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Rosetta And Comet 67P

One of the most incredible space accomplishments in many years and maybe even the most accurate probe landing in space history has been accomplished by the European Space Agency. The news is all over the television and the Internet, but it is hard to find out what is really happening. The truth is twenty years ago a whistleblower came forward and said a radio signal had been heard coming from Comet 67P. As soon as he said this he was crucified by almost everyone who either ridiculed him or claimed he was a liar. Well guess what? The European Space Agency, ESA has not only admitted there is a radio signal coming from the comet, but has recorded it. They claim it is below the range of human hearing and have increased the frequency so we can hear it. The radio signal is being called a beautiful song.

It is being said the radio signals were already heard for over 20 years so they were well known as coming from this body. The anonymous whistleblower came from the ESA. An author named Scott Waring cited this whistleblower and claimed the radio signal was the true reason for this mission. The Huffington Post writer Michael Rundel wrote something to the effect if the comet was emitting radio signals why has no one else been able to tune in and why did the U.S. leave the mission to the ESA instead of NASA? I guess this reporter feels pretty foolish now. The probe itself is named Rosetta and it has taken 10 years for it to reach the comet. Much of that time was spent in hibernation. This means ironically the equipment on the probe and lander are seriously outdated compared to what we have today. This is one of the problems with long term missions, as they take place, technology is advancing at a break neck rate.

There have been stories about NASA finding a radio tower and a UFO next to it on the comet, but again this was ridiculed incessantly. I do find it very strange a UFO which is so far advanced in technology would be erecting a radio tower which must be an antique technology to any aliens using it. Here is the address of a photo showing a UFO on Comet 67P, http://exonews.org/rosetta-comet-radio-signals-ufo-claims-spark-controversy/. You can copy and paste this to your browser. (Sorry About Facts does not post live links). Does this mean aliens are using radio signals, because they know this can be picked up by us and they are announcing their existence to the earth in the form of a song as suggested by some? There is no way NASA would ever go along with this publicly so they are saying it is some natural event causing the radio signal. This was totally expected even if an FM station with a 100 foot flag waving in space was found.

Could we be looking at this thing from the wrong perspective? Comets are objects which usually go through the solar system in a sort of oblong orbit which means they come back at a later date. If a society was about to end and they wanted to leave evidence of their presence and accomplishments before they disappeared and get it to future races on its planet, what better way to do this than set up a comet with this evidence, because it will keep coming back and when the new population of the planet they were on become technologically advanced enough, they might investigate a comet which was putting out a signal thus revealing the true history of a particular planet. Could this comet contain equipment that prior humans who inhabited the earth set up so future humans would know about their past?

There is another theory and it is even more far out than the one above. There are some people who believe the Comet is actually a spaceship. They claim the signal is being sent to let us know it is coming and some think it might mean they want to meet us, they are in trouble or they are the survivors of an earthly race who prepared the comet for human habitation because there was some emergency on earth and they had to get off and there was no suitable place for them to go at the time so they turned the comet into a spaceship. The guesses don’t stop here. How about this one, we were the original passengers on the comet and about 100,000 years ago we escaped to earth and that is why modern man appeared around that time. This knowledge was long forgotten and now the comet is back again. This comet comes around about every 6.45 years so one has to ask the question how many times has the signal been picked up from it or did it just begin to start broadcasting a few orbits ago? There have been scientists who picked up signals they couldn’t explain in the past, could this comet have been the origin of these signals. The comet was discovered on 20 September 1969 so if it would have passed before emitting its signal, the origin of the signal might have been a mystery.

In 1899 the electrical genius Nikola Tesla picked up a mysterious radio signal. This is approximately the time this comet would have been in the area. Could the signal he received have been coming from this comet? It does make one wonder what is going on in space doesn’t it? Recently there were photos posted on the Internet of an asteroid which seemed to have artificial structures built on its surface. Is there a lot more out there we are not aware of? Some have said if we knew our true position in the universe and how it was teeming with intelligent life we couldn’t handle it. I think this is nonsense and I believe humans are prepared to meet other races if they exist, but the real question is are other alien races` prepared for us. We are not exactly peace loving.

There is one more thing I would like to talk about and that is why NASA didn’t go to this comet if radio signals were coming from it. The reason could be very simple, we already went there secretly and if anything existed on the comet which would have proven alien life, we removed it. If anyone realizes the way this country operates this should not be a surprise to them. This is especially true if we really do have a secret space fleet which many suspect is out there. Maybe it is time for a closer examination of all comets and asteroids which come into our space.

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