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People with Special Powers

There are people in this world which many believe have powers far beyond what the rest of us have. We know there are many magicians around, but let’s face it they don’t have special powers at all and they are just entertainers performing tricks. The most famous person to ever been disproved is Uri Geller. Apparently the US government thought what he did was more than just a trick. The US government was said to have gotten a hold of Geller and subjected him to all sorts of paranormal experiments. This was said to be proven correct by recently released CIA documents. Why would the government ever think Geller had some sort of power? Geller is far from being the only one who ever bent spoons. If the government believed spoon benders had psychic powers, why didn’t they round them all up and test all of them? So what exactly was Geller tested for? According to Mr. Geller the government was testing him to see if he could "get a nuclear weapon going". I don’t know exactly what this means, but it seems to me they wanted to know if Geller could set off a nuke only using his mind. I hate to say this, but how stupid can the government be? It makes it sound even stupider when one can go to the Internet and learn how to bend spoons using the directions at hand. The amazing Randi, a magician has been complaining for years Geller was a phony and he has been repeating all of his tricks.

There are people who seem to be able to do things the rest of us might die trying. We have to keep in the back of our minds that everything could be some sort of trick, but having said this if it is a trick no one has figured out how it is being done in this case. Ma Xiangang is a man who is seemingly impervious to electrical shock. Could it be there is something different about the way his body is constructed on a subatomic level? I am not qualified to answer this question, but I am throwing these ideas out. He claims to have touched highly electrically charged wires by mistake and felt nothing. It is said these wires contained enough electricity to fry an ordinary man. The man states when he touches a highly charged electrical wire it makes him feel more energetic. It is said he has been tested and has exhibited an incredible amount of resistance to electricity which could be as high as eight times more than the average person. I have to wonder about this of course and here is the reason. Mr. Xiangang says he feels nothing when he touches a wire which would contain enough electricity to electrocute a normal human, but the fact is even when we touch a very low voltage wire we can usually feel something. This means if we can feel electricity in the range of a few volts and amps he should be able to feel a current eight times as powerful and yet he says he feels nothing. This seems very strange to me.

If I remember my Superman stories, it is said Superman has x-ray vision. Natosha Demkina is a Russian woman who claims she has the same power. She says she can see inside of people’s bodies. That is a disgusting thought. Supposedly Natosha was just another kid when something happened according to her. She said she was around ten years old and suddenly had a vision and was able to see inside of her mother’s body. She claims to have normal vision and what she calls medical vision and is able to switch between the two and as you can imagine the medical vision is her x-ray vision. She says when she switches to her medical vision she gets a picture in full color inside of her head of the insides of a person’s body and then analyzes it. She has appeared on the Discovery Channel and on television in the United Kingdom and in Japan. It is said doctors at a Children’s Hospital asked her to demonstrate this power and she drew a picture of an ulcer on the inside of a Doctor stomach which he actually had. She also diagnosed a patient with cancer when she said she found a cyst. In 2004 she was brought to New York City by the Discovery Channel and tested by skeptical researchers from the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry also known as CSI. She was then tested on patients who already had a diagnoses from their doctors. It is said most of the people she diagnosed agreed with her. One Doctor said he could not believe the accuracy she exhibited and had thought when she started to give her diagnoses that most of the patients would just walk away instead of agreeing with her.

I can’t help but think somehow we are being tricked. Some magician’s tricks seems so incredible and they seem impossible. David Copperfield has made elephants and even larger items disappear right before our eyes. Other magicians have made cards appear behind glass windows and all sorts of tricks which seem impossible and yet they are being performed every day. One of the most astounding facts about some of these tricks is once you learn how simple they are to perform, it is hard to believe. I remember one magician who I believe was Chris Angel performing a trick in which he floated a few inches off of the ground. It turned out he was wearing a long white robe and all he was doing was stepping on the curb to lift himself up but it looked very convincing.

One person who truly looks like he has superpowers is Wim Hof. The man holds many records in the Guinness book of records. He is known as The Iceman and for good reason. When you see somebody sitting outside for hours at a time wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts in freezing cold weather you have to say to yourself how can this be possible? Extreme exposure to cold weather seems to have no effect on this man, he has even been buried in ice for long periods of time. Mr. Hof is said to hold at least twenty-six world records and there could be more by now. He climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only his shorts and entered a marathon which he completed in Finland in temperatures which were said to be minus 4°F. It isn’t only the cold he seems to be impervious to. He ran a full marathon in the Namib Desert without any water. If I wanted to pick one person which I thought had superpowers this would be the man.

If there are people who exist who do have some type of superpower you would think the government would be the first to want to examine their gene structure. Are we secretly doing DNA tests on people like this? Let’s face it, how would they know, they leave DNA everywhere they go? There are quite a few more people who are said to have superpowers, enough of them in fact to fill many pages. Some of them might be quite easy to eliminate from our list, but others are harder to do so. In the past the United States government and the former Soviet Union gathered groups of people who they thought had paranormal powers. The United States was training them to do remote viewing as were the Soviets. It is said we succeeded and these people were able to use their minds to see things anywhere on the planet and even off. When it was said the remote viewing project was canceled many people believed it became a secret black project.