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Do Subatomic Worlds Exist?

How small can we go, that is the question we have to ask when we talk about smashing particles and such. Could there be a universe out there which is so tiny we don’t even know it exists? Some have had this theory for a long time. If this was true could we be causing untold damage to tiny universes every time we smash a particle? It sounds crazy, but if we would have talked about flying a few hundred years ago we would have been laughed at, so sometimes ideas which seem crazy at the time turn out to be possible. Many years ago, when television was in its infancy there was a television program called Studio One. I am sure only you old timers like me would know anything about it, but they always broadcast a good story. One story in particular took place in a laboratory where a scientist had invented a microscope many millions of times more powerful than anything before and it was so powerful he could see a tiny galaxy and then focus in on solar systems and individual planets. One planet he looked at was earth like and he managed to focus in on people living there. He had been examining an ordinary drop of water. He became very interested in a woman living on that planet until one day while he was observing her she shriveled up as did the planet and then the universe disappeared. It seems the drop of water had evaporated. Yes, this was only a story, but the idea might turn out to have some merit someday.

When I talk about such things I have to mention the fact there are some scientists who believe we may be  inside a bigger universe and we are in the drops of water in this case, figuratively talking. I remember one scientist who asked the question could we be living inside a living being? If this ever turned out to be true it might mean there are other universes inside us. We each could be responsible for the lives of trillions and trillions of beings and this would certainly mean we should take the best care of our bodies we can. There is no proof for anything I said, some of it is a theory and some just an idea, but I think we shouldn’t dismiss it out of hand. Let’s face it, the universe is a mysterious place and we are just learning about the invisible world of quarks and such. Think about this, when we are able to figure out  what subatomic particles look like such as some atoms, they sort of resemble a planet with moon orbiting them, which in those cases are electrons. It does make one wonder why this is such a universal structure of orbiting objects around a central body or bodies. It is as if the same person designed everything.

Some say tiny is the next frontier, so the question is how tiny can we go? We have been able to stave off limits to the shrinking of central processing units in computers and other devices. Every time we are just about to reach the size limit on how small we can make them, we discover a new method for making the circuits even smaller. While this is a far cry from finding tiny universes, it could eventually lead to understanding the smaller than microscopic world. Perhaps that is where we will find aliens. Look at it this way, maybe there are advanced incredibly large aliens studying our universe through some sort of instrument and we all exist in a speck of dust. How would we ever know? It would probably be easier to find microscopic worlds than be able to find out we are living on one compared to someone else’s universe. If we get to understand the subatomic world will the military take advantage of this to develop weapons, perhaps ones that might eliminate or disrupt the glue which holds our bodies together?

Sometimes people and countries want small. An example of this is Pakistan. Many people don’t know what Pakistan is doing so I will tell you. They have decided to build the world’s smallest nuclear weapons. No, they are not subatomic and I only mention this to show big is not always the goal, even in weapons. The Pakistanis got the idea they would be better off with small nukes, because they believe they could be used in the battlefield. We had thought this at one time, but seem to have given up on this idea. Pakistan believes in this so much they have created the third largest arsenal of nuclear weapons behind the U.S. and Russia. It is not the third largest in tonnage, but in numbers.

Can you imagine if we find tiny worlds and we manage somehow to communicate with them, what we might learn? We would have universes at our fingertips, but would this be a good thing? Probably not, especially if we ever found very advanced races and wanted to know their secrets. Would some government agency threaten them and tell them if they didn’t give us their secrets we would just snuff them out? Knowing the way things go, this could be a possibility. There are those who believe the scale of things is nothing more than an illusion and is in the eye of the beholder. If you were subatomic you might think an atom was an entire giant world, while we would know it was too small to see with the naked eye. The same would be true if something regarded us a subatomic.

In a way we are just starting out in the world of advanced technology and who knows what we might find out in the next few centuries. If the current pace of technology keeps increasing we are going to find out about a lot of things we never knew. Could these things lead to discovering subatomic worlds? I think if we were to ask scientists what our chances were of finding such worlds they might say almost zero today, but what would they say if we asked this question a hundred years from now, would the answer be different? One cannot predict with any accuracy what technology might be like in the next century or even before then. We know we are going to make new discoveries and some may even be earth shattering, but what they might be that far in the future is unknown.