Truth Facts



Strange Creatures Seen By People

All over the world people have spotted some very strange creatures. One of my favorite stories had to do with a cowboy before the turn of the 20th century, who claimed to have been grabbed by a Bigfoot and brought to the area with he lived with his family. The cowboy said he wasn’t harmed but was very scared. He was fed and given water but not allowed to leave the camp. He said he waited for his chance to escape and one day when the Bigfoots were all asleep,  he managed to sneak out and get away. One has to wonder what the Bigfoots saw in the guy and why they wanted him around? We all know Bigfoot has become famous and the target for various hoaxes, but there are those who either claim to have seen one, or who are Bigfoot investigators and doing the best they can to try and prove they are an actual being.

One of the famous creatures is said to be Mothman. According to a recent article a woman was said to have spotted something very strange indeed. The article described the creature as a screeching Bat-Winged humanoid. It also may have the same type of eyes Mothman is famous for, the glowing red ones, but if it did, she didn’t see them. The sighting took place in June 2022, in Illinois, but something else was seen by the woman on the same night. The woman saw a UFO in the sky. As she watched in amazement, she saw the creature leap into the sky and fly away. It turned out this was a multiple witness event, because the woman was with her mother and her roommate.

A farming family had set out some rat traps in their barn. Apparently, they had a rat problem and figured they would get rid of them. I have never been a farmer, but I guess this could be a very common farm problem. Anyway, sometimes traps capture things you do not expect and that is what happened in this case. When they went to check the traps, they couldn’t believe their eyes. A tiny humanoid like creature was caught in the trap and had died. The remains were purchased by a famous UFO investigator who claimed they were not human or any known animal. Could there be tiny humanoids which are exploring our planet? I think aliens could come in any size, and there could even be microscopic ones. There is a unique theory which had been put forward years ago which stated the universe we live in is really the interior of a gigantic living creature. I am not saying I believe this, just telling you about the theory.

If we met with aliens, might we misidentify them as mysterious creatures? I think there is a very good chance of that. Is there any proof aliens exist? There could be and it might be in some secret government vault somewhere, but there are also indirect indications. For example, the Apollo astronauts were looking down at the moon from orbit when they noticed a strange light which turned out to be a smoky fire. Don’t ask me how fire could burn on the moon, because I have no answer for that question, but they saw it never the less. We are talking about Apollo 8. If indeed extraterrestrials were involved, and we saw them, we might think they were strange creatures.

There have been many reports and fuzzy photos of strange lake creatures and several have become famous like Nessie in Scotland and Ogopogo in Okanagan Lake, British Columbia. Did you know there are many other lake monsters which are not as famous? One is the Labynkyr Devil in a Russian lake and there are also videos similar to Nessie videos. There is another in Eastern Iceland. This creature was seen and videoed swimming on the river Fljotsdalur and has been captured on video in the past. These creatures seem to exist all over the world even though the average person has not heard about them.

We have found some very strange creatures in jungles, many of which had died. One dead creature was extremely weird. It had a very strange body which looked human like, and had feet, and hands, but seemed to have a tail. The thing which really set it apart from everything on the planet we know about was it seemed to have a head similar to an allegator. Could this creature have been the body of a deceased Lizard like Reptilian alien, which we have been hearing a lot about lately? Maybe it was killed by some wild animal in the jungle where it was found?

There was a photo which was supposedly taken in the jungle which shows a non-human alien which has a dark body and looks very human but seems to have horns and large ears mounted on a human looking face, with a bigger mouth. While there is no way I can vouch for this photo being genuine, who knows? Anyway, the creature seems to be carrying a small creature like a baby animal which looks like a lamb.

A security camera from a company captured something interesting. The property was fenced in, but outside the fence a naked creature with what looked like gray skin appeared outside the fence.  It had two arms and two legs, walked erect. Its head was almost human looking but not quite. It had white glowing eyes, but this could have been caused by the camera lights at night. Its eyes were too big and round to be human. Its nose didn’t seem to have a bridge and the area around its mouth was very dark. Its shoulders looked more muscular than the average person, while its arms were very spindly. It definitely was not human.

Not all of these creatures resemble humans in any way. One seems to be something like a mutated dog. It has huge toes on its paws with three fingers and what looks like very sharp claws. It has a vicious face with two long fangs overlapping its lower lip. Its eyes seem to be very angry and its head looks more like a devil head than a dog. It also was found in the jungle and I believe it was dead.

We keep finding more species every year and many believe it is possible there are still a lot of creatures living on this planet we know nothing about. I have to say I believe this, and it could also include other human races which might exist under the ocean or underground.

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