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Strange Space

The more we explore space the stranger are the things we are discovering. Take Ceres for example. There are two very bright areas on the dwarf planet. They are so bright they are off the scale. Ceres has the distinction of being a dwarf planet. Classifying bodies in space has become very confusing to me and I bet to others. Who is to say what is a planet, what makes it a dwarf planet and shouldn’t some of the objects we call planets be called moons? Let me explain what I am talking about. If one takes Pluto as an example they find it was a planet, but now is a dwarf planet. What makes this so strange is our moon is bigger than Pluto. Apparently size is not the criteria to distinguish between a planet and moon. Some might say a moon is a moon because it orbits a planet. I find that a bit strange and here is why, if a planet is vaporized and only the moon remains, is it still a moon or does it become a planet, because it now occupies the orbit where the planet was? How do we know some of the objects we call planets were not moons themselves? Taking this a step further how do we know that some of the objects we call moons were not once planets and got pulled into an orbit around another body? Lastly what is the defining mass which decides whether a body is a planet or dwarf planet? Did you know our sun is considered a dwarf star? The reason why seems very strange to me, but it is because it is a main-sequence star and not a giant and it gives off an average or below average amount of light. Wait a second is a dwarf star an average star? See what I mean by confusion with classifying heavenly bodies.

It looks like the theory of interacting worlds is taking hold again. Quantum theory is so complicated that Richard Feynman a noted American theoretical physicist stated, "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." Yet scientists are working with this every day and basing many theories on it. One of the ideas which sprung from this is the idea of parallel universes. Here is one of the reasons quantum physics is so hard to understand. It is said each universe branches into a group of new universes when measurements are made. Every possibility is said to exist. It is also said if you watch an experiment in quantum physics the result will be different than if you don’t watch it. Ordinary people such as myself can’t really understand these things, but when I hear scientists who work in this area every day don’t understand them it make me wonder if the reason is they are wrong in at least some of their assumptions about quantum physics.

Why is it taking us so long to get to Mars? When we first landed on the moon in 1969 scientists were predicting we would go to Mars in the next decade. As we know it never happened, or did it? There are quite a few people, educated people, who think we did and kept it secret. A former NASA employee claims there was a secret manned mission to Mars and she saw men walking on Mars in 1979. She stated she was downloading Viking lander data for NASA when she noticed the cameras had picked up two men walking on the planet. She said she was not alone and there were six other people in the room who also saw this. The woman called Coast to Coast AM to tell them her story some 27 years later. Here is what she told the radio station she saw, “Then I saw two men in space suits - not the bulky suits we normally used, but they looked protective. They came over the horizon walking to the Viking Explorer.” This former NASA employee had no reason to lie. This would mean our entire NASA space program is a sham and designed to keep us from knowing about the secret one. This has been suspected by quite a few people for a long time.

One of the things I find fascinating about space is the fact objects can get ejected from their solar systems and even their galaxies. There are rogue planets and stars which were blasted out of orbit and travel the dark lanes between galaxies and also travel through galaxies. We are now finding out there could be other objects this has happened to. A new type of supernova has been seen, but scientists are not sure that is what it is. They think it could also be a black hole which is a rogue black hole. That is one which was blown out of its position and is traveling in space. Yes I know everything in space is traveling, but this is different. This object could be traveling on its own. Even though science is almost sure black holes exist, there is the slightest possibility they could be wrong or what we think of as black holes are something else. The scientist who thought this was a supernova was shocked to find telescope images of the object from the 1950s. Supernovas don’t last that long. This is the reason for doubt.

The radio signal which came from the Rosetta comet is not being talked about anymore. Scientists were stunned when it was first picked up and conspiracy theorists were hot to call the comet an alien spaceship. I would have liked further investigation, though I doubt any advanced race would use radio signals to communicate unless they wanted to contact a much more primitive race such as ours.

Some scientists claim that black holes have something secret inside them and that object is the remains of a star from which they were created. The scientists who espouse this theory are saying once the black hole evaporates the star can emerge again. They have named these stars “Planck stars”. I have always heard that anything which goes into a black hole is crushed and probably comes out the other end as light. This theory is amazing in a way since it means some objects could survive the extreme gravitational pressure of a black hole. Some scientists believe when a star is at the end of its lifespan, under certain conditions the internal pressure might be sufficient to resist its own gravity and the star then collapses under its own weight forming a black hole.

Some scientists think there could be ripples in space time and they are determined to look for them. They take this a step further and think there might be some strange stars in these ripples which are made of material completely different than the material which makes up the rest of the universe. There is a type of matter known as a strangelet which scientists think might be the building blocks for these stars, but their existence is still a matter of debate.


