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Hidden In Space

Recently there has been some talk about how aliens might cloak their ships to hide them from us. Some of you think UFOs are real and piloted by aliens, while others do not. I think on last count there were slightly more who believed in the former. There is always the factor of ridicule which might make someone say they didn’t believe when they really did. It seems there may be a lot of objects hidden in space and some seem to be alien while some are ours. The first thing I would like to mention is what an investigator called a cloaked space station. It is said to be further out than the ISS (International Space Station) and uses a new type of invisibility technology and is hidden from both visual scans and radar. Some say we have put the space station at a Lagrange point. A Lagrange point is a spot where an object would seem stationary, because the gravity of the Earth and Moon would be equal keeping the object stationary or it could be because of equal gravity between any two objects. You can see the location of the Lagrange points by copying this address and pasting it to your browser: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrangian_point.Β  Sorry, About Facts doesn’t use live links. Sorry About Facts does not use live links.

One of the problems I have with this theory is the Lagrange point for the Earth and Moon is further away than the moon. It seems to me it would be easier to just put a station on the moon. This is why I do not believe we have a space station at the Lagrange point. This is not to say we don’t have one in a higher orbit which is hidden from us, this is quite possible. It also doesn’t mean some other space power doesn’t. We all know the Russians were quite prolific at launching space stations and for all we know they might have one we don’t know about. Our government has been accused of hiding a fact. Yes a fact, but an important one which had to do with an object in space and the object was a planet.Β  In December 1983 NASA stated they had observed a planet at the edge of our solar system using an infrared capable satellite. It had been detected two times in six months and was said to possibly be the size of Jupiter. It was said the object was so cold, it didn’t cast off any light which is the reason it was not detected before. The large object or planet was reported to be moving in our direction. NASA stated there was no evidence the object which many called Planet X was out there.

A scientist stated he had found evidence in the fossil record that every 26 million years there is a mass extinction on Earth and suggested it was caused by an external force such as a large planet. His theory stated Planet X passes through the Ort Cloud at the edge of our solar system every 26 million years and disrupts it, causing comets and asteroids to be knocked loose and hit the earth. Others believe the planet is Nibiru and ancient Sumerian records indicate it appears every 3,600 years within our solar system. If this were correct we are due for a close pass by this object which could cause havoc on Earth. This could be a very valid reason for the government to hide this fact since there is nothing they can do about this anyway and hiding this fact would prevent panic. Once scientist stated what we call global warming is really the effect of Nibiru getting closer. He also suggest the Earth will be caused to flip and humanity will be wiped out. Wait a second, the earth was not wiped out 3,600 years ago, so why think it will be this time? Could this be the reason for all the underground construction going on?

A government whistleblower testified there is a large amount of extraterrestrial craft docked on the dark side of the moon. He went on to say the government knows about this and is puzzled. A report on IN5d.com stated a scientist was able to see massive three dimensional structures in space using a large telescope at the MacDonald Observatory in Texas. It was said as they traveled our way one could see a shield around them which seemed to deflect particles from hitting their hulls. When they got 200,000 miles past Mars they disappeared from view. Actually many others saw these objects in 2012 and 2013 before they disappeared. There were stories of invasion and so forth at the time, but thank goodness they never came to pass. So where did these objects go? One scientist stated they have reappeared and are hiding behind the moon and we are keeping it secret. Supposedly we know nothing about them or why they are here. The whistleblower says the information about them is being kept from us as not to destroy society. I am so tired of hearing this excuse. We have the right to know what is going on, if anything.

For years the United States has been accused of hiding a space fleet. We know British hacker Gary McKinnon stated he found a US government website which listed the names of our spaceships along with the names of the officers on them. Where would we hide a fleet in space? I guess the capability of the ships would have a lot to do with this. They could be hidden on Mars, or the dark side of the moon. Maybe they are even hidden in space and cloaked. There have been many different reports of strange sightings in space over the years and possibility some are due to our own spacecraft. Humans have been back engineering crashed UFOs since the 1930s when one crashed in the woods in Germany. One has to think by now we must have some proficiency in this area. Space is a very big place and if the ships are fast enough they could be even hidden on the moons of other planets.

Will there be an announcement someday which informs us we have such a fleet? I think it is only a matter of time. It seems we have never been able to keep a secret from the Russians or Chinese so one has to wonder why it is so important to keep secrets from us? If we have a space fleet why not admit it, could it be because it violates some treaty? As for aliens being in space, so what? Everyone knows there are billions of planets out there and because of that there must be other life.


