows how old they are, but this is not what makes them so mysterious. What does make them mysterious however is the image on the coins. The image seems to show what we have long regarded as a Grey alien. This is not the only coin or object which seems to depict aliens or alien craft. Some of the coins and some of the objects are said to be able to be dated quite accurately. A French coin from the 17th century shows a UFO of circular design over a field on its reverse side. A woodcut of Nuremberg shows a battle taking place in the sky in 1561 between alien craft. The event had also been reported in the local news of the time. A cross which is approximately 500 years old shows what looks like an alien Grey being crucified. There are many medieval paintings which show disc shaped UFOs in the skies in the background. When things like this are mentioned, the great UFO disinformation machine springs into action and for every discovery you will find it claiming that it is nothing more than a hoax. While there are hoaxes out there, it is hard to deny these ancient objects which depict circular UFOs, like the ones being reported today, are depictions of what people at that time actually saw.

There are many rumors that the Vatican is about to announce the existence of extraterrestrials. If this is true it must certainly mean the Vatican has all sorts of information about them and may even have been in contact with them. The rumor went on to say the Pope did not release the information when he was thinking about doing it. If this is true was it pressure from the hierarchy of the church that stopped him or could it have been pressure from the governments around the world, specifically the United States asking him not to do this? There have been several priests who claim ETs do exist. These preset are speaking for themselves not for the Vatican. It has been said the Vatican has been using telescopes all over the world to monitor the skies and their astronomers feel something is coming. Many say the Vatican feels these aliens will be beneficial to the human race, but others such as Stephen Hawking believe these aliens may wipe us out.

There certainly seems to be a lot of information which is in the hands of governments that is not being released even though these governments claim to be giving us all the information they have on UFOs. We know this is not true with many governments, because of the whistleblowers who worked for these governments have come out and told us what is really happening. Some of these governments, in order to destroy evidence, are also destroying things which would be important to our history. How many times have we heard NASA making statements saying they have lost boxes of films and pictures which were taken by the Apollo astronauts? It is a sin these things have disappeared. Do we really believe the government is this careless with important historical items? I don’t believe it. Are we getting closer to true disclosure, maybe not?