Things We Can’t Explain In Space I don’t know about you, but I have a hard time thinking I live in a hologram. It seems that more and more scientists are starting to lean that way. If this turns out to be true than just about everything we have said we learned about space would be incorrect. If they are correct we are only perceiving distances which don’t really exist. This would mean the theory of red shifts which states the further away something is in space the redder its light gets would also be in error. Most people in the world believe in God. I am one of them and I guess for people like us, it might be a little easier to believe the universe could be a hologram, but even for us it would seem if it is artificial, it would have been built up in a much more advanced way. People seem to be more comfortable when they talk about things by referring to the technology of their time for a solution. If we were back in the time of the ancient Greeks they might have said the universe was made by a god who used glass balls and put them into the sky. I can’t help but think how disappointed astronauts might be someday if they travel to a point in space and find it is only some sort of projection. We have found out some very strange things about space and one of them is gravitational lensing. This has to do with something in space projecting a copy of something else in space which exists such as a star into a different area and sometimes into more than one area. What we perceive as a hologram might be caused by some phenomena in space copying light from entire galaxies and shining it into other areas which technologically is a projection, but may have nothing to do with a hologram. How do we know huge swaths of space have not been gravitational lensed into other areas and just seem like holograph projections? Science has a long history of jumping to conclusions and later correcting those ideas and this could be just another one of those times. If I had a nickel for everything about space we don’t understand or have not yet discovered I probably would be very rich. You constantly hear that light travels in the universe faster than anything else. Einstein stated nothing could go faster than light. I wonder how many people know that a few scientists have managed to create pulses which travel faster than light in a laboratory. One thing I know is the faster we go the more protection our spaceship will need. Can you imagine trying to avoid obstacles when you are traveling at 186,000 miles per second or faster? I guess the key will be we will need at least two things. The first has to be a shield which will protect our ship from tiny objects and a detection system which will detect things far enough away to allow us to change course to avoid them. Just about everyone knows we have to travel far faster than light speed to reach even our nearest neighbor in a reasonable amount of time. The nearest star system is 4.2 light years away, so we wouldn’t want to just travel at light speed. If we take the 26 nearest star systems into account, the furthest star would take 11.7 light years to reach and this is just our nearest neighbors. We need speed and a lot of it or we need to find some other method to get where we are going. When we talk about things we can’t solve, one of them closer to home is the illusion of the moon’s size. There are times when the moon looks far larger than it should in our sky. This has been attributed to several different reasons. It has been called an atmospheric effect, but that has been debunked. We know this is an illusion, but we really don’t know why. Why can’t what seems like a simple problem be solved in our modern world? That is the question and yet we have no answer to it. Scientists have said they cannot account for about 3/4ths of the missing matter in the universe. According to all calculations it should be there yet we cannot find it. They have called this missing matter, dark matter. Maps of dark matter have been created, but no one has ever seen dark matter so this is basically an educated guess which could be wrong. Some scientists are now saying the missing matter could be inside black holes. If I understand black hole theory, most scientists think there is a white hole at the end of a black hole and the white hole is where all the matter the black hole is sucking in is sent to and some say it could even be dumping matter into another dimension if another one exists. Sometimes scientists find their calculations are wrong and the result is what they were looking for doesn’t exist. One has to wonder if this is what is happening here. When we hear scientists talking about multiverses, wormholes and such, we have to realize this is just pure speculation. Yes wormholes were predicted, but none have been found and certainly if multiverses do exist we have no evidence. It is almost as if someone sat in a chair and decided what he or she would like to dream up and then made a statement about what they thought about. One might as well say the earth exists in several different locations in space with the same people on it. This is almost the same as the multiverse theory except for the fact that theory states there is a place where other earths exist and where every possible decision which could have been made has been on one of these worlds. It makes for good science fiction as it did in Sliders the old television show, but it doesn’t seem to hold much water as they say. Here is something we don’t hear much about, but some scientists believe in. They think Mars and the Earth were once one planet and somehow the earth split into two parts and one part became the Red Planet and both had life on them. It has been claimed that earth lacked some of the chemicals to provide life, but Mars had them and therefore had to be part of the earth when life developed. Could this prove Mars and the Earth are older than first thought and when we date them we are only dating them from the date they split? Lastly why do some images taken by NASA or the Hubble Telescope show strange images. Below is an image taken by the Hubble telescope of the Eagle Nebula M16 and SSC2005-23A Nebula. No change has been made to it except it was rotated and a circle was put around the area which shows what many people are saying is a human face and perhaps 19th century clothing. How does one explain this?
A lot of people called into NASA about the face. Not everyone can see it however. It is in the upper right part of the photo |