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Solving the Riddle of the Universe

We are on the verge of finding out a lot more about our universe. Previously we had to rely on telescopes which have many limitations, even though they are incredible tools. Recently we discovered gravity waves and many scientists believe this breakthrough will allow us to listen to the universe and maybe even hear those very first noises which were created by the Big Bang, if indeed there was a Big Bang. You have to excuse my skepticism when I say things like, “if there was”. There have been so many different theories about how the universe was created one can never be exactly sure the latest theory is correct. Since so many other theories, some of which look very credible, have come and gone it could only be a matter of time before the Big Bang theory hits the dust. It could turn out gravity waves might prove this theory is wrong. Our brains are really not equipped for some of the things which we might find out when we delve into the creation of the universe.

An example of this was a recent article which appeared where a scientist believed he might have proof of parallel universes existing. We tend to think of the universe as an infinite amount of space which is full of all sorts of objects. If there is an infinite amount of space how can there be more space next to it? Science according to Einstein believes space is not infinite. An example of this is a theory which Einstein put forth which stated if you shot a beam of light out into the universe eventually it would come back, because the universe is curved and is not infinite. I as an ordinary person have had a lot of trouble imagining this. Maybe we are too smart for our own good. A fish in the ocean probably thinks the ocean goes on forever, if it ever thinks about it at all, yet we know there is a limit to the ocean and if we think about this analogy and apply it to the universe, could it be there is also a limit to the universe? The problem I have with this is if there is no more space, what is there? If the universe is curved, is it possible to break out of it and if we did what would we find?

If there are parallel universes are they right up against our universe or is there something in between our universe and the next universe? Could it be there is some sort of barrier between universes which we will never be able to cross even if parallel universes exist? Maybe we are looking at this the wrong way and there are no parallel universes at all, but galaxy formation goes on forever. We think the universe is only stretched out to a certain point, but how do we know if this process has been going on throughout an infinite universe or not? Some of the things we might find as we are able to see further out might be completely different once we get past where our universe has expanded to. I say our universe, but what I am talking about is I am assuming for now the Big Bang has sent material out to a certain point, but there could be surprises for us past that point.

We could find out space goes on forever, but there is nothing past our expansion and yet evidence seems to indicate there is something there and it is pulling us toward it. We think we know what are the most powerful things in our universe. We call them black holes, but just because we have discovered what we believe are black holes doesn’t necessarily mean more powerful objects are not waiting to be discovered. Perhaps they are not in our visible universe. Maybe they are waiting for us just past it. If they are, could they be the destroyers of all matter. If they exist we know they are very powerful or we would not be pulled towards them. Could it be the universe gets recycled every so often? Maybe all matter is smashed back into its most primitive form and squeezed until it explodes again. There was a theory which was very popular at one time and it had to do with the universe expanding, slowing down, falling back on itself and then re-exploding. This theory fell out of favor when we found out the universe was not slowing down expansion but was speeding up. Perhaps it was partially correct in its assumption that everything eventually gets crushed and starts all over. From our point of view it is really nothing to worry about since even if it is true so many billions of years will have passed that we won’t even be memories anymore. The universe is like a gigantic puzzle, but it is so complicated we may never completely understand what is going on. It just doesn’t seem there could be more than one of these fantastic universes around, but things have been discovered lately in science and astronomy which indicate the way we think about things might be entirely wrong in some instances.

If some of the things which are being discovered in science were known about a couple of hundred years ago they would have certainly been thought of as witchcraft or black magic. Some of the things which happened in quantum physics certainly fall into that realm. Are we getting to a point where things are so complicated we will need artificial intelligence to help us discover what is really going on? It could be, especially since we are already heading down this path. We can teach artificial intelligence to study the problem and come up with the conclusion no matter how bizarre a human might think it is. In this way we may discover things about the universe which we could have never dreamt were true. It seems it is getting harder to keep an open mind about what we are discovering, because of it seems absurd on the face of it.

Now that we have discovered gravity waves and are on the verge of quantum computing, we are going to find out a lot more about the universe. We may find out things which will upset us and things which will bring us closer to the creator. We are finding out there seems to be some sort of grand plan behind our universe and perhaps we can find out more about it. Discovering what is going on with the universe and how it was created is probably one of the hardest things humans could ever tackle. We will probably find out many other races have come and gone and it will be our job to keep the human race going as long as we can.

In the long run we may find things which will help us with problems on our own planet, that is if we last long enough.