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Secret Manned Space Missions

I would like to ask you all a question. It is designed to get you thinking, not to provide me with an answer. The question is if many things in the government are secret and more areas are getting secret every day, do you think it might be possible there have been manned and unmanned space flights we don’t know about? If you said yes, you would be in the majority. According to what I could find out, many more people believe there have been secret space flights than don’t believe this. As a matter of fact if you investigate this you will come up with a raft of articles about it. I have believed it for many years and think the secret missions go back much further than we suspect, perhaps even before we publicly made the first manned launch into space. It wasn’t only the U.S. who had secret space launches, but also the former Soviet Union.

There is a story about a German named Otto Fischer. It states that on October 29, 1933 a report in the London Sunday Referee stated that Mr. Fischer had been launched inside a 24 foot steel rocket and he flew to a height of six miles. The report went on to state that his brother Bruno Fischer was a rocket designer and had designed the rocket Otto had flown in. It is said this was the second attempt at manned space flight and the first one ended in a fatality. The article stated the launch was carried out under the auspices of the Reichswehr, which was the German War Ministry. The rocket came back to earth via a parachute. The flight lasted 10 minutes and 26 seconds. On his successful return to earth Otto was quoted as saying, "When the rocket left the ground I was conscious of a deafening roar and an unbearable weight seemed to be crushing me against the floor of the rocket. Then I lost consciousness for a moment, due to the tremendous acceleration which drained the blood from my head. When I came to my senses and looked at the altimeter before my face it flickered at 32,000 feet and then began to drop rapidly. I had completed my climb and was descending. . ." Over the years it has been said this story was twisted out of recognition and this is not the way things happened, but there is no denying the article so who really knows the truth? Maybe Yuri Gagarin was not the first person into space if you consider 6 miles of altitude space.

Many people routinely believe it was either a Soviet rocket or an American rocket which was the first to reach space, but the truth is the first rocket to reach space was a German V-2 A4 rocket launched from Peenemünde, the area where most of the German scientists and engineers were gathered during World War II. The launch took place on October 3, 1942 and the rocket traveled 118 miles. The rocket had been designed by Wernher von Braun the Nazi we put in charge of our space program after the war.

The Soviets are said to have launched two manned space missions before Gagarin was launched and returned. If this is true what happened during those two missions? First of all let me state that so far hard evidence of these missions hasn’t been found, but this could be due to their secret nature. One mission was said to have taken place in December 1959 when Aleksei Ledovsky was launched inside a converted R-5A rocket. It is said he died along with three other cosmonauts who were subsequently launched and they were Andrei Mitkov, Sergei Shiborin and Maria Gromova. This information was obtained from a high ranking Czech Communist who leaked it. Other cosmonauts died on the ground during tests.

The United States Air Force ran a program Called Dyna-Soar and even trained an astronaut corps. They were planning to send a manned orbiting laboratory into space and use military astronauts. The target date was between 1965 and 1967. The laboratory was to be called MOL or Manned Orbiting Laboratory. The real question is did the military really shut down the program or did it become what is known as a “black program”, one which is hidden from the public and one which receives all the funds it needs secretly? We were planning manned space flights as early as the 1950s under Dyna-Soar and Project Horizon and these programs were separate from the one we knew as Gemini and Apollo. If these programs became black they would have had quite a head start on even the Apollo missions and might even account for a secret American space fleet today.

If we talk about secret American space missions and there were probably many of them using the space shuttle program. The space shuttle itself was a brain child of the engineers in Germany during World War II and was adopted by us and it took until 1981 for us to get the space shuttle going, that was 36 years after World War II ended. The U.S. Army had a plan, they wanted to put an outpost on the moon by 1966 and had a project to do it called Project Horizon. The official word was it never materialized and yet there have been many photos taken by probes which were circling the moon and have photographed what looks like a large base on the moon. Many believe we carried out these plans not only on the moon, but on Mars as well. In 1989 the U.S. Air Force announced again it was shutting down another space program which was running parallel to NASA. It turned out the Air Force had trained 32 astronauts of its own. Again the question has to be asked, did these programs actually shut down? It doesn’t look that way. Here is the creepy part of all this, the Air Force’s program had been secret until it announced it was shutting down. Strange, very strange.

If the United States and the former Soviet Union had secret space programs or at least secret manned launches, who is to say some other countries didn’t have the same, many to a lesser degree? Could the British, Canadians or Chinese have had secret space missions? I think one has to consider who had the technology and I have to come to the conclusion that while this may be true now, it wasn’t true during the Cold War era. When I look at the expense of space missions and the size of the United States debt, I realize we could be in this position at least partially because of a secret space program. As I have said in the past many times, we are a nation of secrets so it shouldn’t surprise us if we already have had secret manned mission to other planets and the moon.


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