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There are just so many reports of UFOs lately it is hard to zero in on a particular one. Take the one which was spotted in Wales recently as an example. A woman there described the object she saw as about as large as a car and spinning. It is hard to judge the size of things in the sky, due to having to estimate their altitude and for a lay person without experience it is even harder. Here is where cigarettes come into play again. The woman went into her back yard to grab a smoke. As I have said several times, the new cigarette laws and people not wanting cigarette smoke in their homes are responsible for quite a few UFO sightings, since if UFO witnesses stayed in to smoke they would have missed seeing the UFO. The woman said the UFO was spinning like a top. One of the things I find interesting about this sighting is the fact the woman said sheep in a field nearby were affected by the object. 

“Why won’t the Australian government let us hunt UFOs with lasers?”  I recently read an article and it asked that question.  It seemed to me a mountain was being made out of a mole hill. If I could have answered that question I would have said how dangerous lasers are to pilots of planes as they interrupt their vision and could burn their eyes. One can only wonder how many planes are mistaken for UFOs and how many times we would be blinding pilots. Aside from that fact, it might even be possible to blind a UFO pilot. It is just not a good idea. I know some UFO investigators have been using lasers to attract UFOs, or so they say, so I can understand why they are upset. They feel this is taking away one avenue of detection from them. It is a case of removing harm at the expense of disappointing a few investigators. I believe the Australian government is correct in its actions.

Here is something you have to wonder about. Witnesses report seeing strange lights hovering over deer in Mississippi. Why would any UFO, even if it might be extraterrestrial, hover over deer? The only explanation I can think of is a new species of aliens coming here who never saw a deer. Sound far-fetched, yeah but could it be right? Maybe. There is a rather new theory going around and it is apparitions may be aliens. In other words what we think are ghosts may be extraterrestrials. The problem with this idea is it seems to be an attempt to link the study of UFOs with the paranormal, which I think is ridiculous. The current trend is to try to mate these two completely different subjects into one topic and you can see this when UFO conferences are announced. Many of them also include paranormal speakers. Why is this happening at a time when more people and more scientists are starting to believe alien life is possible? Is it an attempt to increase the ridicule factor to dissuade folks from believing and hide the truth? What do you think?

Jamie Maussan, the famous Mexican newscaster, presented a film recently which showed UFOs that were making loud sounds. He was asked what the sounds meant and his reply was they were announcing they were coming. Indeed most reports by eyewitnesses state UFOs are silent, so these UFOs were unusual. Maussan stated the UFOs started making the sounds in 2011. Is this what is happening or could it be these are new UFOs? Perhaps these are the aliens who examined the deer.

A very interesting sighting of a UFO took place a few months ago in Arizona. It was of a cylindrical UFO. One of the things making it even more unusual is the fact it was flying vertically, like a pipe on its end. Light was reported coming from it. The witness was in the backyard and saw it twice in 2012. It does seem strange an object would fly in that orientation, but if it is antigravity controlled, why not? When it is in space any shape works fine, it is only in an atmosphere when shape seems to matter, because of drag.

Last month a very strangely shaped UFO was photographed over an Australian mountain. It had a mushroom shape. It was seen over Port Macquarie. It was a very clear day, so the object was easily seen. It was described as not only mushroom shaped, but consisting of dark metallic and reflective surfaces.

A man and his wife were taking photos last June in Laramie, Wyoming. They thought nothing more about it when they finished, but when they got home, as has happened so many times before, they found something strange in their photos which they didn’t notice while shooting them. It was a UFO in the shape of a ball with strange surface markings or shapes, it is hard to tell. Another strange object was photographed in Hays Kansas in August. It had a spherical shape and had a strange color which seemed to be maroon stripes on a lighter background of dark rose with tan on top and bottom. The witness said it was flying in a straight line then hovered and disappeared, but reappeared and continued on the same path. Three witnesses saw it when it reappeared and continued its flight.

There is a strange light which sometimes appears in the sky in Hessdalen, Norway. It usually appears in the valley and is yet to be explained. It appeared again on August 9, 2014. The light activity goes back to before the 1940s. Sometimes the light was seen as many as twenty times during a week. Many believe the light is a UFO, but scientists are saying the light is caused by nature and the structure of the valley is responsible for the light. 

Ramford, England had a circular disc shaped UFO photographed in its skies in August of last year. The image was taken at dusk and clearly showed the outline of the UFO with something glowing on the bottom of the UFO. 

NASA’s cameras continue to capture UFOs. One captured a UFO near the International Space Station (ISS) on 7 August, 2014. In the past NASA cameras aboard the space shuttle and the ISS have captured many strange objects including the famous one which moved out of the way as a missile from earth was shot at it. It is time the government stopped denying the existence of UFOs and told the truth instead of constantly making excuses for what we see.

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