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Indications of Intelligence on Mars

What is going on with Mars? As the years go by NASA seems to be releasing some information which they may have been reluctant to release in the past. They have just stated Mars may have been habitable for a much longer period of time than they had suspected. What could this mean to us as a race? As I have said in the past it could mean we came from Mars and left when things got bad, or at least some of us left. This would explain the mysterious sudden appearance of humans on earth. Assuming we have not secretly gone to Mars yet, what might we find when we get there? We could find the remains of a human civilization so old as to dwarf the age of any human civilizations on earth.

I would like to go over some of the things which have been pointed out about Mars since we started sending probes there. The first thing has to be the face on Mars. When the first photo came back to earth of the face on Mars it raised quite a stir. I can imagine how upset the people running NASA were when they saw it. NASA has never wanted photos to indicate intelligent life and they have proved this many times over by altering many photos which seem to indicate this. The face on Mars upset NASA so much they took more pictures of it with other probes and altered those pictures to reflect a pile of dirt. At the time those pictures came out there were some very angry scientists who claimed out of the two hundred and fifty-six colors which should have been in these pictures only sixteen were left, the rest had been removed to create the effect of a mound of dirt. The face and a pyramid appear in the region of Mars known as Cydonia. It is known there are a lot of strange things in this region and it would seem to be one of the most interesting places on the planet and yet this is not where the Mars Rovers were sent. Why is that? Could it be there were too many indications of prior life in that area?

Let’s say for the sake of controversy there is no face on Mars, would that be enough to lose interest in the Cydonia region? I have to say no because of the fact there is a huge pyramid there. What could be more interesting than investigating a pyramid on an alien world? But it isn’t only the pyramid on Mars that is in this area, there are all sorts of other things which suggest there may have been intelligent life on Mars at one time. Long glass tubes have shown up in many of the photos of Mars and these tubes are big enough to contain transportation, such as some sort of train. Could there have been a thriving transportation system on Mars at one time? I can’t help but feel NASA will either try and avoid this area of Mars or keep everything they do there secret, because there were just too many clues which seem to indicate it was once populated. There seems to be ruins all over the Cydonia region of Mars and they certainly look like the remains of buildings. I saw one photo which contained a cornice and the way it was carved there was no denying it.

One of the things I’ve noticed is we seem to always go back to the face on Mars when dealing with NASA. The face photos which were taken later are always referred to when you try and talk about something else that was found. You will hear someone or see someone say in text, “oh it’s a trick of light just like the face on Mars!” I think the face is brought up so much, because it is being used as a smokescreen to stop people from talking about other photos which show some very interesting things and might indicate either life existing now or in the past. While Cydonia is the most interesting part of Mars to me, there are certainly other areas which contain things that are also interesting. One photo I have seen shows what looks just like a one-story building made out of stone. It has a doorway, slots for windows and the roof. It is sitting out in the middle of a field at a slightly higher elevation. This doesn’t look like just a pile of stones, but a purposely built dwelling.

I could cite the fact many faces have been discovered on Mars, but I hate to do that, because the eye has a way of making us think we see faces where none exist and it doesn’t just happen on Mars, but also on earth and even the moon to mention a few places. When I refer to things on Mars, I like to refer to things which are more substantial. Some photos of Mars which were taken in rocky areas show what look like arrowheads and spearheads. We have found similar places on earth where a sort of Neolithic arrowhead factory existed. Could it be primitive intelligent beings were doing the same thing on Mars which we have discovered them doing on earth?

Other photos have been taken which seem to show the skeletons of some type of animals, which would mean life could have been quite diverse at one time on Mars. If I am wrong about humans existing there perhaps these bones might indicate there was intelligent life but it was different from ours. One of the things I would love to see explained is the fact rectangular building blocks have been found strewn across large areas. There are also many photos which seem to show fossilized bones in different places and these bones include skulls. Could it be they are bones or are they just weatherworn rocks? Let me put it this way, while they could be rocks they certainly don’t look like them.

I believe if we were to go to Mars today and check for bacteria the planet would have already been polluted by bacteria from the probes we have sent. While it is true we try and sterilize everything before it is sent there, scientists have admitted on at least one occasion they missed sterilizing parts of the probes and maybe even the rovers. Here is a question for you, if one is a firm believer in evolution will these microbes someday lead to the development of intelligent beings on Mars? We may have colonized Mars for its distant future by sending those microbes there.

Mars is a fascinating place and we can almost be assured of the fact it will be terraformed and colonized sometime in the future. It is fascinating to think when we finally do get there archaeologists might find relics of an intelligent past. What would really be incredible would be to find human images of one sort or another, images which were far older than the human race on earth, because this would be an indication we really did come from Mars.