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People Who Know Talk About UFOs

The topic keeps popping up, are there extraterrestrials alive and do they exist on earth or at least visit us here? Some people say this is just crap and either a way to hide the fact UFOs are secret military vehicles or to draw our attention away from something which is going on the government doesn’t want us to know about. There are plenty of people in the UFOs are real camp and they go right up to presidents like Eisenhower, Reagan and Carter. We can now add another top government employee to the list of believers and his name is General Mark Milley, the U.S. Army Chief of Staff. According to Rogue Planet here is what he said during a speech celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Reserve Officers Training Corps known as the ROTC. He said You’ll be dealing with terrorists, you’ll be dealing with hybrid armies, you’ll be dealing with little green men, you’re going to be dealing with tribes, you’ll be dealing with national leaders and local leaders, you’ll be dealing with politics and economics, and you’ll be dealing with direct fire and indirect fire, and you’re going to be dealing with it all, and it’s all going to be dealt with simultaneously. And for that, you’re going to have to be ready. And that’s why readiness, in my mind, is number one.

Is General Milley getting ready to retire, because saying something like this does tend to put you on that road even if you had no intention of going down it yet? More and more respectable people in positions to know what is going on have been telling us we are in contact with aliens and have been for years. On top of that it seems UFOs are putting on more shows for all of us. General Milley is far from being the only military man to send us a message about aliens and UFOs. Stephen Lovekin was also a general. Years ago he brought out a piece of what appeared to be metallic debris and said it came from a UFO crash in 1947 and was extraterrestrial. No doubt he was referring to Roswell.

One of the best places to hear honorable people discussing what they have seen and what they know about UFOs and extraterrestrials is the Disclosure Project where hundreds of people have told us about their experiences. These people range from former military, former NASA and former contractors and subcontractors. There are even some private individuals who possess knowledge which we find interesting. One of the things I find particularly interesting are death bed confessions or should I say deathbed information, because confession seems a little harsh in this instance. One such person who gave us information while on his deathbed so to speak was a former CIA operative. He was 77 years old and this was the first time he had ever said anything. He was told he had only a few months to live. He had worked for the CIA under President Eisenhower. His name is withheld, because of the security oath he had taken. He said some of the Project Blue Book cases were fictitious. He went on to say he got real sightings and followed through. He went on to say he was transferred to Washington, because Eisenhower wanted to know more about aliens and that MJ12 was supposed to report about them, but wasn’t doing it. He was sent to Area 51 with a warning from Eisenhower saying the president would take over the base with the 3rd army if MJ12 didn’t comply. He saw aliens at the base along with saucers. The following is the address of a video with the interview, you can copy and paste it into your browser’s address bar. Sorry Truth Facts doesn’t use live outside links.

A retired Air Force Colonel claimed he had new evidence and it would blow the lid off of the UFO question. Unfortunately rather than blow the lid off, it was met with non-interest from many and most never heard the evidence. The Colonel is Charles Halt and he was the deputy commander of the Bentwaters Royal Air Force Base in the United Kingdom. A base the American Air Force was using. That is the base where a UFO landed in the woods near the base and many U.S. military saw it, because it floated right up to them. One soldier even touched it before it left. The incident took place on December 27, 1980 and the reports Colonel Halt sent to his command were completely disregarded and he never heard anything back about what happened. Halt has managed to collect many affidavits and statements about what has happened there, but there seems to be little interest by the public or news media.

One of the greatest weapons the government has against UFO disclosure is the apathy of the public. The public seems to only react to events when they are drummed up in the news. As far as UFOs go there is still a ridicule factor, yet when people are asked if they think aliens and UFOs exist, a very large portion which is somewhere around 50% or more say they do believe they exist. I don’t think many people ever hear about any of the testimony of generals and such since the news media refuses to cover it. Why is this? Sounds like they are carrying out some agenda for the government doesn’t it.

Edgar Mitchell, the recently deceased American astronaut claims aliens came to earth to stop a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union and were present for all our nuclear tests. He said when the very first nuclear test was conducted on July 16, 1945 over White Sands, New Mexico there was a UFO hovering in the sky watching what was going on. I don’t think I agree UFOs came her for that, since there is a long history of UFOs which goes back many thousands of years. There is even a story about Alexander the Great. It states as he was doing a river crossing with his army UFOs swooped down continuously causing panic and preventing Alexander from crossing the river until the next day. Alexander called them flying shields. This occurred in 329 B.C.

There are hundreds of people, or maybe even thousands, who are respected in this world who claim to have information about the UFO phenomenon and are or were in a position to know what is going on. It is about time we paid attention to them.