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Strange Beliefs

There are just so many weird things some people believe, we could create an encyclopedia of these beliefs. There are religious beliefs which seem strange to some of us, there are personal beliefs and there are pseudoscientific beliefs to mention a few. Sometimes these things which seem weird to some of us have more to do with where we live and they are based on simple things like putting ketchup and mustard both together on a hamburger. I remember the first time I saw this and stupidly said to the server there was mustard and ketchup on my burger and she said yeah. Having lived in New York City and on Long Island I had never heard of this and it just didn’t look right to me. I found out later this is the way it was done in much of the rest of the country. I also found out you had to order pop in some areas of the country if you wanted soda. These were only small things, but there are a lot of different beliefs which are more serious than just should one put mustard and ketchup on a burger at the same time.

One of the weird things some people believe is the only way they can account for some ancient structures is they had to be built by space aliens, because it was supposed to be beyond the abilities of ancients to build it. I don’t understand why some people would jump to this conclusion rather than consider the fact we might have be wrong in under estimating the abilities of some ancient people? Space aliens seem to be the catch all phrase for a lot of things we don’t understand.

Would you go to a person to have your future predicted if that person was a rumpologist? A rumpologist is a person who claims they can predict your future by checking you bottom. There are those who believe in this. One article I read claimed the most famous one was Sylvester Stallone’s mother. I have not verified this, but it certainly sounds strange doesn’t it?

Why are there people who think we live on a flat planet when we have all seen those pictures of earth from space? Even the ancient Greeks realized the earth was round. The people who believe in a flat earth think everything we have seen is just some sort of optical illusion which makes the earth look round. Along with this they believe the entire space race is just a fiction and we never landed on the moon. I can’t understand the reasoning for their belief, because anyone watching a ship will see it travel over the horizon which means the earth is not flat. We don’t need to see the earth from space. There is also all the old photographs from the beginning of photography which show round planets. For the earth to be flat it would have to be different from the rest of the planets. If the earth were flat, gravity would be different at different places. If you moved toward the edges gravity would be stronger and would be pushing you back to the middle. We see no indication of this on the earth where gravity is pretty much the same over the entire globe with only slight differences.

Some people believe there is something magical about the shape of a pyramid and claim the ancient Egyptians found this out and that is why they built pyramid structures. One thing we know for sure, even though it isn’t spoken about very much is the Egyptians didn’t build the first pyramids. This was proven when ancient pyramids which were thousands of years older than the Egyptian pyramids were found in Bosnia. There have been many claims by people who say they used miniature pyramids and put things inside them and miraculous things happened to these objects. It is said razor blades stayed sharp and food didn’t spoil. Claims have been made for all different reasons to make us think a pyramid shape has some sort of power, but in the final analysis there is no scientific proof.

The human race suffers from a mired of diseases and ailments. One of the unfortunate things is there are so many different things happening to us we are not able to pin down any one cause. Things are being dumped into our air, bad things put into our food and killer medicines on the market. This doesn’t even take into account radiation and other factors. There is a group of people who think they have the solution and it is body earthing. I know, you are probably wondering what I am talking about and I don’t blame you. These people think we don’t get out enough into nature and we need to take off our shoes and socks and run through the grass and such. They cite the claim our ancestors did this and even slept on the earth, but they don’t mention the fact we do not know how healthy they were and believe most of them had a much shorter life span than we do.

One of the strange ideas I have seen is people believing some wild animals will make good pets. There are certain animals which are either far too large, too vicious or just too stupid to be a pet. One example I saw was a woman who was keeping an alligator in her bathtub. The thing was already about 5 feet long. The state of Florida allows dangerous reptiles to be kept as pets along with some other states. Why would anyone want this for a pet? The woman said her alligator is a sweetheart. I think it is a killer and very dangerous. This is one invitation to visit I would never accept.

We are entitled to have different opinions on things and it certainly is not against the law to disagree, but some things are so far out there you have to wonder why people believe them in the first place. Their argument is we are the ones who have gotten it wrong. There have been times in history where the minority was correct and the majority wrong, but I don’t think this is one of those times.