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Did We Come from Mars and Are We There Now?

Many people believe signs of life have been found on Mars, but kept secret. There are also others who think life existed there, but it died out. There are plenty of theories about life on Mars including one which is getting quite popular with some people, which states we came from Mars. Lastly more people today think we are already on Mars and have been there since the mid-1960s, even before we landed on the moon. While some might say this makes no sense others will talk about secret military space programs which were supposed to be cancelled and weren’t. We know there have been people who work for NASA who claim to have seen humans walking on Mars. One would have to wonder why they would lie about this. The truth is they probably wouldn’t and I am sure a lot of pressure would have been put on these people to keep quiet.

We carbon based life forms keep talking about water being necessary for life. There might be more types of life forms than just carbon-based ones and these life forms may require no water at all. Recently I have seen articles by scientists claiming all alien life forms will be similar to us. One thing which bothers me is when scientists make statements like that, because many people will believe them when in fact they have no idea what type of life is out there. Sure, some or even all might be carbon based and might even have bodies similar to ours, but we don’t really know, do we? One would think these guys know something about alien life we don’t, but even if they met hundreds of aliens who were something like us this would not mean there weren’t others who were so different from us we wouldn’t even know they were life forms. They could be so different they couldn’t live on earth, because it would be intolerable to them. Maybe they couldn’t stand the temperature range or the atmosphere. Even the gravity might not be enough for them or too much.

How would life have gotten here from Mars? We like to think about a grand story where humans on Mars realized their atmosphere was failing and they used some type of spaceships to evacuate as many people as they could to the closest planet which had a similar atmosphere. Some scientists have said there is proof of us coming from Mars in that we have back trouble because the gravity on earth is stronger than Mars and we weren’t built for it. But is this how we would have gotten here? According to “The Express” some scientists found a microscopic rock which was releasing biological material. Several scientists said they believe it was sent to earth to seed the planet with human life and was created by an advanced race. Could that race have been living on Mars? This is one way to ensure the continuation of a race.

*There is an off and on theory about water existing on Mars either now or in the past. The presence of water makes scientists excited since they feel it means life could have existed on Mars as I said before. Curiosity, the rover which is on Mars recently was told to drill a hole. This was only the third time since it has been on Mars. It was said it dug into a rock, a rock which had originally been formed from mud, which scientists say means water was present. The drill found a chemical which is one of the building blocks of life. There is a problem with this however. When a craft is sent to a planet its contents are sterilized. The drills on the Curiosity rover never received the final sterilization. What this means is even though we are finding things like this on Mars, the drill might have contamination on it from earth and that is really what we are looking at. It is strange scientists never mention this. NASA says they tested the bits in a clean environment even though this final sterilization wasn’t done. Unless the room was sterile and not just “clean” how can we ever be sure about what we are seeing?

Life as we know it lets off methane. Humans and animals give off methane and methane was detected on Mars about five years ago. When the Curiosity rover was exploring the Gale Crater the amount of methane detected jumped by a factor of ten. This lasted for about two months. We know some animals give off a lot of methane. Some scientists say cows are responsible for a good portion of global warming, because of all the methane they give off. Methane had also been detected on Mars near some caves which made some scientists wonder if those caves could have animals in them. It has also been said there is an atmosphere on Mars, but it is only viable for about a little more than a foot off the ground, but this might be high enough to allow small animals to flourish. There could be a problem with the methane idea, because it can be caused naturally by a geological method, however this could mean water was causing this.

One theory about life on Mars states as the atmosphere began to get peeled off by the solar wind, life would have moved underground. If this was true there could be entire civilizations under the surface. This theory is not held by very many scientists. Many people who are interested in the subject and have read a lot on it think there are ruins on Mars and point to things like the pyramid and face for example. In the Cydonia area are many freaky things, such as what seem to be glass tubes big enough to run a train through and all sorts of rubble which look the remnants of buildings. It is said there is even a field full of mechanical parts and there is a robot head there.

Has there been life on Mars in the past or are there some living beings there now we don’t know about? I think the case for the past is stronger than the case for beings living on Mars now. Could we have people walking around on Mars and is what we are told about radiation there just a bunch of bunk to keep us from even thinking we could be there? Maybe. It will be interesting to see what happens when private companies get to Mars. Will they be completely controlled by government secrecy?

*Update: Scientists are now reporting they have definitely found water on Mars and a lot of it.