Truth Facts



Mysteries of Mars and Earth

There is so much news that a statement made by Elon Musk was hardly reported, so here it is. Mr. Musk said he believes humans can be landed on Mars in about 4 years. I can’t resist what I am about to say and that is I bet we have been there already. It seems to me it is too great a prize for us to just be sending robot landers there. This is just how I feel about things, but there were a couple of NASA photos which show a human shadow behind one of the rovers and the semi-famous photo of a cigarette butt. They could indicate two different things, The first is we already were on Mars and it has an atmosphere, or the other is the Mars photos were faked by NASA and taken in an earth desert somewhere.

I have to admit I like talking about Mars because not only would it be better fitted to human physiology than earth if it had an atmosphere, because the gravity would be better for us and eliminate some of the problems with such painful human childbirth, but it would also eliminate many of those lower back problems. As I said before many times, our biological clocks are tuned much closer to Mars than Earth.

There are quite a few mysteries just waiting for us to solve them. One is where is all the methane coming from on the planet? It has been detected near the cave systems on Mars. This leads people to think there might still be life on Mars and in could be in caves. Better yet, this life might be underground and the caves might lead to some incredible destinations. One thing which would be very disappointing to me would be if in the future we found out we have secret bases on Mars. I am a firm believer space travel should be an open book, which seems to go against what many governments believe.

I want to see us go eventually to all the moons and planets in the solar system before we venture out past them. This is not the current thinking of how things should be done. Witness the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes which were  sent out of the solar system way back in 1977 only 1 year later than the first landers on Mars in 1976. People may not agree with me, and that is okay, but I feel the effort would have been better served if we had put this energy into solar system exploration. The Voyagers won’t even reach the closest star for about 73,000 years. Hopefully, we will be able to fly there in a very short period of time before that.

Can you imagine the first time we gain the ability to travel at light speed and decide to go on a long duration trip to Alpha Centauri and after they have flown for a couple days, they pass the Voyager space craft and one astronaut says, I wonder what they were thinking? Waiting 73,000 years for results is a bit too long for me, how about you? How long is  too long when planning a project? I think scientists have to sit down and think about how fast technology is advancing and try not to schedule scientific results in space travel more than maybe 20 years in the future. Even if we don’t have light speed by then there are newer rocket systems coming down the pike which are capable of faster speeds. This has to be taken into consideration.

Another thing which should be considered is the fact whatever we build right now will never make it over thousands of years in space. Look at all the problems the Boeing rocket had trying to just get to the space station. Does any one believe a computer on a rocket flying for thousands of years won’t have a problem? Just think about your computers at home and how many times you had a computer problem over the years. It is absurd to think those voyager probes will still be working after 77,000 years. I think they won’t even survive physically, the voyage is just too long. Say they do survive, what will even be their use? If the human race keeps advancing, they will be a joke, if we no longer exist there won’t even be anyone to care about the Voyagers. I think there is a good chance they will be forgotten somewhere down the line. We could even have colonized Alpha Centauri way before that time and would be receiving our own probes.

Did you ever wonder if we were more advanced than we are today? I have expressed the idea we could have come from Mars, but there is another idea which could be a possibility, we might have colonized Mars in the past. That would also account for the familiar ruins, statues, pyramid and face on Mars. When we talk about things there always seems to be other possibilities than the ones being put forward. Yes, Mars could have been a destroyed human colony and this would fit in with some ancient stories of ancient nuclear attacks on Earth and on Mars. We really have no other way of figuring out how a certain element found on Mars which is only created in a nuclear explosion was found in the atmosphere of Mars and I think in the soil. A couple of ancient cities on Earth seem to show the results of being nuked and ancient Indian texts talk about this when nothing should have been known about nuclear blasts and the results on the human body.

There are mysteries which just cannot be explained and this is what makes our planet so interesting, among other things. I always get the sense if we knew all the answers to what has transpired on Earth, we would be very surprised and maybe even in a state of shock. One has to  wonder why so many answers are being kept from us. Is one of those things advanced technology humans have already created in the distant past and may have been punished for and blown back to the Stone Age as a few people believe? Could it be a possibility the human race exists on other planets and some of us were brought here to repopulate a failed human population and before that could happen the Neanderthal race had to be wiped out and that is why they disappeared 50,000 years ago? Will we ever get all the answers?

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