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Strange Things That Fell from The Sky

Over the years there have been many reports of strange objects and strange things which have fallen from the sky. I remember one in particular where a fishing boat was in the bay and the people on the boat claimed they had seen a UFO and then something began to rain down and it was metal and it was roughly in the shape of a pinecone. Eventually one piece of metal found its way to a laboratory where it was analyzed and the scientists running the lab stated the metal was not from this planet. It was some kind of an alloy which had something in it which we don’t produce here. The fishermen were not surprised since they believed it came from the UFO itself, but others are very skeptical.

Sometimes we know what is falling from the sky, but that doesn’t help us to make sense of it. In 1876 something very strange happened in the state of Kentucky. In an area 100 yards by 50 yards something unimaginable happened. I bet no one would have ever expected this. Meat started falling from the sky and fell all over the area I described. No one knew where the meat came from and it is said most of the pieces were about 2 inches square. The meat shower was featured in Scientific American and the story made it into the New York Times. The event became known as the Kentucky Meat Shower. Some people actually tasted this meat. Many people who tasted it had different opinions of what type of meat it was. Some said beef, while others said mutton, venison and even bear. One scientist who examined the meat and stated it was lung tissue from either a horse or human infant.

Do you like golf? Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. This is exactly what happened in Punta Gordo, Florida on September 1, 1969. Hundreds of golf balls rained down on the city. Ironically this is a place which has many golf courses. Residents tried to figure out where the golf balls came from, but were unsuccessful. The only thing left was a theory which meteorologists had put together. It stated a passing tornado must have picked up a bunch of golf balls and dumped them over the city. I am sort of hesitant to believe this. I would think if this happened the people losing this many golf balls probably would have said something, but I guess this theory was as good as any.

Okay get ready for this one. Are you sitting down? In 1997 a Japanese fishing trawler was sinking, but luckily a Russian patrol boat was nearby and rescued the crew. When they were asked what happened to their boat they claimed a cow fell out of the sky and sunk their boat. The Russians arrested the Japanese sailors and kept them in jail for over two weeks, but then had to release them, because a member of the Russian Air Force had told the Japanese authorities a crew member had stolen a cow and took it aboard a plane. He said the cow caused such a ruckus on the plane they had to drop it, fearing the plane would be destroyed if they didn’t. Unfortunately, I guess they should have looked before they dropped. The cow was released at an altitude of 30,000 feet over the Sea of Japan. I guess fishermen in that area should be aware a cow could fall out of the sky at any time.

There have been several times when a red liquid has fallen over an area and when it was tested it turned out to be blood. It happened in Columbia, it happened in Africa and in other places. No one ever found out why it happened or where the blood came from. Some people believe it was a message from God telling them to mend their ways.

In 2009, it rained in Scotland. Hey, so what it rains every day there? I have to tell you this was not ordinary rain, as a matter of fact I guess one could call it extraordinary rain. The rain was composed of jellyfish and to make things even stranger the National Geographic Commission sent scientists to investigate the rain and they were unable to find any DNA in the jellyfish. The jellyfish are known as “Star Jellyfish.”

2015 was not a good year for one business in London. It was just an ordinary day and suddenly a dead man fell onto the roof of a business and got lodged in their air conditioning unit. Was he the victim of assassination, did somebody throw him out of a plane or helicopter? No that is not the way things went. It was discovered the poor guy was a stowaway who was sitting in the undercarriage of a plane. This was not the first man to fall out of the sky over London, the same thing happened in 2012 when a stowaway from Angola fell. When the landing gear goes up and down people can fall and people can die from lack of oxygen who are on the landing gear as the planes ascend to a high-altitude.

How would you have liked playing golf in the San Juan Hills golf club in California when a shark fell out of the sky? This sounds like something out of the movie Sharknado. The shark was a small leopard shark. The staff picked the shark up and put it in a golf cart, dumping it into a bucket of soapy water which actually kept it alive. There were puncture marks on the shark’s body which indicated it had probably been picked up by a predatory bird and may have been too heavy to carry very far.

There have been a lot of things falling from the sky which look like man-made objects. A lot of them are probably satellites or pieces of them in orbit which have been up for quite a while and are disintegrating and banging into each other.