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What Is The Truth About The Solar System?

There have been many accusations made about what we are being told about space and the planets. If we were to believe all of them we would have to come to the conclusion things are being hidden from us. Let’s start with the sun. We have been told the sun operates by burning hydrogen. We have accepted this, but maybe we shouldn’t have. The reason the sun is still burning is it doesn’t burn at all. It is a ball of gas and nuclear fusion is taking place. Recently NASA has captured photos of objects going through the sun and coming out the other side. The UFO community says they are UFOs in the sense they are alien ships of some kind. While there is no specific proof as to what these objects are, it would seem to indicate the theory of the sun being a giant gas ball would be correct, perhaps except for the core.

We have been told the first planet from the sun which is Mercury is so hot on the side facing the sun no one could survive there and the side facing away is so cold the same is true for human survival. There is more to Mercury, it has been said there is a zone between the hot and cold side where humans and others should be able to survive temperature wise. Mercury has a surface-bounded exosphere which contains hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium, calcium and other things. An exosphere is basically a thin atmosphere. Mercury may not be as dead as we think for a couple of reasons and they are the atmosphere, even though it is very thin, the habitable zone if indeed it exists and the finding that water ice might exist in craters where sunlight never penetrates.

Venus is the second planet from the sun. Some have said it resembles hell. It has the densest atmosphere of the four terrestrial planets, tremendous pressure on the surface and extreme heat. We are told nothing could live there. There have been some reports of strange lights coming from Venus. These lights seem to be coming from inside the planet. Could an underground civilization live on Venus? This has been speculated by some for many years. Venus is almost the same size as earth and if itΒ  is sufficiently hollow it could make it habitable. Why is it the experts hardly ever mention those mysterious lights, which are seen coming from the inside of the planet from time to time?

The moon is perhaps one of the more mysterious bodies near us. It certainly is strange that we have stopped sending people there, when it is practically around the corner. As the earth runs out of minerals the moon is just sitting there waiting to be mined. One of the problems is we have been receiving strange reports about the moon. There are so many strange ones they are impossible to keep secret. There are the secret conversations about what was on the moon by astronauts which were being sent back to Houston and intercepted by ham radio operators, which stated there were UFOs on the moon. There were reports of bright lights coming out of craters and huge structures on the moon, which were in ruins. Report were made of debris fields filled with mechanical parts and even a robot head. Then there were the photos from NASA which seemed to be trying to hide the fact some of the craters had ruined glass domes over them. Are secrets about the moon being kept from us?

As strange as what we have heard about the moon is, Mars the fourth planet from the sun is the one which to me has the most secrets. There have been allegations by former NASA workers they saw people walking on Mars while they were watching their monitors. These are not the only allegations, there is a laundry list of them. Let’s start with the fact there are those who claim Mars does have an atmosphere and we could breathe if we were on Mars. It also seems Mars contained a civilization at one time, because the planet seems to have all sorts of ruins on the surface including pyramids, statues, parts of structures and what could even be the remains of the former inhabitants. I have seen a lot of strange things in official NASA photos, things which could not be adequately explained. One photo had a clear foot print in it of a dress shoe, another showed something even more incredible, a cigarette butt from a filtered cigarette. If spacesuits were necessary to negotiate the surface of the planet, people would not be able to smoke in them, so what does this tell us? It seems to solidify the fact there must be some kind of atmosphere suitable for humans. When the large Egyptian type face was discovered on Mars, it was supposedly proved by later photos to be a mound of dirt. Many scientists went nuts, because the later photos had been reduced from 256 colors to 16 which meant much of the data had been left out of the photos. There seemed to be no reason for this except to destroy the shape of the head. Glass tubes have been found running across the surface of Mars and many think they were part of some former transportation system. It is interesting to note Elon Musk is going to build a hyperloop which is a train inside of a tube where the air is drawn out allowing the train to reach incredible speeds. Is this what the tubes did on Mars? It seems far too much has been hidden about Mars.

Once we get past Mars there is not much to say due to our lack of knowledge about what is past it. We know there are dwarf planets in the asteroid belt. The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter. There are strange bright marks on Ceres one of the dwarf planets there, but as of the writing of this article we don’t know what they are. There has also been a couple of reports from investigators who think they saw alien structures there, but that is easy to imagine when photos are enlarged, due to the blocky nature of pixels as they get bigger.

We have far more moons in our solar system than planets. To be exact 176 have been discovered so far. Phobos and Deimos orbit Mars and are small bodies. There have been many investigators who claim they have found Phobos to be hollow. Soviet Air Force Colonel Marina Popovich went on record saying this and added it was an artificial structure. Two and a half years ago the European Space Agency confirmed the moon was hollow and also said it was artificial. It is amazing how this information hasn’t reached the general public. Could it be because the U.S. media is controlled by only a few people who are told what to print?

If we could only get humans out into our solar system in some sort of vehicle which would have reasonable speed to explore the place and who are not sworn to secrecy, we might find out what is really out there.


