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UFOs and Strange Tales

Over the years we have heard many strange tales of UFOs, alien abductions and such. Sometimes mysterious events were tied to UFOs and there were plenty of them. Recently an article appeared which not only states aliens were involved with a military unit, but an anti-terrorist agent claimed she was poisoned by her bosses to keep her quite. That is quite a claim, not only does it involve extraterrestrials, but also conspiracy. The incident was said to involve a United States Delta unit fighting in Afghanistan. We are talking about a woman who reached the rank of Commander in the U.S. Navy. The navy has compiled a record of what seems like mental illness pertaining to this person, but we have to remember false reports and deleted reports are nothing new when trying to make someone look insane so no one will take what they say seriously. A book written by Robert Guffey states it is about true events and exposes how interrogation techniques were used to make people think they had alien abduction experiences. A report called the Hoffman report came out in 2015 and stated the NCIS had used "ethically very marginal" techniques on a "petty officer who was screened for hypnosis." Was a Delta Force unit abducted by aliens, was it just the imagination of a mentally ill person or was it an induced experience for purposes unknown or which might have been to cover up something this person knew?

Mysterious triangle craft are appearing in our skies at an increasing rate. Some of them are huge. They usually are black and “V” shaped with lights running along the bottom. They also have the ability to not only travel very fast, but very slow without making a sound. There are those who believe they may be a new type of secret U.S. aircraft, but most think they are UFOs. One of these craft was seen at about 8:30 p.m. flying over California and heading for Los Angeles. It is believed to have been the same craft which was seen at 9:15 p.m. in the skies over Geneva, Ohio, which is 2,300 miles away. Drawings by witnesses were provided since no photos were taken and it looked like the same craft. Photography had been attempted in California, but due to the bright lighting the image didn’t come out. A little more than 24 passed and then several of these “V” triangles appeared in the sky and were photographed.

For years science has used the Drake Equation to determine how many other planets might have intelligent life which we could communicate with. Some of the parameters are only guesses and not really known. The equation show a small percentage of planets probably able to fit, but in our huge galaxy it was still a lot. Something has happened since this equation came out however and that is we have found planets are a lot more plentiful than first envisioned by the equation. This includes planets in what is known as the honey spot which is not too far from a star, but not too close. This is sometimes also called the sweet spot or gold zone. This has had a huge effect on the Drake Equation numbers. It is now thought we have vastly increased chances for finding other civilizations in space.

Former Bill Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta has been pushing for the release of UFO information for years, but is yet to find any of significance. Hillary Clinton stated when she is elected president she is going to release all the UFO data and Podesta applauds this. I can’t help but think if Podesta found nothing when he did a search for this stuff under orders of the then president Bill Clinton does Hillary think there is nothing so it is easy to make this promise? It is very easy to make a promise about releasing UFO information when you believe there is nothing there. For many years it has been believed any UFO information the government has is beyond the president’s control. This is not the first time Hillary was involved with UFO data. In 1995 she stayed at the ranch of Laurance Rockefeller. At the time he was trying to encourage the Bill Clinton staff to find out all the information on UFOs and release it to the public. Hillary was photographed with a book in her hand titled “Are We Alone? Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life.” At the time Bill Clinton said "as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947 And Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, they didn't tell me about it, either, and I want to know." All I can say is so do I, but it isn’t looking good if we are waiting for a government official to tell us.

For years scientists have been telling us that the majority of matter in the universe is either missing or is invisible to us and may be in the form of dark matter. Some scientists are saying the reason we can’t find the rest of the matter is it is tied up in black holes and some go even further when suggesting black holes might contain other universes. If there are other universes in black holes, could there be alien life in these universes? I have to say we have been taught anything that enters a black hole is crushed by the force of its gravity, but what if we are wrong? Perhaps there is a barrier on the outside which does have super gravity and crushes anything trying to enter the black hole, but there could be a chance once this barrier is passed things are different than we imagined and there could be thriving universes in there. Taking it a step further and maybe some of these universes have civilizations which have evolved so much they have solved the crushing barrier and are able to enter our universe. One can never be too sure about anything when thinking about space and the objects in it. For all we know, we could be living inside a black hole.

Recently a couple related a UFO experience they had in 1992. They were on a road and traveling between Edwards Air Force Base and China Lake Naval Base. They saw stars dropping to the ground and pulled over. When they got out of their car they saw the objects moving toward them. “The objects were all around us. I was watching objects right off the ground coming right at us from across the valley with no sound get less than a half-mile from our position and then the lights would go out.” The objects made moves which would have been impossible for aircraft. A dull orange orb was watching them. The two got separated and the wife who was now standing on the highway said to her husband not to worry they were not going to be hurt. A disc shaped UFO appeared. It shot along the highway as the husband watched it. The husband looked at his watch and he couldn’t believe his eyes, nine hours had passed and neither person remembered what happened.